On a different note,
As I woke this morning for some reason I pondered certain things I do... routine, habits, and honest thoughts & feelings that resonate in my heart. I guess I have conditioned myself to be a certain way, a certain person, and to focus on the important things... well, as best I can! Life is crazy for all of us, and it is so easy to get caught up being reactionary. As a matter of fact, I believe that to be the norm. We shouldn't feel bad about it, but use it as a catalyst in our daily walk. Each day we need to ask "What is Important?", "What is my focus?", and "Am I putting my personal gain over the needs of others?"... these are no easy question, with No easy answer. They are question I choose to ask... If I may use this platform today to share my plight, my prayer, and my heart with You.
Dear Lord,
You are the King of Kings, Lord of Lords.. Ruler, Provider, Creator and Savior! It is my honor to know You intimately, to have You invest, intercede and keep Your hand in my life is humbling to say the least! I serve You not because of fear of retribution, but because of the Grace, Love, Forgiveness, Power, Favor and Guidance You have given me. Although I fail often, You have shown me the path back to the alter... You have shown my Your presence... I thank You for my life, My Wife, My Family & Friends, My Job, Money, Music, and the list goes on to every last piece of my life! I am humbled you would bestow such blessings and allow me to be steward of such influence & responsibility. I would imagine it's because there is No way I could do it without you! I pray for your continued guidance, intercession and clarity... there is nothing on this earth I desire that exceeds Your plan for my life. I would put it all aside at your call, so I pray for that redirection as needed, and the strength to follow it! I need your Love, Your Grace, Your Peace, Forgiveness, and I ask it for all those in this world we live. That All might know what You have planted in my heart! I ask for healing in your name, for favor for all those in my life, and the vision & willingness to give You the Glory. I stand before you a broken man, asking for Your hand to lift me up and use me to spread Your Love to the ends of the earth! Thank You for allowing me the honor of working on your behalf, being a man who knows where to go for strength! I love You!
I'm sure I forget certain things, but know this prayer changes daily. I know life goes in waves, cycles, and trials are what refine us, challenge us, and redirect us to a different path. Thank you for allowing me this, as it felt big on my heart this morning! I do my best to follow the lead of the spirit... I truly wish us All Love, Grace & Intercession!!
Good day & God Bless,
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