On a different note,
Would You believe me if I said you were loved unconditionally? Would that even be comprehend-able? Not sure any us have the ability to walk this earth guilt free, shameless, or believing we are faultless. We are constantly being compared or shown what we SHOULD be, versus seeking who we really are! We all know our deficiencies... even if we choose to hide them or bury them deep in our hearts. I bring this up to provide some peace & solace to all of us... We are all not that different, and thankfully none of us needs to be burdened by being Perfect!
In my years of seeking the Lord, it became ever so clear that Love is to be our primary focus, not the things that have been held so important in this world. Love God with all your heart, Love your neighbor as yourself, Love your wife as Christ loved the church, and so on... Scripture speaks to the trappings of this world as a reminder, an indicator of our need for a Savior... That we might not feel the weight of the world, but seek to rise above it! If we all agree each of us has our own issues, then we can also agree we are equally faulty. But when we see the Love of a Savior... a God who sent His son to die for Us... an unconditional Love beyond measure... So, why are we measuring each other, when we've already acknowledged we are equally broken? Should we persecute each others short comings? So, we will take the gift of Love, the gift of sacrifice and return the favor with hate?
Because we are insecure by nature, and because we know the weight of our own failures, it drives us to compare... Shouldn't it drive us to be compassionate... understanding... empathetic... graceful... forgiving... merciful & Loving?
God gave a gift of unconditional Love & Sacrifice to a group of people who were screwed up... Selfish, arrogant, faulty, angry, & defiant.. Just like us... It was an example for us! For us to Love in the face of brokenness! For us to give Love even when it isn't earned or warranted... JUST LIKE TODAY! We have that example of unconditional Love! You are Loved... You have the ability to give what you've been given! We don't have to be driven to LOVE because others Love us, but quite the contrary... Knowing we're All screwed up, We Love because we know how it feels to be broken!
Good day & God Bless,
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