Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Can't Fight the world...

On a different note,

Many moons ago, I seemed to go through life with a bit of a chip on my shoulder... or maybe it was just the fact that I was angry at the world. Being a "Good Guy" by nature, it used to boggle my mind that my life seemed to always take turns for the negative. My path was unsure, my success & results were not typically productive or fruitful. My effort was on a high level, but things just didn't seem to fall in my favor. I became jaded, depressed, angry and even More self focused... kind of WHATEVER attitude! Since it seemed my "Good" intentions were all for not!
Taking on the mindset of "Me against the World" only seemed to make my life go down hill even faster. I mean seriously... 1 person, against what? 8 Billion!?!?! Absurd! In reality it just allowed me to justify living a selfish existence, versus being as selfless as I knew I could be. My attitude affected every area of my life, and only got me into trouble. It also led me to a place of unfulfillment and jeopardized my will to persevere!
So, once the Lord decided it was time to draw me in... He gave me an opportunity to see Truth, Wisdom and gain some understanding. It was one of the first lessons I remember learning... That first, You cannot fight this world... and why would You? And, living for ME only caused more issues, than living a selfless, sacrificial life... Hard to fathom I know!
It is our nature to put back and resort to self reliance, self preservation, and to lives for ourselves exclusively. But this is why there is so much crime, hate, depression, anxiety, etc in this world! The WORLD is selfish, but we ARE Not made in that image... we Become that! We are made in LOVE, sacrifice, Grace, Forgiveness, etc... When we can find spiritual grounding, and focus on the path of enlightenment & righteousness, then... ONLY then will our life open up! Then we are aligned with the path created exclusively for us! Powerful stuff I promise you!
I stand here before you a living testimony... a living example of Faith... of being willing to align... of being willing to put others first... STILL broken, faulty, screwed up... but In the know of LOVE, Sacrifice & investment! Focusing on the Love of the Lord, His will, and His plan for my life! It's our choice to get on track or live a lonely, selfish, empty, and life of more downs than ups!! You see, it's our focus, perception and vision that changes the very world around us! If we only see US we miss out on blessings that are there everyday! THINGS TO BE THANKFUL for!

Good day & God Bless,

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