Thursday, August 15, 2013


On a different note...

Something I have to remind myself, and something that has taken years to get in the habit of... Not to be swayed too much by my Circumstances. I believe they call it wisdom...Hehehe... Life is hard at times for all of us, and even though we may endure different scenario's; we can expect Life to be challenging. Its the same reason we should not base decisions of emotions, as they fluctuate. Thus, we should be sure our life, our thoughts, and choices are founded in something even keel.
Instead of letting our circumstances dictate our moods, so called "luck", and the course of our days, we should look to recognize it for what it is... "Life"! Life happens, that doesn't mean you stop in your tracks... it also doesn't mean You blame God or think he's mad at you. Somewhere along the line in fantasy land we believed we should have this melancholy life... the Walton's, The Brady's, and the Jone's! No such thing!
Now, there is something to be said for living in a certain manner that would alleviate some of our frustrations, but that's an entirely different topic. Either way, we WILL endure trials... even the nicest people have issues to deal with!
Trials, Circumstances, Hurdles, Road bumps, etc... they are used to teach us, grow us, guide us, and increase our faith... they are reminders that we are Not in complete control... that there is a Higher power watching over us! He wants Us to look to Him for love, direction, fulfillment, and such. We were born faulty, in a faulty world, so there is no such thing as perfect... and we were never promised a rose garden!
Take the issues head on, knowing they are just that... circumstances... they are inputs into your daily life. Use them to grow, use them to refine, and use them to possibly redirect your path. If You know and expect things to sometimes be askew, then You will not be so heavily affected by them. It will happen... so, then You just have to work it through, and keep your eye on the prize!!
Cry out for help, discern your circumstances, and keep them in perspective!! Remember the Lord is there with You, so You have support! He will not bring you to a trial that You and He cannot handle together! Look at it this way...
He thinks your strong enough to endure it, and that's pretty amazing!

Good day & God Bless,

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