Tuesday, September 10, 2013


On a different note,

As a boy, I remember making the decision to Not make promises. After years of lets down, unfulfilled in expectations, I determined it was best just to express a desire to provide for a given situation. We do Not have total control over this world, ergo how can we sincerely say we will or won't do something. Example: If I say "I will be there tomorrow at 5pm, I promise"... and, I get a flat tire, or a train comes, or etc, etc, etc... Even though my intention was to be there, I did not fulfill my promise. This of course doesn't take away from good intentions!! It's a reflection of where we put our faith, trust and expectations.
In scripture it speaks of putting your home on the rock, versus the sand... as the sand moves day by day, but the rock is firm. The only constant I have ever seen in my Life is God and the affects of His Love in peoples lives. Ergo, I have put my Life in His hands... I seek His way for my life! Trust me, this doesn't mean You can't have a normal life, it means the foundation of your thoughts, decisions, fulfillment are rooted in Him! My material things have been provided by Him, My Job, My money, My Marriage, and my Music all have come by following the path He had for me... by the way, now typically an easy road to follow. Meaning, I am human... thus not always easy to stay on the positive, Love filled, and righteous road... But that is what keeps me humble, broken and at His feet.. thus, on His path!!
We must understand that people are inconsistent, unpredictable, and unable to fulfill promises & expectations. That is not a dig, or a negative reflection... its the Truth. We must learn to set our course, seek our fulfillment, and gain our value from our Father in Heaven. It takes the weight of the world off our shoulders! He is my Rock, He has never changed, and I have the opportunity to draw close to Him! It's on Us to make the choice to Live with Him... He stands at the door and knocks, but we must let Him in!

Good day & God Bless,

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