Tuesday, February 4, 2014


On a different note,

Maybe it's just me, but do we all seem to forget to refresh, renew, & replenish our lives? I'm pretty much non stop, running around like a spider monkey on Mountain Dew! Hehehe... But in all honesty, I do try to find that down time... Time to focus on the important aspects, time to re-evaluate, time to invest in the things of worth in our lives!!
This world has evolved not only into a "Right Now" mentality, but we are being asked to perform, process and filter at a very high rate. We are doing more, we are slowing down less, and probably still feel like we can't keep up! We are our own worst enemy no doubt! When I was a personal trainer, I used to advise my clients of a basic truth... being healthy at a high level consisted of approximately 3 things: 75% healthy diet, 15% rest, and then 10% working out. Of course these numbers fluctuate a bit, but let me ask... Are You remotely cognoscente of these areas?
We all know the food these days are over processed & carry barely any nutrients... Can't say that most people get any exercise to speak of... So, how about Your Rest? Down time? Replenishing of your mind, body & soul? Do we think we can go through life without taking care of ourselves, and expect optimal results? Many don't even care for their cars, and wonder why they begin falling apart after a few years... and that's just a few years! What about our lives?
I challenge myself to renew continually... Everyday to focus on my Faith & Love for the Lord... this sets my day in a positive, enlightening, & fulfilling direction! I eat lean, clean & smaller portions as to run at a peak performance...and supplement for increased nutrients to help my body renew. And I make sure I get down time... turning my brain off, resting my body, and connecting to the things that matter like family, my wife, my friends, etc... It has to be a conscious choice!
This all goes back to living a life on purpose... determining the healthy avenues & requirements of your life! If you allow this life to run you into the ground, expect a breakdown at some point... mentally, physically or spiritually! Take care of yourself... Live with intent... and Choose to invest where it matters!! You get out what You put in!

Good day & God Bless,

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