Monday, October 14, 2013


On a different note,

Have you ever stopped to ponder the amount of the word "Water" used in our common vocabulary? You hear it in regards to the weather, the health benefits, its affect on the world around us, and so on. We are made up of like 80% water, the world is covered by 70 or 80% water, and it has a daily impact on our lives. Yet, it kinda slides under the radar, and I believe it deserves even more credit!
I personally drink quite a bit of water, it has become a staple in my life and I definitely see many benefits to it. Think about it... most of water we do daily or physically is expending water. Sweating, going to the bathroom, or it flushing out the bad stuff within our internal systems. Very important to our day to day lives. Hence why I am so shocked when I hear how much water people DON'T typically drink. I think the recommended amount is like 9 or 10 cups a day... to me, that is Minimal!! If we know our body cannot live or function without it... Why are we avoiding it? Shoot, for me as a singer, I cannot live without it! Hydration is what will save you from hang overs, dry throats, joint aches, head aches, and so on.
As much as physical water has such an incredible impact, I am reminded of the Living water that I also would be nothing without. The Lord provides us living water, His spirit, His words, His Love, His Grace, and much more. Scripture speaks of the living water being Poured out into Us, those who seek Him! Those who desire Him in their life will be filled! As we look around we see so many temporal fulfillment's, and None can compare to spiritual revitalization! Just like working out, we are invigorated by water!
Our spiritual walk must be sustained by living water! By the daily renewal of our hearts towards the Provider in our Savior. We need physical water to survive, and we need Living water to Live in this world. We can then pour our love into those around us!
Think about it, I'f I am running on empty in this world, how can I invest in the world I live and those around Me? The Lord provides, that we might pass it on! Drink your water, it will change your physical life immediately! Allow the Lord into your heart, seek Him, and let Him fill you!! Then pass it on!!

Good day & God Bless,

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