Thursday, August 8, 2013

Time is...

On a different note...

Today, is what You got! Tomorrow is but a thought... We all tend to put things off, thinking we'll have more time later to resolve it... We put off dreams, ideas, loved ones, etc... Only to regret it later, or periodically to have things go awry because of our procrastination. Should we not be living for today? RIGHT now!!?!?!
Time is the most valuable thing we have, yet it seems to be the hardest thing to manage! It goes by, never stops, and doesn't wait til we're ready. Instead of being upset about it, learn to leverage it... learn to use it as a known, versus an unknown!
Knowing my time is valuable, I choose to use it on things of worth...  like helping or supporting/encouraging others! Not getting consumed over the small stuff that is menial. Knowing the value of time allows you to appreciate each moment! Allows You to resonate in the LOVE of a spouse, or a quiet moment with your kids, or singing your favorite song! Know time, enjoy your time, and cherish each moment... Make them count!
Set realistic goals, accounting for time in your planning. Time is valuable, so prioritize the things in your life!! You have been given a life to lead... how will you use this time? What mark shall you leave behind? Use Your time to Love, to lift up, and to inspire!! Talk about a return on your investment!!!

Good Day & God Bless!!


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