Thursday, March 27, 2014

What do You Expect?

On a different note,

Most of the time expectations leave us sitting frustrated & empty handed! And I would suggest for most of us to do our best not to put too much on the shoulders of others, as we are just human. But in regards to life in general, I think having expectations could be a driving force in our journey. Let's be honest, you don't typically hear the word in a glowing, wondrous and positive light. It's usually "I expect this of You" or "You have not met the expectations"... etc... But in life, maybe we should have some higher expectations for ourselves!
It's like taking on a new approach or view of it, but instead of seeing the negative it is seeing the power than comes behind it. We know how it feels to have our expectations not met... Well, then shouldn't that drive us to Not want to miss our own expectations? Example: I lived in a studio apartment for a few years, with not a whole lot of furniture, but that was not the way I expected to live for long! You see, so many of us either don't set clear goals or we don't set them as realistic... We either set them Way to high, or at level "Easy"!! We have gotten so used to getting things NOW or Our way, that we forget what it's like to work for something!
We should have expectations for our lives! We should expect more of ourselves and use that to encourage us to reach new levels in life. I look around and see people miserable, frustrated, angry, depressed, and such... and I know EXACTLY how that feels... been there! But I am Not ok with just Average! If we're gonna do it, we ARE GONNA do it!
We forget to stop and evaluate periodically... analyze and review where we are. We get caught up in the "Constant", "Complacent", "Comfortable", "Reactionary" and forget to refocus! Honestly, I truly believe we need to refocus daily, but probably need a self eval every few months. We must re-check our current standings, re-set our focus, and re-charge our batteries in order to reach new heights! Life is Hard for ALL... Work is Not fun for most, but it isn't going to change on it's own! Get out there and meet YOUR expectations!

Good day & God Bless,

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