On a different note,
This week I am reminded of friendship... and how similar it is to having an actual relationship. Investment, grace, sacrifice, time, love, forgiveness, short term memory, etc... I remember years ago coming to a realization, the thought was to find someone who I could treat & view in a similar way as a best friend. Why in some marriages do we have such a hard time forgiving, caring for or giving grace to our partner? Is it the fact that time is not alotted at the beginning to create a deep friendship? Maybe in bad relationships we just really don't care for that other person? Seems odd to think about doesn't it? Why would we give our friends all these great qualities but struggle to offer the same to our spouse?
Of course this is rhetorical, but you get the point. The point is, we tend to get the value of a deep, lasting & honest relationship with our friends... a perfect example of how a relationship should be. Man, we'd go to the ends of the earth for our dear friends... we have lasting memories... laughs, cries, up & downs, etc... So, for us... this should be a template... our example... our road map to the reciprocal relationships in our life...
So, for me... Once I made the choice to seek & follow the Lord, I had to leverage these factors in my relationship. Focus, effort, investment, time, commitment, and such... this way, I could give myself an opportunity to create a lasting, fruitful and grounded relationship. And I will say, it has been worth while... it has been an incredible journey... One that also has been reciprocated! I learned the more I invested in Him, the more He interceded in my life! The more I saw His reflection in Me! If we dedicate ourselves, invest our time & focus into someone, we should begin to emulate, reflect, and connect with them on a higher level. Hence, with friends that bond is so strong. And for those marriages who connect, communicate and can be transparent & vulnerable, it is set apart. It's carved in stone!
We cannot connect to anyone with out being honest & open... how can someone connect to someone they don't know to the core? The REAL Us... Not a partial, fake, or sliver of ourselves. Vulnerable... bare... naked... No hiding, no secrets, No deception.... This is the key... and we ALL have this opportunity... we ALL have to push through challenges to become fruitful... ALL OF US! Ergo, denial & pride are our worst enemy! Be willing to share the TRUE You and invest in friends, family, marriages & God and reap the rewards!
Good day & God Bless,
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