Thursday, September 26, 2013

Daily choice...

On a different note,

So often the terms "Intent" and "On Purpose" take hold of my thoughts... The idea of All of us making choices, decisions, and efforts with a purpose versus random and half heart idly. We take so many things for granted, and we allow life to just flow by instead of taking our life by the horns! 
We have things at our disposal that only require us to make a choice... How interesting and awesome is that!?!?! We have the opportunity to LOVE and receive Love for Free! It is a gift we can bestow on everyone we choose to! And the power that comes from this gift is insurmountable! Love moves mountains, Love resolves differences, Love changes peoples hearts, and Love is the reflection of sacrifice! We have been created with Love in our hearts... of course the world transforms, weakens, and depletes our energy at times... but we must make the choice to resurrect it! We must push through the circumstances of this world, and get back to the gift of Life & Love!!

1st John 4:7-8 “Dear friends, let us continue to love one another, for love comes from God. Anyone who loves is born of God and knows God. But anyone who does not love does not know God--for God is love.”

We also have the gift of Free Will... The choice to live a life of purpose spiritually! A God who created us in His image provides us the opportunity to approach Him in Love... Promising to change our very path on this earth! So often we hear people complaining of their lives, what they have, where they are, and the answer has been right there all along! But because of Pride, they aren't willing to put down their plan to get in line with the very Creator! 
We have the opportunity to Live a life on purpose, one of intent and fruitfulness! It takes a choice... life is gonna be a challenge regardless, wouldn't it be better to walk the path that was made for Us? Every day We must make choices... set a reminder for this one!! 

Good day & God Bless,

1 comment:

  1. You mention all of the things love can do. I believe that love can heal the body physically as well as emotionally. We entered this world with unconditional love. Love of self is very important, because when your cup is full of love you can share this love with everyone around you. Many people have experienced a glimpse of this love and still do not fully understand. It is infinite and too beautiful to be explain in words. If you sit still long enough you will feel the rhythm of your heart and feel this beat inside of your soul giving you life. The love inside of every single one of us is right under our noses, waiting for us. When we experience this love all of our questions are answered and suddenly life begins to run effortlessly. As our hearts opens up to love, we start to notice and appreciate the small things in life. For example, the beauty in the leaves of a tree blowing in the wind and the ants moving in formation on the ground. When we take the time to sit in solitude we discover the love that is all around us. It is also where we feel the love of God within us and everything around us. This unconditional love that always was and always will be. :-)
