Thursday, November 7, 2013


On a different note,

I am so thankful to have a giving heart, one without rules or expectations, one reflective of the good Lord above! My heart sincerely desires the world to find love, peace, success, fulfillment, and prosperity. My path has been redirected into music, for which I am grateful! The Lord has a plan for me, and for many years I avoided it! Which really means, I had my own plans! Hehehe... I spent years playing football, coming close to making the NFL, but that dream was just a dream. In that time I physically put my body through the work load, effort, and physical punishment required to play high level tackle football. Imagine if I would have been redirected earlier to music... My body would be much happier now!
As You have seen in my writings, or those that I've actually spoken with, the reality is finding you pre-ordained path... one blessed, one assisted, and one created just for You! The interesting thing is, it could change from our perspective... meaning, it's probably not going to be a straight line. Complacency, stagnant times, and such will require us to be shaken up. But there are gifts & talents awaiting Us... If we're looking!
I so haphazardly use the term "Rockstar" these days, as it is quite amusing to me. My wife and I get a good laugh out of it, as titles and me do not mesh! But, for the sake of being a musician, I play along! The reason I bring this up, is I hope titles are not your only goals. We should be spending our valuable time for bigger reasons than that! We should be seeking the things that provide sincere value to our lives, that are worth giving up the one thing we can't get back... Time!
I can sit here and saw "Stop" and ponder what dreams, ideas, and fantasies are lurking in your heart & mind! Seek them out, see what God might have in store for you! But I also know the reality is we will try many things in life, some will work and some won't. I guess for me, I just never stopped seeking & looking! Life is trials, Life is success & failure... Get back up and keep going!! That is LIFE!! The perseverance, the hope, the fortitude, the vision, the path, and so on!! That's why titles don't carry weight... it is the journey that fulfills!! It's the weight loss on the scale, the ability to play a song on a guitar, the completion of a college degree, and such... YOU can change Your life and the world You live!!
You are a ROCKSTAR, because that is what will resonate in your heart!! Don't let anyone tell You different!! You path is waiting!

Good day & God Bless,

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