Thursday, February 27, 2014

Things Hoped For...

On a different note,

Being an artist, it is easy to let go, be expressive & creative without hindrance, expectations or limits. Well, kinda! Hehehe...I believe in most things we do, there is a sense of hope that the outcome will meet our need, others expectations, or at least some form of acceptance. We all have some level of ability to hope... to expect certain results... "Things Hoped for" or a desired outcome. Even if I was one of those non-main stream artists who don't want the spotlight, acclaim or acceptance... wouldn't their hope be that they are not received?
Any who, just making an observation... and I believe having the ability to hope, or desiring an outcome is something to be appreciated. Why would we waste time on something that will be fruitless? Why would we live our life, or redirect, change or alter our life for something of no value?
If I take my faith... something not always tangible... why would I invest so much time, energy, focus, and investment in something truly Hoped for? Meaning, I cannot touch it, I cannot smell or taste it, but it is the core of my foundation... Interesting, no? I've heard people say "Just in case there is a God, I better at least play along in case I am wrong."... Although I think it lacks fortitude, the question is one we should all start with... it should spur us to discover. It's knowing I do Not have the answers which allows me the ability to have faith. It is the answers, the out comes, of my questions, my plights, my prayers that altered the perception I had. Knowing I do Not have the power, control or answers, let's me know someone else in this world does. And seeing the ebb & flow of life going on around me, also shows me it is something with much more love, grace, forgiveness, power, foresight, vision, knowledge, etc than any man could have.
So, it's the acknowledging of what I don't know that has inspired me to discover the faith needed to be in the know. Quite ironic I must say... but my faith is based on things I have been shown, things that I have seen, results I have felt, and things I do know to be true. So, my hope is not unfounded... or in some random act without an outcome. We do things in life to discover an outcome... good, bad or indifferent... The question of faith is the same. People should Not live a life of faith on something they have not put time, focus, effort & investment in... that would be contradictory. But just like life, we should seek an outcome... something to have hope in!
We all have things to hope for, things to try... things to seek... do it with Hope in an outcome, a future, a result... We live with intent, focus & purpose, and there we find fulfillment!

Good day & God Bless,

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