Monday, November 25, 2013


On a different note,

Thanksgiving is this week and I can't help but ponder the things I am so grateful for! My life is so full right now, and I truly FEEL blessed beyond measure. When I gave my life to the Lord I remember hearing/reading of the fulfillment in Christ, but now looking back I had no idea. Not realizing the change and transition that had to happen in my heart and in my life to allow for His intercession. The things I used to find temporary fulfillment in are no longer fulling or even desired in my heart. The Lord has changed my goals, my heart, my desires, my life, my ability to love and be selfless. It's the very reason I can stand firm now and give Him so much credit, glory and honor! The sanctification which happened in my life was not of me... I had no ability to make these incredible changes! I tried!!
Trust me when I say it took years... years of my failing, years of fighting my pride, and years of allowing Him to increase my faith through trials! The more I leaned on Him, the more He worked in my life. I remember pushing through my lack of comfortableness and seeking the strength to push through in scenario's I truly didn't want to be in... and in those moments He always showed up! There are no words to describe the feeling in my heart when He would make His presence known! In times I wanted to run, but wanted to do the right thing; He'd show up and let me know it's wasn't in my power but His!
I deflect any goodness I am able to put forth, as I know where I've come from!! I see the work He did and does continually in my life!! I see His hand in ALL areas of my life... I see Him opening the door for music, I see His hand in the midst of a divorce, I see His love in my family and I see the incredible changes He has done in my heart! Thankfulness is something I feel daily... And I almost feel bad because of not having a better way of showing gratitude!
Lord, You have changed my life, You have drawn Me in, and You have provided me the opportunities to share Your love with my surroundings!!! You have provided an opportunity to be the Man, the husband and servant You would have me be! I am So fortunate to be able to LOVE and share my heart with the world through your word and music!! Thank You!!
Thanksgiving comes everyday in our hearts once we acknowledge His work in our lives... if not, we should truly evaluate our next steps! He's waited for Us to call Him in!!! Just ask Him!!!

Good Day & God Bless,

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