Wednesday, September 4, 2013

What now?

On a different note,

Life is a journey, thus we have a choice... to stand in one spot, and waste away, or to step forward in life seeking opportunities to LIVE while we can! Time ticks, life goes on, regardless of circumstances. 200 years ago, 2000 years ago, people struggled with the same issues, just different details. Our jobs will be filled or reclassified once we're gone... So, I ask... What are You doing Now?
We've all heard of living for today... the "What If?" scenario... But what if (hehehe) I asked You what are You leaving behind? Or what did you miss out on? What didn't You do? What was something You wanted to do, that now has passed and the opportunity is been given to another. I have lived a full life myself, and have few regrets in regards to Giving life a try. Sure, I have regrets on How I might of handled the situation, but look at it this way... I've tried it, I've done it, and if given the chance again... I might even be successful this time! Those that never tried? Never had the chance for Victory!
I'm not saying YOU have to move to Hollywood and try acting... but maybe I am... You can take calculated risks, and we can prepare for our journeys...Whether it be creating a relationship with the Lord, whether it be starting a new job, or whether it be meeting a new partner... I ask everyone the same... "Is this where You want to be?"... Have You stopped to ponder your life right now? I call it Living on Purpose... Catchy, right?
My faith in God allows me not only opportunities, but strength in stepping out of the boat. I cannot fear TRYING Life. I can be scared of the results, but it shouldn't a deterrent for not trying. And I should be wise enough to stop and ponder the reasoning & results! What now? What mark will you leave? What COULD Your life hold? For me, I seek the path of my creator that I might not carry the burden as much. But I step out in Life, in Faith and in Victory! Whether I am successful or Not! Because it's the Effort that already made me a winner! Come on... Let's do this!!

Good Day & God Bless,

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