Monday, September 30, 2013

No pain, No gain...

On a different note,

Hopefully we have all been through enough in this life to know the growth that comes through persevering. As much as we hate to admit it, we realize it takes the failures, hurdles, and heart ache to learn life lessons. Fortunately, we can look to Jesus and be reminded of how bad it really could be! And that this life for most isn't as horrible as it may feel in the moment. For me, I've learned to acknowledge and accept trials, knowing them as a constraint versus being surprised or naive.
The term No Pain No gain in the gym echoes in the minds of any of us who desire and put effort forth in being healthy. We realize there are sacrifices, physical pains and denying our carnal desires in order to get results. Well, how far off of life is that? Is it not the same? Having a healthy life requires us to make large sacrifices for the better good of our families, marriages, and hobbies. We go through heart ache in our every day lives, but push through again for the better good. And we are spiritually asked to put aside selfish goals and put others first to create a better world. This life is Not for faint at heart... giving up is Not an option! Thankfully we have a supplement which is so powerful, so full of strength, Grace and Love!!!
Let me give You another analogy... In working out, we are told to go to failure... the reason is as such: We push our muscles to failure, which literally is tearing fibers within our muscles. Our body then sends blood to that area to begin healing... So, over the course of time, we are building new, fresh, clean, and strong muscles. Well, as we go through life we will be tested... we will be brought to our knees... we will endure failure... BUT, the Love of the people around us provides comfort, peace, love... and the Blood of our Savior begins healing, transforming, and replenishing our mind, body and Spirit. Our greatest nourishment comes from our Father in Heaven!
We work towards a balance, a loving and sacrificial life for the better good of the world we live! It will grow us, challenge us, and require us to make sacrifices... but the end result is something worth shouting about! a Life of Love, Strength, Comfort, Power and Healthy reflection!

Seek to be healthy inside and out, knowing the sacrifices, but still knowing the reward far exceeds the pain to get there!!

Good day & God Bless,

Friday, September 27, 2013


On a different note,

There is a term you hear within the music business, as well now in business circles. "Collaboration"! It's a newly used word for a concept that originates at our inception. Unity, Body, Family, and so on. We were created to live as one group... Individuals choosing to Live together, One Mind and One Accord!!
As an artist, I find such fulfillment in working with other artists. It's the feeling of being part of something, of doing my share, and of feeling like You have worth. In ministry I felt the same way! As a believer, I feel the Same way!!! So, if we break it down a little further we will find that when we operate as an individual, by our selves (Self) we do not find as much fulfillment in the world we live. We are selfish by nature, so collaboration is definitely going to take a conscious effort.
In my latest collaboration, I had a part to complete in the song. The other artists also had a piece of the puzzle to accomplish. In our day to day, we also have a place in God's plan for the world we reside. We just have to be willing to do our part for the better good! I see this principle all through God's work, message, words and reflection. We must choose to put Our personal desires for the good of the world we live! Believing in a Higher goal, a bigger plan, and a much more fruitful outcome!
As humans we are ALL seeking fulfillment, to belong, to believe, and find purpose! Be Willing to put aside the "Me" for the "We"! Seek out the ways to collaborate at work, home and in your daily lives... and find much Love, fruit and accomplishment together!

Good day & God Bless,

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Daily choice...

On a different note,

So often the terms "Intent" and "On Purpose" take hold of my thoughts... The idea of All of us making choices, decisions, and efforts with a purpose versus random and half heart idly. We take so many things for granted, and we allow life to just flow by instead of taking our life by the horns! 
We have things at our disposal that only require us to make a choice... How interesting and awesome is that!?!?! We have the opportunity to LOVE and receive Love for Free! It is a gift we can bestow on everyone we choose to! And the power that comes from this gift is insurmountable! Love moves mountains, Love resolves differences, Love changes peoples hearts, and Love is the reflection of sacrifice! We have been created with Love in our hearts... of course the world transforms, weakens, and depletes our energy at times... but we must make the choice to resurrect it! We must push through the circumstances of this world, and get back to the gift of Life & Love!!

1st John 4:7-8 “Dear friends, let us continue to love one another, for love comes from God. Anyone who loves is born of God and knows God. But anyone who does not love does not know God--for God is love.”

We also have the gift of Free Will... The choice to live a life of purpose spiritually! A God who created us in His image provides us the opportunity to approach Him in Love... Promising to change our very path on this earth! So often we hear people complaining of their lives, what they have, where they are, and the answer has been right there all along! But because of Pride, they aren't willing to put down their plan to get in line with the very Creator! 
We have the opportunity to Live a life on purpose, one of intent and fruitfulness! It takes a choice... life is gonna be a challenge regardless, wouldn't it be better to walk the path that was made for Us? Every day We must make choices... set a reminder for this one!! 

Good day & God Bless,

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Everyday requires Prayer...

On a different note,

Today is the day kids across the globe join around their school flag pole in unison to prayer for their school, our country & communities. It is a reflection of their heart and understanding of the need for prayer and God's hand in our lives. It isn't about converting people, or changing people, but acknowledging the Lord in our daily lives. I commend the day, thought and participants... but we should also keep this mindset year round! WE must make these choices, and sincerely believe in the value of it!
These kids are showing maturity and boldness in their faith... this Will make a difference in the world around them... It will have an affect on their school... Good, bad or indifferent, they are stepping out for Change, for Love, and for Communion. We must be willing to set time aside to communicate intimately with our provider, we must be willing to stand up for our faith in Love, and we should know by know the need for His intercession.
They gather around the flag pole, which is a symbol of our Country, our Government, and their School leadership. The pillars of our communities need help to make decisions... we can blast them, refute them, disregard them, or bash them because of their stances. But we should also be seeking ways to help them, guide them, and encourage them to make the right choices for our children, communities, and country! Are we part of the problem or solution? Remember, as I said early... We must understand the value of intercession! Ergo, if we want to see change in our government, schools or communities, it must come from above! Plain and simple... so, WE ALL must pray and be part of the movement!
May the Lord bless these children, the future leaders of our communities!! May His love fill the ears & hearts of the communities today!! Thank You for standing up for Me, My Family and My country!!

Good day & God Bless,

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


On a different note,

Periodically I am reminded of a foundational factor in our daily decision making. As we go through our days and weeks we should be seeking and asking for the Lord to shine a light. Asking Him to pave a way for our future, to intercede, and provide us a path He would have for us. Asking is the easy part! We must be sincerely and truly ready to move when called... to relinquish, to make sacrifices, to allow for growth and time. Meaning, our willingness allows Him the opportunity to create a new path for us!
The desire of our Lord is to have us seek Him out... to look to Him in the storms, and to give Him glory on the mountain top! Hopefully we are doing All of these, not just the "gimme, gimme, gimme"... but the key to our asking will be the faith and belief that goes with our plight. We should sincerely believe and trust in His plan above ours.
I remember times early in my walk, where I asked for His hand in my life, but I had an agenda or plan of my own. So, I wasn't really asking in line with His will... Which in scripture says, if we ask In His name, His Will, it will be done! So many factors in our walk go back to relinquishing our perceived control... and Allowing Him to work on our behalf!
Trust takes time, Faith takes trials, Sanctification is a life long process... Our goal... to be WILLING to let our personal agendas go, to get in Line with His will for Our lives, and seek Him out for guidance and fulfillment! This is Not always easy, so today I was reminded myself... so, I figured I could pass on His reminder... We ALL need to be Willing to let Him lead! Sit back, and watch His Awesome-ness!

Good day & God Bless,

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Order Up...

On a different note,

You've probably heard me say it before, but its a thought that floats around my head & heart continually! I do my best to hold on to the resonating feeling of putting others first! I can look back over the years and reminisce of the happiest moment in my life. Most of them involve making, seeing, and being part of someone else's elation! Now, as a believer, this looks to be exactly the path the Lord desires for Us.
Let's be honest, society is "Self-Serving"... What can I do for Me! Go a head, take a minute to think of the world's biggest issues... derived from Pride! Power, Greed, and so on! Now think of the people who have a large positive effect in this world... People who provide, give, and sacrifice! Awesome right!?! Life shouldn't be comparable to a drive in diner! "Have it Your way!"
Christ was sent to pay the price for our sins... a horrific thought, yet one of the ultimate sacrifice and Love. For Us! I don't know about You, but I know I am not worth all that!! But we are loved that much!! And what are we asked in return? To turn around and give to others! To be concerned for others, to help provide for others, and to LOVE others above all else but our creator! SO, for me, I'm not surprised that giving is so fulfilling and heart warming! It's part of the divine plan!! Look at Christmas, and the way it changes the way people interact... it's the Joy of giving... infectious, invigorating, peaceful, etc... they don't say "Joy to the World" for nothing!
The reality is, this should be the way we operate throughout the year! We should be putting others first, we should be seeking opportunities to be the hands of God, and to make it a priority to put others above ourselves when given the opportunity! Give and receive the Love back 10 fold!!

Good day & God Bless,

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Happy Face...

On a different note,

It's funny, because I try to be positive, encouraging, up lifting and reflecting of God, it seems I don't have the opportunity to be human at times. Hehehe... Meaning, people expect me to be Smiley, Happy, and Positive ALL the time, when really it is something I strive to do. My decision to emote a positive vibe in the world I live is a choice, a reflection of the Love of my Faith... Doesn't mean it's easy all the time! Trust me, there is a reason humility is one of the largest components in our walk!
It was the understanding, the recognition, and conscious decision to start living as the Lord would have me. None ever said it was easy!! It is actually contradictory to my family curse of being stubborn, opinionated, and defensive... So, I know 100% is the Lord's work in my heart, the Spirit who allows me the opportunity to reflect Him! All I have to do is be willing, and make the choice daily, hourly, to be His vessel.
If You were to ask my family, my wife, and those who have known me longest, I'm not sure they could provide an always glowing representation... LOL... BUT, I would bet they could share a story of growth, wisdom, and maturity that has come from my walk with the Lord. I have made choices based on His teaching/leading to Not be who I was... to be a new man, reborn in His image! I was tired of offending people, and wanted to Lift other Up!! It was something that was very strong in my heart and it spurs me even today! God provides us gifts, and Yes... being positive, encouraging is a gift! And I savor it and I am grateful for it!
I have my moments... ok, ok... Days... used to be weeks... But the Lord continues to work IN me, Thru me, and despite of Me!! So, instead of giving me ANY credit... Just give a Big hug and we'll both thank the Lord for His willingness to dwell in Us as shining lights on the hill!!

Good day & God Bless,

Monday, September 16, 2013

Write Your story...

On a different note,

How would stories, songs, books, poems, manuals or blogs get written if not for an author. Like these examples, we also have an Author & Creator. Sooo, why do we try and navigate this life without His input? How can we truly find a well thought out plot for our existence without going to the source?
We have a perceived control as humans beings... we take all the credit for the Good stuff and blame God for the bad stuff! LOL... Pretty funny is you ask me! What I learned After giving my life over to the Lord, was that I was making selfish choices, living a live without boundaries or accountability. This pretty much equates to chaos! Once I found my spiritual path in the Lord, my life took on a whole different story. Instead of wasting time, energy, emotions, etc. on creating a self reflective out come, I began living for others. I allowed the Lord to lead, guide, and shine a light on a new road. It has been amazing!!
We all have dreams, we all have things we desire and want to accomplish! Without a well thought out plan, our efforts could be wasted on a dead end road. We know in life there will be villains and monsters, that without some help or at least filters to view the world through; we could end up in trouble! The Lord wants us to be happy, the Lord also has a plan for Us... But it is our choice to co-write our lives with the Author or go through life trying to avoid writers block!
We can have a Thrilling Life, We can be part of a Romance Comedy, so let's not wait til we're part of a Cliff Hanger to call out to the Author of our very existence... That way our lives can be Best Sellers!

Good day & God Bless,

Friday, September 13, 2013


On a different note,

Tis Friday the 13th, which to some equates to the most unlucky or luckiest day of the year. Personally I do not believe in Luck! Not that every single moment has to have a specific meaning, but I do not believe we should rely on random chance to live our lives. If You work, you get paid, If You practice, you get better, and so on... Stop waiting for DESTINY, and Go make One!
So many people sit around waiting for something to happen, versus making the choices & decisions to get the results in their life. We can look to win the lottery, or get involved in pyramid schemes, but the bottom line is it comes down to creating opportunities. Yes, I do agree that unless an opportunity is given, the end result may not be as planned. But I also know that if You are not preparing for that opportunity, you may miss it or not be ready regardless!
We must set goals, clarify our objectives, and work towards them... knowing it is going to take time, effort, sacrifice, commitment, and support. I have been in music now for close to 10 yrs, ergo this is not LUCKY shot. I work at it every single day, as if a full time job... probably even more emotionally connection. I made a choice to enter the US Army to get a career started, which is still providing today! God spoke to my heart once I was willing to let Him in!! I now make choices involving His Will, His Plan, and His Love! Luck is a word for those who are waiting for a random good thing to happen in their life... We ALL seek fulfillment! AND, the clock Hits 3pm twice a day... but with those odds, you'll have a pretty miserable life waiting!
Don't wait on fulfillment, but take the steps to secure a prosperous, fruitful, enjoyable life on this earth! And if You truly want movement, get in line with the One who provides... befriend Him and watch Your life be Full of Love!!
Happy Friday the 13th, maybe it be better than the last one! Hehe

Good day & God Bless,

Thursday, September 12, 2013

A Virtue...

On a different note,

I was thinking this morning of this thing they call Patience!! And How it has always been one of my biggest struggles. I typically and moving at 150mph, so slowing down was hard for me. We've all heard that Patience is a virtue, well that seems to make it even more unrealistic... hehehe... Virtue: Admirable Quality.
I guess I can just add it to the other list of qualities I have been hoping to learn!
I will say that I have a seen a huge growth in this manner, it's only at certain times that I actually notice it. Example: Driving. I am an assertive driver, some say aggressive... LOL... None the less, It is something that I have felt my anxiety & emotions out of sorts at times. So, I notice when I am able to relax, let others in front of me, and not stress of time to destination. That is growth for me!
The Lord has removed and redirected many areas of my life. He has transformed me into a new man. Someone I wanted to be for years, even in areas I didn't know I needed to upgrade. These areas were on my mind, they made me feel defeated, stressed, guilty, ashamed, and so on. The Lord is the one who changed these areas in my heart! I knew in my mind that I needed to change, but didn't have the ability or understanding to do so. But over the years of my walk, He has been transforming me... He has been allowing me the opportunity to reflect and emulate Him! It has been the most amazing thing!
I give God so much Glory, so much credit, so much Honor because He deserves it! He has shown me things I could only dream of... and I know it sounds funny, odd, hokey... But I would hope my openness & sincerity would reflect otherwise!
Virtues come via a choice of righteousness... By choosing to be a better person day after day! And Allow the Spirit of the Lord to intercede and transform your life!

Good day & God Bless!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


On a different note,

You hear that artists should stay current, fresh, and up to date. I would agree with that sentiment for probably different reasons. I believe we should be growing continually, that we never get to a place of "Being There" or "Making It"... The goal should be to challenge ourselves, to be conscious of our surroundings, and not be "OK" with complacent. I also know in my spiritual walk, the Lord doesn't seem to want me to get lazy or too comfortable either. Our time is too valuable to sit and gloat, or worse to sit and pout.
I believe to be successful the eye on the goal should ever be moving... We should have achievable goals, but our goals should also be updated and added to. Otherwise, why are we here? Part of sanctification is knowing we are faulty... thus, shouldn't we be pondering, self-analyzing ourselves and our surroundings?
They call it "Artist Development" at the beginning, but I think it should be ongoing. Redefining, pushing ours creative juices, our performance, and our reflection in the world. We are given a voice, a platform, a gift, or a talent... How many people You know had Talent, and squandered it? How so we ask? Because they were complacent in their gift! They did Not add drive, sacrifice, perseverance and many more attributes to the equation. The sat back thinking they Already had it!!!
Don't be just fine with the minimum, don't take a God given gift and assume that's enough... don't Wait for your dreams, Go get em! They are there... waiting... You have the opportunity to be fresh, anew, and better each day! But, it takes effort! Other will support You, life You up, and encourage You... but YOU have to be the one to step out towards it!

Good day & God Bless,

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


On a different note,

As a boy, I remember making the decision to Not make promises. After years of lets down, unfulfilled in expectations, I determined it was best just to express a desire to provide for a given situation. We do Not have total control over this world, ergo how can we sincerely say we will or won't do something. Example: If I say "I will be there tomorrow at 5pm, I promise"... and, I get a flat tire, or a train comes, or etc, etc, etc... Even though my intention was to be there, I did not fulfill my promise. This of course doesn't take away from good intentions!! It's a reflection of where we put our faith, trust and expectations.
In scripture it speaks of putting your home on the rock, versus the sand... as the sand moves day by day, but the rock is firm. The only constant I have ever seen in my Life is God and the affects of His Love in peoples lives. Ergo, I have put my Life in His hands... I seek His way for my life! Trust me, this doesn't mean You can't have a normal life, it means the foundation of your thoughts, decisions, fulfillment are rooted in Him! My material things have been provided by Him, My Job, My money, My Marriage, and my Music all have come by following the path He had for me... by the way, now typically an easy road to follow. Meaning, I am human... thus not always easy to stay on the positive, Love filled, and righteous road... But that is what keeps me humble, broken and at His feet.. thus, on His path!!
We must understand that people are inconsistent, unpredictable, and unable to fulfill promises & expectations. That is not a dig, or a negative reflection... its the Truth. We must learn to set our course, seek our fulfillment, and gain our value from our Father in Heaven. It takes the weight of the world off our shoulders! He is my Rock, He has never changed, and I have the opportunity to draw close to Him! It's on Us to make the choice to Live with Him... He stands at the door and knocks, but we must let Him in!

Good day & God Bless,

Monday, September 9, 2013

Father knows best...

On a different note,

This morning I will be meeting with my son and His school in regards to certain behavioral aspects of His day to day activities. In this I am reminded of the Goal of my role as His father, and the Love, Correction, Guidance & Love my Father in Heaven provides me. And honestly, sometimes in my moments of parenting, I wish I had His patience, sympathy, grace and mercy!
Scripture talks about those who are above correction or feel they do not need help. When we All know our own deficiencies, and we could ALL use a helping hand. Sanctification is not only a life long process, but a painful endeavor that can only be accepted once You know the True Love, Salvation and end result of our walk. It amazes me that He is willing to forgive, forget, over look, and have patience with my short comings. That He loves me so much, he's willing to take His time and peel back the layers of my carnal nature. As we see this unfold in our lives, I can say for me it is inspiring. It drives me to reflect the Lord, it drives me to emulate Him as a father, a husband, friend, and so on. Our children will also look to us for that very same guidance!
As we do with the Lord... our Children will look to us as an example... We seek God with doubt, selfishness, and hesitation. And once we begin to draw close to Him, we see the Love that is behind His correction. We see the path He has for us, once we have aligned with His goals... Tis the same in parenting! We must look to emulate the Lord in our lives that the Love might supersede any doubts, that our Grace will fade the hurt that comes through parenting. We have been provided an opportunity to be successful in all areas of our life... All we have to do is allow the Lord to permeate our day to day activities, our ongoing thoughts & decisions, and seek to deflect the Lord He shines down on us to ALL those around us! Then we will know the feeling of Victory!!
We have a Father who loves us unconditionally, which we can only dream of. We are His children, and We in turn can grow and emulate Him in our day to day... just as Our Children will do by Us! Reflect LOVE in your Life, Reflect Him in your day to day!! See the fruits of this in generations to come!

Good day & God Bless,

Friday, September 6, 2013

By Nature...

On a different note,

1st Timothy 1:16 “But that is why God had mercy on me, so that Christ Jesus could use me as a prime example of his great patience with even the worst sinners. Then others will realize that they, too, can believe in him and receive eternal life.”

I wanted to start today by sharing my favorite passage. It is one of self-recollection, self-reflection, humility, gratitude, transparency and Grace. Once I truly had the relationship with the Lord, I knew the amount of sacrifice, Love, and Grace that had to be provided to myself and all others within His children. It is something that carries much weight as far as shame and guilt go... well, I should say at the beginning of our walk it is a hard revelation to receive. 
Once we realize the sin we are born into, the carnal nature of our very existence, we can begin to piece together a picture of Godly Love, Fatherly Love and one that can only be provided by the One who isn't human. We don't Love like that typically, nor do we have the ability on a consistent basis... BUT, once we start to create a relationship, we then begin to reflect and emulate His Love! Amazing! 
We are broken, we are sinners, and we will screw things up... even on purpose at times... but He already sent Jesus to die... the debt has been paid! He asks for our focus, our communion, our intentional Glorification... We must give Him the Glory, Honor and Love that He so easily deserves. Knowing the debt He paid, makes it easier to accept my brokenness... which also keeps me at His feet in thankfulness. I stand strong in my faith know the things I could not do on my own... I live in Love knowing the Love I am provided daily... I seek to give Grace to others because of the Grace I received!! Yes me, the worst of the worst! 
I share His name, His Love with others not because I'm religious... it's because of the incredible relationship He has allow me to share in... One of unconditional Love... I share it because it is the most amazing things I've experienced on this earth! That IS worth screaming from the roof top! If You do not know Him in that way, I urge You to start by seeking Him, speaking to Him... He'll help with the rest!! 

Good day & God Bless,

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Be Prepared...

On a different note,

Imagine winning the Lottery! I know, right! Would be such a relief, would take away all our problems, and we wouldn't have to work! Hehehe... Not sure I 100% believe that, but it would for sure change our lives! Unfortunately the odds are against us, and that it not a realistic life plan. And I almost feel guilty even thinking it from a work ethic perspective! Life takes work, doesn't mean we can't be happy in what we do. Hopefully WE are all working on a plan for our lives, and Yes I would LOVE for ALL of us to have a career, occupation that fulfills us!!
Our world  is built on "Now", "Me", "Fast" and so on... Lets be honest here, that most things that are rushed, self focused, and not planned out tend to not be the best decisions. Lets look at History and see how things are trending out in the success corner! Hehehe
It took over 30 years to build a pyramid, 12 years to graduate High School, and even the Son of God was 30 before he began preaching... Any who, we can see that things do not happen over night, at least not things of quality. We have been brain washed into the "Get Rich Quick" schemes of this day and age... Our money, our Health, Our Food... We need to get a hold of our lives, and began changing the culture around us. We must begin living our lives on purpose, with intent! Can we not be realistic in our decisions?
The Great things in this world take sacrifice, no "And's, Ifs, or Buts"!! Eating right, exercising, paying bills, communion w the Lord, years of practice at your hobby, and so on! Once we can take that as a "Known" we will be much happier... We won't have skewed expectations!
Life is a journey, full of trials, full of mountains and valleys. Let's prep for a hike, and enjoy the scenery!! God made us a beautiful path!!

Good day & God Bless,

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

What now?

On a different note,

Life is a journey, thus we have a choice... to stand in one spot, and waste away, or to step forward in life seeking opportunities to LIVE while we can! Time ticks, life goes on, regardless of circumstances. 200 years ago, 2000 years ago, people struggled with the same issues, just different details. Our jobs will be filled or reclassified once we're gone... So, I ask... What are You doing Now?
We've all heard of living for today... the "What If?" scenario... But what if (hehehe) I asked You what are You leaving behind? Or what did you miss out on? What didn't You do? What was something You wanted to do, that now has passed and the opportunity is been given to another. I have lived a full life myself, and have few regrets in regards to Giving life a try. Sure, I have regrets on How I might of handled the situation, but look at it this way... I've tried it, I've done it, and if given the chance again... I might even be successful this time! Those that never tried? Never had the chance for Victory!
I'm not saying YOU have to move to Hollywood and try acting... but maybe I am... You can take calculated risks, and we can prepare for our journeys...Whether it be creating a relationship with the Lord, whether it be starting a new job, or whether it be meeting a new partner... I ask everyone the same... "Is this where You want to be?"... Have You stopped to ponder your life right now? I call it Living on Purpose... Catchy, right?
My faith in God allows me not only opportunities, but strength in stepping out of the boat. I cannot fear TRYING Life. I can be scared of the results, but it shouldn't a deterrent for not trying. And I should be wise enough to stop and ponder the reasoning & results! What now? What mark will you leave? What COULD Your life hold? For me, I seek the path of my creator that I might not carry the burden as much. But I step out in Life, in Faith and in Victory! Whether I am successful or Not! Because it's the Effort that already made me a winner! Come on... Let's do this!!

Good Day & God Bless,

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

By Grace...

On a different note,

It's rather ironic, the confidence I can only find in the Lord. I have screwed up so many things, hurt so many people, and yet the Lord continues to use me. By the worlds standards, I would be considered unworthy, damaged goods, and for sure not a reflection of Love & Purity! My favorite passage is 1st Timothy 1:16 for that reason... He isn't looking for perfection, shiny happy people... He's looking for those who need sanctifying, changing, fulfillment, and the utmost grace!!
I failed as a young father, I have failed as a husband, I have failed at pretty much everything "I" tried on my own! This I am willing to stand and say, which again seems a bit unorthodox. This is also the very reason I took me so long to give my heart to the Lord, knowing it was Home for me! I made the worldly, selfish, easy decision to just keep living for me! Thinking I could do it on my own!! Well, let's be honest, we are raised to "Make It" or "Get Through It"... Not to rely on anyone, never mind someone who possibly created Us.
I am a Godly man today, after years of Him choosing me, after years of failing, but also after Years of seeing Him intercede in my life! Over & over! Using me in the most inopportune times!! THAT is what gives me Hope, Faith, and LOVE for my Savior! Not because someone said I should!
I now take on His reflection as my own, ergo my desire and motives have changed... Now I know what it is like to live in Victory!! When I lived for me, all I know was pain, suffering, & unfulfillment. I implore you to keep striving for a relationship with the Lord, to seek our that intimacy which allows His intercession! I don't need to get into the Law, unless You are able to live in the Love by which He chooses to provide! The successes I have are based on the LOVE, Grace, Mercy, Forgiveness, Opportunities, and Reciprocation HE provides! And Only in this revelation will I be able to continue to stand firm in Faith!

Thank You Lord for drawing me in, for investing in me, for putting up with me, and having the patience to let me crawl onto the Path You had before me! It's is Not forgotten!

Good day & God Bless,