On a different note,
Not sure how many of you have run some type of extended race, or took an extended hike... But the body will tell you when it's time for a break. We can push through those times, but in general terms; we should listen to the things our body is telling us. For that matter, we should probably listen to that little voice in other ways too! I think sometimes we ignore sign, signals, and then put ourselves in a place of danger. I truly believe we are provided a path, but if we don't seek it out or decide to follow it then we end up being out of sorts. We can get to that place of confusion, disorientation, and fear. Sometimes it's Ok to stop and smell the roses!
These bodies we use for many decades certainly have a shelf life... and if you were someone like me, You put Many miles on it way before it's time! But I have become very in tune and do try to adhere to it's communication... The reason we speak of having a healthy life, is that we are then in tune with the thing going on in our vicinity... internal & external!
Being balance & healthy mentally, physically, emotionally and of course spiritually! It is when we are putting focus in these areas that we can truly be in control & understanding of our current state & circumstances. Life is going to happen regardless, but it's our quality of life that is affected. If I am grounded spiritually, the world loses it's sway over me. If I am physically healthy, the situations do not dictate my out comes so heavily. And if I am in touch with my true feelings, then I am less ruled by them, but in a place of understanding. Don't we all feel a little crazed or out of sort periodically? Maybe this is our signal!!
As we've spoke, this world is temporal... most aspects of our lives are this way also. It takes daily focus, renewal and conscious choices to maintain that connection. I think it's when we lose touch a bit that we get off track. This would make us Human!! Hehehe... ALL of Us struggle with this... that is Life!
Can we all agree denial is not an answer... Denial never answered the tough questions... Denial never made it through a hard time... Denial never climbed a mountain... Denial never brought you a miracle through Faith!
We have been provided a helper... a spirit... a conscience... It is our choice to listen or not! If we can agree there is a path... one laid out specifically for US... and that if we align ourselves with it, and follow the signs, that we will live a more grounded, enlightened, and fruitful life! Something to ponder!!
Good day & God Bless,
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