Wednesday, January 15, 2014

About Nothing...

On a different note,

Ya know, when I write I honestly look to just flow with it... Whether it be lyrics, devotions, or this Blog... I seek inspiration by focusing on the Lord, the blessings in my life, the daily lessons in my life, and truly allow it to be organic. I used that term when people ask about my music... I see so much "fake" or "Put On" in the world... I LOVE to sing, I LOVE to write, I LOVE my Wife, LOVE my kids & family, and I absolutely LOVE the Lord... These things are known in my life... ergo, these things inspire LOVE in my output... Just reflections of my heart, of my faith, and the important aspects within it. I am also the type of person who wears his heart on his sleeve... meaning, I am an open book... transparent to a fault at times... But I desire to be ME... the real ME... and allow others to be themselves!
I say a lot of the same things, as I learned most things come through habits, repetition, and routine... that's our nature! Trust me when I say, I am speaking to myself as well as others. I also need to be reminded daily on where to put my focus & energies! I promote living with purpose, and this I truly believe to be paramount for all of us... We can ALL get caught up in being comfortable, complacent, and in the mundane... But the fulfillment, joy, & victory comes in challenging ourselves to be the best we can be at any given moment!
I do not purposely put expectations on others, but I know I do at times... I will say it is not rooted in anything malicious or judgmentally. I just see the potential in people, and I have seen what the Lord can do with willing participants! The sky is the limit... It truly is... and guess what, even if we fail (I'm so good at it!) it doesn't matter! RIGHT!?!?! WHO CARES!? Why not try a new hobby? Why not seek a new job? Why not save for a motorcycle? And so on...
We Have ONE Life to live... and it is NOW! I may be gone tomorrow, so today better be worth it! I have seen death, I have seen LIFE, and I have seen failure and also stood on a Mountain top! We gotta stop putting effort, weight, & focus in areas that have No value!
Today's blog is generally about nothing... nothing more than a simple conversation from me to You... One of honesty, transparency, and Love... I desire Success for you, blessings, favor, accomplishment, and deep, loving, sincere relationships! We only control WE! Your turn!

Good day & God Bless,

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