On a different note,
The act of Letting Go is not something most people are good at... We hold on to memories, things that bring sentimental value, we hold on to grudges, and so on... So, we are typically very good at keeping stuff! The only bad part with keeping so much, is we also have to carry it... we are responsible for it... and there are some things we should probably leave behind anyway!
We are all creatures of habit, so I am not trying to point fingers... just stating the obvious! I'm sure if given an opportunity to relinquish certain things we would have NO problem...LOL... Riiiiight!! Doesn't it seem the stuff that is the worst for us, is the hardest to let go of? The bad habits... the old pictures... the ugly sweaters... Because we are creatures of habit and because we are self seeking, this creates a problem in being willing to let things go at the ideal times. As we mature, we should be progressing, and creating new, healthier, and more fruitful trends in our lives. There is a reason we look at the elder generations in awe of their togetherness... their ability to seem stable... They were willing to cut ties with the things that brought weight into their lives.
Scripture talks of being willing to pick up our cross and follow Him, to be willing to give up our possessions and follow Him... So much gets taken out of context in this regard... He wants to know YOU are willing... that you do not have idols or things in this temporal world that carry more weight than they are worth! Trust me when I say, it will change Your life! Seek the true value of things You hold so near & dear... When we pass, our money is worthless, our possessions of No value, and any wrong doings are washed away... So, then why would we tie ourselves to them so much now? Are they not hindering our quality of life now?
If we run out and buy an 80K car... we must realize the payment, the insurance, & the maintenance that comes with it. So then we must take on the responsibility, weight & financial burden of this purchase. Which will also affect the other areas of our lives because of the amount it affects in our bottom line. Just an example to think about.
Whether it's smoking, material things, or negative personality characteristics... We must be WILLING to change them in order to allow the Lord to step in on our behalf to evoke change! You will live a lighter life, both physically, financially, mentally and spiritually! Be willing to walk away from the burdens in your life... Seek to live a life of true value... not what the world says You should have! Surround yourselves with Amazing people, live below your means to avoid money constraints, give the Lord an opportunity to intercede and grow your life spiritually! Just imagine walking this life without having to carry everything!
Good day & God Bless,
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