On a different note,
As I woke this morning for some reason I pondered certain things I do... routine, habits, and honest thoughts & feelings that resonate in my heart. I guess I have conditioned myself to be a certain way, a certain person, and to focus on the important things... well, as best I can! Life is crazy for all of us, and it is so easy to get caught up being reactionary. As a matter of fact, I believe that to be the norm. We shouldn't feel bad about it, but use it as a catalyst in our daily walk. Each day we need to ask "What is Important?", "What is my focus?", and "Am I putting my personal gain over the needs of others?"... these are no easy question, with No easy answer. They are question I choose to ask... If I may use this platform today to share my plight, my prayer, and my heart with You.
Dear Lord,
You are the King of Kings, Lord of Lords.. Ruler, Provider, Creator and Savior! It is my honor to know You intimately, to have You invest, intercede and keep Your hand in my life is humbling to say the least! I serve You not because of fear of retribution, but because of the Grace, Love, Forgiveness, Power, Favor and Guidance You have given me. Although I fail often, You have shown me the path back to the alter... You have shown my Your presence... I thank You for my life, My Wife, My Family & Friends, My Job, Money, Music, and the list goes on to every last piece of my life! I am humbled you would bestow such blessings and allow me to be steward of such influence & responsibility. I would imagine it's because there is No way I could do it without you! I pray for your continued guidance, intercession and clarity... there is nothing on this earth I desire that exceeds Your plan for my life. I would put it all aside at your call, so I pray for that redirection as needed, and the strength to follow it! I need your Love, Your Grace, Your Peace, Forgiveness, and I ask it for all those in this world we live. That All might know what You have planted in my heart! I ask for healing in your name, for favor for all those in my life, and the vision & willingness to give You the Glory. I stand before you a broken man, asking for Your hand to lift me up and use me to spread Your Love to the ends of the earth! Thank You for allowing me the honor of working on your behalf, being a man who knows where to go for strength! I love You!
I'm sure I forget certain things, but know this prayer changes daily. I know life goes in waves, cycles, and trials are what refine us, challenge us, and redirect us to a different path. Thank you for allowing me this, as it felt big on my heart this morning! I do my best to follow the lead of the spirit... I truly wish us All Love, Grace & Intercession!!
Good day & God Bless,
I hope you enjoy my Blog and the writings that come from my journey, my heart and my life path! Hoping to share some LOVE thru my Music & writings!
Friday, February 28, 2014
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Things Hoped For...
On a different note,
Being an artist, it is easy to let go, be expressive & creative without hindrance, expectations or limits. Well, kinda! Hehehe...I believe in most things we do, there is a sense of hope that the outcome will meet our need, others expectations, or at least some form of acceptance. We all have some level of ability to hope... to expect certain results... "Things Hoped for" or a desired outcome. Even if I was one of those non-main stream artists who don't want the spotlight, acclaim or acceptance... wouldn't their hope be that they are not received?
Any who, just making an observation... and I believe having the ability to hope, or desiring an outcome is something to be appreciated. Why would we waste time on something that will be fruitless? Why would we live our life, or redirect, change or alter our life for something of no value?
If I take my faith... something not always tangible... why would I invest so much time, energy, focus, and investment in something truly Hoped for? Meaning, I cannot touch it, I cannot smell or taste it, but it is the core of my foundation... Interesting, no? I've heard people say "Just in case there is a God, I better at least play along in case I am wrong."... Although I think it lacks fortitude, the question is one we should all start with... it should spur us to discover. It's knowing I do Not have the answers which allows me the ability to have faith. It is the answers, the out comes, of my questions, my plights, my prayers that altered the perception I had. Knowing I do Not have the power, control or answers, let's me know someone else in this world does. And seeing the ebb & flow of life going on around me, also shows me it is something with much more love, grace, forgiveness, power, foresight, vision, knowledge, etc than any man could have.
So, it's the acknowledging of what I don't know that has inspired me to discover the faith needed to be in the know. Quite ironic I must say... but my faith is based on things I have been shown, things that I have seen, results I have felt, and things I do know to be true. So, my hope is not unfounded... or in some random act without an outcome. We do things in life to discover an outcome... good, bad or indifferent... The question of faith is the same. People should Not live a life of faith on something they have not put time, focus, effort & investment in... that would be contradictory. But just like life, we should seek an outcome... something to have hope in!
We all have things to hope for, things to try... things to seek... do it with Hope in an outcome, a future, a result... We live with intent, focus & purpose, and there we find fulfillment!
Good day & God Bless,
Being an artist, it is easy to let go, be expressive & creative without hindrance, expectations or limits. Well, kinda! Hehehe...I believe in most things we do, there is a sense of hope that the outcome will meet our need, others expectations, or at least some form of acceptance. We all have some level of ability to hope... to expect certain results... "Things Hoped for" or a desired outcome. Even if I was one of those non-main stream artists who don't want the spotlight, acclaim or acceptance... wouldn't their hope be that they are not received?
Any who, just making an observation... and I believe having the ability to hope, or desiring an outcome is something to be appreciated. Why would we waste time on something that will be fruitless? Why would we live our life, or redirect, change or alter our life for something of no value?
If I take my faith... something not always tangible... why would I invest so much time, energy, focus, and investment in something truly Hoped for? Meaning, I cannot touch it, I cannot smell or taste it, but it is the core of my foundation... Interesting, no? I've heard people say "Just in case there is a God, I better at least play along in case I am wrong."... Although I think it lacks fortitude, the question is one we should all start with... it should spur us to discover. It's knowing I do Not have the answers which allows me the ability to have faith. It is the answers, the out comes, of my questions, my plights, my prayers that altered the perception I had. Knowing I do Not have the power, control or answers, let's me know someone else in this world does. And seeing the ebb & flow of life going on around me, also shows me it is something with much more love, grace, forgiveness, power, foresight, vision, knowledge, etc than any man could have.
So, it's the acknowledging of what I don't know that has inspired me to discover the faith needed to be in the know. Quite ironic I must say... but my faith is based on things I have been shown, things that I have seen, results I have felt, and things I do know to be true. So, my hope is not unfounded... or in some random act without an outcome. We do things in life to discover an outcome... good, bad or indifferent... The question of faith is the same. People should Not live a life of faith on something they have not put time, focus, effort & investment in... that would be contradictory. But just like life, we should seek an outcome... something to have hope in!
We all have things to hope for, things to try... things to seek... do it with Hope in an outcome, a future, a result... We live with intent, focus & purpose, and there we find fulfillment!
Good day & God Bless,
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Unconditional Thinking...
On a different note,
The term unconditional Love is typically unrealistic & left to God's love for a pretty simple answer... We are all created as self seeking and self-preserving. This being the case, it takes a conscious effort, choice, and action to put others first. This is not a deterrent but a reminder, a challenge, and a catalyst for us all to seek to put others first!
It is a scenario that we must truly put aside our nature in order to lift others up... It's a choice to put others before us on the ladder of Love and let them rise above gladly. If we can agree that our nature is not to be so gracious all the time, then we can also agree that when We are able to step outside our norm and Love on people unconditionally, that means we must put aside our self serving desires. This pretty much equates to expectations. Giving, Loving, and providing Grace in any given situation needs to be a decision done of the desire to put their feelings first. Expectations would cancel that out due to us truly trying to fill our need by creating and action for reaction. Self seeking! Expectations only cloud the end result, and take away from the share joy of giving. These is no better gift that giving Love, Grace and the spotlight to others! Their excitement, their elation, their fulfillment should fill our hearts just as much as when they do it for us!
I would also say not to be deterred by the fact this will not happen easily or all the time. This is something we must practice... make the effort to do it on a regular basis. The first step is just recognizing it, then seeking out the opportunities. For me, I pray for them... or at least the ability to see the opportunities. Once we start seeing them, once we start making them the norm, then it will become part of our daily lives. We can then create opportunities, and determine to own our share of spreading Love across this sometimes dark world.
Love is in our nature... Grace is something we've ALL been given... None of us deserve it, so that should inspire us to give it that much more! Like "Paying it forward" by way of appreciated the gifts we've been given! The Expectation scenario will probably be our biggest hurdle, but that can be controlled to an extent. I know the Lord has changed my heart over these years, thus it gets a lil more manageable to Not let my pride lead my decisions. Waking up each day and being Thankful for the Love, Life and blessings we've been provided sure does go a long way in feeling appreciative!
Seek out the opportunities to Love others for no reason... watch it fill your heart & flourish the Life you live!
Good day & God Bless,
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Can't Fight the world...
On a different note,
Many moons ago, I seemed to go through life with a bit of a chip on my shoulder... or maybe it was just the fact that I was angry at the world. Being a "Good Guy" by nature, it used to boggle my mind that my life seemed to always take turns for the negative. My path was unsure, my success & results were not typically productive or fruitful. My effort was on a high level, but things just didn't seem to fall in my favor. I became jaded, depressed, angry and even More self focused... kind of WHATEVER attitude! Since it seemed my "Good" intentions were all for not!
Taking on the mindset of "Me against the World" only seemed to make my life go down hill even faster. I mean seriously... 1 person, against what? 8 Billion!?!?! Absurd! In reality it just allowed me to justify living a selfish existence, versus being as selfless as I knew I could be. My attitude affected every area of my life, and only got me into trouble. It also led me to a place of unfulfillment and jeopardized my will to persevere!
So, once the Lord decided it was time to draw me in... He gave me an opportunity to see Truth, Wisdom and gain some understanding. It was one of the first lessons I remember learning... That first, You cannot fight this world... and why would You? And, living for ME only caused more issues, than living a selfless, sacrificial life... Hard to fathom I know!
It is our nature to put back and resort to self reliance, self preservation, and to lives for ourselves exclusively. But this is why there is so much crime, hate, depression, anxiety, etc in this world! The WORLD is selfish, but we ARE Not made in that image... we Become that! We are made in LOVE, sacrifice, Grace, Forgiveness, etc... When we can find spiritual grounding, and focus on the path of enlightenment & righteousness, then... ONLY then will our life open up! Then we are aligned with the path created exclusively for us! Powerful stuff I promise you!
I stand here before you a living testimony... a living example of Faith... of being willing to align... of being willing to put others first... STILL broken, faulty, screwed up... but In the know of LOVE, Sacrifice & investment! Focusing on the Love of the Lord, His will, and His plan for my life! It's our choice to get on track or live a lonely, selfish, empty, and life of more downs than ups!! You see, it's our focus, perception and vision that changes the very world around us! If we only see US we miss out on blessings that are there everyday! THINGS TO BE THANKFUL for!
Good day & God Bless,
Many moons ago, I seemed to go through life with a bit of a chip on my shoulder... or maybe it was just the fact that I was angry at the world. Being a "Good Guy" by nature, it used to boggle my mind that my life seemed to always take turns for the negative. My path was unsure, my success & results were not typically productive or fruitful. My effort was on a high level, but things just didn't seem to fall in my favor. I became jaded, depressed, angry and even More self focused... kind of WHATEVER attitude! Since it seemed my "Good" intentions were all for not!
Taking on the mindset of "Me against the World" only seemed to make my life go down hill even faster. I mean seriously... 1 person, against what? 8 Billion!?!?! Absurd! In reality it just allowed me to justify living a selfish existence, versus being as selfless as I knew I could be. My attitude affected every area of my life, and only got me into trouble. It also led me to a place of unfulfillment and jeopardized my will to persevere!
So, once the Lord decided it was time to draw me in... He gave me an opportunity to see Truth, Wisdom and gain some understanding. It was one of the first lessons I remember learning... That first, You cannot fight this world... and why would You? And, living for ME only caused more issues, than living a selfless, sacrificial life... Hard to fathom I know!
It is our nature to put back and resort to self reliance, self preservation, and to lives for ourselves exclusively. But this is why there is so much crime, hate, depression, anxiety, etc in this world! The WORLD is selfish, but we ARE Not made in that image... we Become that! We are made in LOVE, sacrifice, Grace, Forgiveness, etc... When we can find spiritual grounding, and focus on the path of enlightenment & righteousness, then... ONLY then will our life open up! Then we are aligned with the path created exclusively for us! Powerful stuff I promise you!
I stand here before you a living testimony... a living example of Faith... of being willing to align... of being willing to put others first... STILL broken, faulty, screwed up... but In the know of LOVE, Sacrifice & investment! Focusing on the Love of the Lord, His will, and His plan for my life! It's our choice to get on track or live a lonely, selfish, empty, and life of more downs than ups!! You see, it's our focus, perception and vision that changes the very world around us! If we only see US we miss out on blessings that are there everyday! THINGS TO BE THANKFUL for!
Good day & God Bless,
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Strength in Vulnerability...
On a different note,
This week I am reminded of friendship... and how similar it is to having an actual relationship. Investment, grace, sacrifice, time, love, forgiveness, short term memory, etc... I remember years ago coming to a realization, the thought was to find someone who I could treat & view in a similar way as a best friend. Why in some marriages do we have such a hard time forgiving, caring for or giving grace to our partner? Is it the fact that time is not alotted at the beginning to create a deep friendship? Maybe in bad relationships we just really don't care for that other person? Seems odd to think about doesn't it? Why would we give our friends all these great qualities but struggle to offer the same to our spouse?
Of course this is rhetorical, but you get the point. The point is, we tend to get the value of a deep, lasting & honest relationship with our friends... a perfect example of how a relationship should be. Man, we'd go to the ends of the earth for our dear friends... we have lasting memories... laughs, cries, up & downs, etc... So, for us... this should be a template... our example... our road map to the reciprocal relationships in our life...
So, for me... Once I made the choice to seek & follow the Lord, I had to leverage these factors in my relationship. Focus, effort, investment, time, commitment, and such... this way, I could give myself an opportunity to create a lasting, fruitful and grounded relationship. And I will say, it has been worth while... it has been an incredible journey... One that also has been reciprocated! I learned the more I invested in Him, the more He interceded in my life! The more I saw His reflection in Me! If we dedicate ourselves, invest our time & focus into someone, we should begin to emulate, reflect, and connect with them on a higher level. Hence, with friends that bond is so strong. And for those marriages who connect, communicate and can be transparent & vulnerable, it is set apart. It's carved in stone!
We cannot connect to anyone with out being honest & open... how can someone connect to someone they don't know to the core? The REAL Us... Not a partial, fake, or sliver of ourselves. Vulnerable... bare... naked... No hiding, no secrets, No deception.... This is the key... and we ALL have this opportunity... we ALL have to push through challenges to become fruitful... ALL OF US! Ergo, denial & pride are our worst enemy! Be willing to share the TRUE You and invest in friends, family, marriages & God and reap the rewards!
Good day & God Bless,
This week I am reminded of friendship... and how similar it is to having an actual relationship. Investment, grace, sacrifice, time, love, forgiveness, short term memory, etc... I remember years ago coming to a realization, the thought was to find someone who I could treat & view in a similar way as a best friend. Why in some marriages do we have such a hard time forgiving, caring for or giving grace to our partner? Is it the fact that time is not alotted at the beginning to create a deep friendship? Maybe in bad relationships we just really don't care for that other person? Seems odd to think about doesn't it? Why would we give our friends all these great qualities but struggle to offer the same to our spouse?
Of course this is rhetorical, but you get the point. The point is, we tend to get the value of a deep, lasting & honest relationship with our friends... a perfect example of how a relationship should be. Man, we'd go to the ends of the earth for our dear friends... we have lasting memories... laughs, cries, up & downs, etc... So, for us... this should be a template... our example... our road map to the reciprocal relationships in our life...
So, for me... Once I made the choice to seek & follow the Lord, I had to leverage these factors in my relationship. Focus, effort, investment, time, commitment, and such... this way, I could give myself an opportunity to create a lasting, fruitful and grounded relationship. And I will say, it has been worth while... it has been an incredible journey... One that also has been reciprocated! I learned the more I invested in Him, the more He interceded in my life! The more I saw His reflection in Me! If we dedicate ourselves, invest our time & focus into someone, we should begin to emulate, reflect, and connect with them on a higher level. Hence, with friends that bond is so strong. And for those marriages who connect, communicate and can be transparent & vulnerable, it is set apart. It's carved in stone!
We cannot connect to anyone with out being honest & open... how can someone connect to someone they don't know to the core? The REAL Us... Not a partial, fake, or sliver of ourselves. Vulnerable... bare... naked... No hiding, no secrets, No deception.... This is the key... and we ALL have this opportunity... we ALL have to push through challenges to become fruitful... ALL OF US! Ergo, denial & pride are our worst enemy! Be willing to share the TRUE You and invest in friends, family, marriages & God and reap the rewards!
Good day & God Bless,
Monday, February 17, 2014
Spiritual Fulfillment...
On a different note,
There are reasons we seek stability, spiritual fulfillment, and grace innately... Even if we aren't willing to admit to others, we All know our own deficiencies... We all see thew cracks in our armor! We know we're not perfect, and hopefully we can all agree being a "Good" person carries no weight in this world we live. So, if we know the world is faulty... broken... then why would we put all our faith, hope, & expectations in it? As incredibly precise, detailed, intricate as this world is, do we really believe it was random?
We seek a higher power because we know in our hearts we need it! We should be humble enough to know there is no way we can find fulfillment by our own means. ok, so maybe it's just me who screwed everything up, felt lonely constantly, and never seemed to find success regardless of the path I chose... Oh, still thinking I was a "Good" person... for what? What did I accomplish? Nothing! I am willing to admit my failures, my pride, my selfishness, and that the things I thought I could conquer only ended up doing quite the opposite. Lord knows it's easy to look at others and see issues, but are we willing to look in the mirror?
So, once we can agree we're broken... and we know this world is not going to just give You what You want, we can truly begin to seek out the answers. It isn't in this world! It isn't in the physical! And that we better start looking outside the small box we tend to live in... Denial gets us nothing!
I found fulfillment, I found forgiveness, I found an escape from guilt, shame and emptiness. I sought in my heart... I sought in the spiritual realm, only to find the One who created All this! And things began to become clear, my life, my heart changed... I began to see this world in a different light... Everything took on new meaning... or in reality, became less meaningful from a worldly perspective. My pride told me I could do it alone, only to fail... Now my heart says You don't need to do it alone! Knowing we are broken allows us to be open to the one who IS whole! If I've spent my life struggling, shouldn't I be willing to try something new? Shouldn't I seek different answers? Being vulnerable allows to help, intercession, and growth!
We ALL have spiritual needs... it's putting our pride aside long enough to recognize & admit it! I will not tell you what to do, wouldn't even try! But I WILL share what I know in my heart beyond any doubt... and that if any one seeks the answers, they will be provided! And that if we want to stay ignorant, we can! I desire fulfillment for ALL the people i know & love! If you're reading this, I LOVE You even though we are both broken!
Good day & God Bless,
There are reasons we seek stability, spiritual fulfillment, and grace innately... Even if we aren't willing to admit to others, we All know our own deficiencies... We all see thew cracks in our armor! We know we're not perfect, and hopefully we can all agree being a "Good" person carries no weight in this world we live. So, if we know the world is faulty... broken... then why would we put all our faith, hope, & expectations in it? As incredibly precise, detailed, intricate as this world is, do we really believe it was random?
We seek a higher power because we know in our hearts we need it! We should be humble enough to know there is no way we can find fulfillment by our own means. ok, so maybe it's just me who screwed everything up, felt lonely constantly, and never seemed to find success regardless of the path I chose... Oh, still thinking I was a "Good" person... for what? What did I accomplish? Nothing! I am willing to admit my failures, my pride, my selfishness, and that the things I thought I could conquer only ended up doing quite the opposite. Lord knows it's easy to look at others and see issues, but are we willing to look in the mirror?
So, once we can agree we're broken... and we know this world is not going to just give You what You want, we can truly begin to seek out the answers. It isn't in this world! It isn't in the physical! And that we better start looking outside the small box we tend to live in... Denial gets us nothing!
I found fulfillment, I found forgiveness, I found an escape from guilt, shame and emptiness. I sought in my heart... I sought in the spiritual realm, only to find the One who created All this! And things began to become clear, my life, my heart changed... I began to see this world in a different light... Everything took on new meaning... or in reality, became less meaningful from a worldly perspective. My pride told me I could do it alone, only to fail... Now my heart says You don't need to do it alone! Knowing we are broken allows us to be open to the one who IS whole! If I've spent my life struggling, shouldn't I be willing to try something new? Shouldn't I seek different answers? Being vulnerable allows to help, intercession, and growth!
We ALL have spiritual needs... it's putting our pride aside long enough to recognize & admit it! I will not tell you what to do, wouldn't even try! But I WILL share what I know in my heart beyond any doubt... and that if any one seeks the answers, they will be provided! And that if we want to stay ignorant, we can! I desire fulfillment for ALL the people i know & love! If you're reading this, I LOVE You even though we are both broken!
Good day & God Bless,
Friday, February 14, 2014
Day of Love...
On a different note,
Today... Valentines day... a day of Love... a day to reminisce, reflect, relive & soak up the feelings of adoration... I'm sure for many it's just about couples... but for me, I look at it as an opportunity to LOVE All those who are important in our lives. Cause for me... Everyday is an opportunity & responsibility to cherish My spouse & family!
I've written before about the power of Love, and it's infectious characteristics... So, why not use this day as just another opportunity to share the Love and inner feelings with those who are so vital to our existence. Not everyone is married, not every is in a relationship... but everyone has people which invest and affect their lives every day!
Similar to Christmas, I think because media side, worldly side, and marketing ploys it has taken the true intent out of the celebration. It isn't about candy, buying things, or flowers... it's about recognizing and being grateful for the Love others have infused in our day to day lives. Remembering that it is a choice to LOVE on purpose! It is a sacrifice to be selfless enough to support, encourage, inspire, and invest in someone else! I am beyond thankful for the amazing people in my life, and the Team I have behind my music. It keeps me going in those tough weeks... keeps me inspire, knowing they believe in Me! Knowing they see value, God's plan and are willing to go through the valley's in order to reach a mountain top!
I have a family who sacrifices knowingly... a wife who's selfless acts allow me to follow my dreams, and friends who are gracious to give me flexibility to accomplish my goals.. beyond words! Of course, it is my honor & responsibility to do the same for them! I LOVE inspiring, encouraging and investing in the people in my life... So, on a day such as this, this is exactly what I am celebrating!
Instead of glamorizing the downside of a materialistic holiday, why not seek out the plus side of it? Shouldn't we seek out every opportunity to cherish our people? To share LOVE with the world we live... We know the weight of being alone, or feeling hopeless... We just might be the one to change someones day, week, or life! Reflect the Lord, reflect Love, and You WILL get it in return 10 fold!!
Happy Valentine's Day & God Bless,
Today... Valentines day... a day of Love... a day to reminisce, reflect, relive & soak up the feelings of adoration... I'm sure for many it's just about couples... but for me, I look at it as an opportunity to LOVE All those who are important in our lives. Cause for me... Everyday is an opportunity & responsibility to cherish My spouse & family!
I've written before about the power of Love, and it's infectious characteristics... So, why not use this day as just another opportunity to share the Love and inner feelings with those who are so vital to our existence. Not everyone is married, not every is in a relationship... but everyone has people which invest and affect their lives every day!
Similar to Christmas, I think because media side, worldly side, and marketing ploys it has taken the true intent out of the celebration. It isn't about candy, buying things, or flowers... it's about recognizing and being grateful for the Love others have infused in our day to day lives. Remembering that it is a choice to LOVE on purpose! It is a sacrifice to be selfless enough to support, encourage, inspire, and invest in someone else! I am beyond thankful for the amazing people in my life, and the Team I have behind my music. It keeps me going in those tough weeks... keeps me inspire, knowing they believe in Me! Knowing they see value, God's plan and are willing to go through the valley's in order to reach a mountain top!
I have a family who sacrifices knowingly... a wife who's selfless acts allow me to follow my dreams, and friends who are gracious to give me flexibility to accomplish my goals.. beyond words! Of course, it is my honor & responsibility to do the same for them! I LOVE inspiring, encouraging and investing in the people in my life... So, on a day such as this, this is exactly what I am celebrating!
Instead of glamorizing the downside of a materialistic holiday, why not seek out the plus side of it? Shouldn't we seek out every opportunity to cherish our people? To share LOVE with the world we live... We know the weight of being alone, or feeling hopeless... We just might be the one to change someones day, week, or life! Reflect the Lord, reflect Love, and You WILL get it in return 10 fold!!
Happy Valentine's Day & God Bless,
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Follow the Voices...
On a different note,
Not sure how many of you have run some type of extended race, or took an extended hike... But the body will tell you when it's time for a break. We can push through those times, but in general terms; we should listen to the things our body is telling us. For that matter, we should probably listen to that little voice in other ways too! I think sometimes we ignore sign, signals, and then put ourselves in a place of danger. I truly believe we are provided a path, but if we don't seek it out or decide to follow it then we end up being out of sorts. We can get to that place of confusion, disorientation, and fear. Sometimes it's Ok to stop and smell the roses!
These bodies we use for many decades certainly have a shelf life... and if you were someone like me, You put Many miles on it way before it's time! But I have become very in tune and do try to adhere to it's communication... The reason we speak of having a healthy life, is that we are then in tune with the thing going on in our vicinity... internal & external!
Being balance & healthy mentally, physically, emotionally and of course spiritually! It is when we are putting focus in these areas that we can truly be in control & understanding of our current state & circumstances. Life is going to happen regardless, but it's our quality of life that is affected. If I am grounded spiritually, the world loses it's sway over me. If I am physically healthy, the situations do not dictate my out comes so heavily. And if I am in touch with my true feelings, then I am less ruled by them, but in a place of understanding. Don't we all feel a little crazed or out of sort periodically? Maybe this is our signal!!
As we've spoke, this world is temporal... most aspects of our lives are this way also. It takes daily focus, renewal and conscious choices to maintain that connection. I think it's when we lose touch a bit that we get off track. This would make us Human!! Hehehe... ALL of Us struggle with this... that is Life!
Can we all agree denial is not an answer... Denial never answered the tough questions... Denial never made it through a hard time... Denial never climbed a mountain... Denial never brought you a miracle through Faith!
We have been provided a helper... a spirit... a conscience... It is our choice to listen or not! If we can agree there is a path... one laid out specifically for US... and that if we align ourselves with it, and follow the signs, that we will live a more grounded, enlightened, and fruitful life! Something to ponder!!
Good day & God Bless,
Not sure how many of you have run some type of extended race, or took an extended hike... But the body will tell you when it's time for a break. We can push through those times, but in general terms; we should listen to the things our body is telling us. For that matter, we should probably listen to that little voice in other ways too! I think sometimes we ignore sign, signals, and then put ourselves in a place of danger. I truly believe we are provided a path, but if we don't seek it out or decide to follow it then we end up being out of sorts. We can get to that place of confusion, disorientation, and fear. Sometimes it's Ok to stop and smell the roses!
These bodies we use for many decades certainly have a shelf life... and if you were someone like me, You put Many miles on it way before it's time! But I have become very in tune and do try to adhere to it's communication... The reason we speak of having a healthy life, is that we are then in tune with the thing going on in our vicinity... internal & external!
Being balance & healthy mentally, physically, emotionally and of course spiritually! It is when we are putting focus in these areas that we can truly be in control & understanding of our current state & circumstances. Life is going to happen regardless, but it's our quality of life that is affected. If I am grounded spiritually, the world loses it's sway over me. If I am physically healthy, the situations do not dictate my out comes so heavily. And if I am in touch with my true feelings, then I am less ruled by them, but in a place of understanding. Don't we all feel a little crazed or out of sort periodically? Maybe this is our signal!!
As we've spoke, this world is temporal... most aspects of our lives are this way also. It takes daily focus, renewal and conscious choices to maintain that connection. I think it's when we lose touch a bit that we get off track. This would make us Human!! Hehehe... ALL of Us struggle with this... that is Life!
Can we all agree denial is not an answer... Denial never answered the tough questions... Denial never made it through a hard time... Denial never climbed a mountain... Denial never brought you a miracle through Faith!
We have been provided a helper... a spirit... a conscience... It is our choice to listen or not! If we can agree there is a path... one laid out specifically for US... and that if we align ourselves with it, and follow the signs, that we will live a more grounded, enlightened, and fruitful life! Something to ponder!!
Good day & God Bless,
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Stay the Course...
On a different note,
Being part of this rat race that is the music industry is very challenging, defeating, and it gets very hard to wake up some days with the same fervor... never knowing the end result, not seeing a light at the end of a tunnel. I prefer to be transparent and be open in my struggles... I LOVE doing what I do, and find much fulfillment, sometimes the goal gets cloudy. This by no means is a negative reflection but one of vulnerability. For me, I honestly pray daily for the Lord to either provide strength, hope, & opportunity or to redirect my efforts! If my music is not in line with His plan for my life, I am more than willing to refocus my efforts!
Honestly, music will always be a part of my life... I truly LOVE singing and find such fulfillment in writing, but as far as my focus & plan on this earth... that is one I will leave to my Provider! Trust me, I'm sure it comes across as odd, or frivolous to most... But to have seen the Lord work on my behalf, it has cemented my faith, trust, belief and security in His leading. And in all honesty, He is the one who directed me into music in the first place!! He has used music to give me opportunity to serve, minister, share His love & His word with many! In all actuality... regardless of what I am doing, He will be my focus & reflection!
But the reality is... I am Human... I am faulty... so it is a daily struggle... or at least there are weeks that I am challenged to stay the course! Hours every day are required, financial investments, late nights, sacrifices and so on... I couldn't begin to add up the hours that I have invested in music over the last 12 years... BUT, this is the price I've paid to be at the level I am now. I do Not regret it... AT ALL! To be honest my Only struggle is making sure I am in Line with God's path for me... cause if I'm not, then I AM wasting time & money!
I'll say this, the Lord is Very good to me... He not only provides, but He goes out of His way to let me know I'm on course! Throws me a bone you could say... Puts a smile on my face!! I have no problem giving Him the credit & the Glory... about sharing His name... sharing His love! I am truly blessed beyond my wildest dreams... and this could be the very beginning! But either way, my life now is Incredible! Family, friends, job, home, etc... Music is the cherry on top!
I will continue down this road... investing & sacrificing, but also seeking the path that has been laid out for me! Thank YOU all for the Love & Support!!
Good day & God Bless,
Being part of this rat race that is the music industry is very challenging, defeating, and it gets very hard to wake up some days with the same fervor... never knowing the end result, not seeing a light at the end of a tunnel. I prefer to be transparent and be open in my struggles... I LOVE doing what I do, and find much fulfillment, sometimes the goal gets cloudy. This by no means is a negative reflection but one of vulnerability. For me, I honestly pray daily for the Lord to either provide strength, hope, & opportunity or to redirect my efforts! If my music is not in line with His plan for my life, I am more than willing to refocus my efforts!
Honestly, music will always be a part of my life... I truly LOVE singing and find such fulfillment in writing, but as far as my focus & plan on this earth... that is one I will leave to my Provider! Trust me, I'm sure it comes across as odd, or frivolous to most... But to have seen the Lord work on my behalf, it has cemented my faith, trust, belief and security in His leading. And in all honesty, He is the one who directed me into music in the first place!! He has used music to give me opportunity to serve, minister, share His love & His word with many! In all actuality... regardless of what I am doing, He will be my focus & reflection!
But the reality is... I am Human... I am faulty... so it is a daily struggle... or at least there are weeks that I am challenged to stay the course! Hours every day are required, financial investments, late nights, sacrifices and so on... I couldn't begin to add up the hours that I have invested in music over the last 12 years... BUT, this is the price I've paid to be at the level I am now. I do Not regret it... AT ALL! To be honest my Only struggle is making sure I am in Line with God's path for me... cause if I'm not, then I AM wasting time & money!
I'll say this, the Lord is Very good to me... He not only provides, but He goes out of His way to let me know I'm on course! Throws me a bone you could say... Puts a smile on my face!! I have no problem giving Him the credit & the Glory... about sharing His name... sharing His love! I am truly blessed beyond my wildest dreams... and this could be the very beginning! But either way, my life now is Incredible! Family, friends, job, home, etc... Music is the cherry on top!
I will continue down this road... investing & sacrificing, but also seeking the path that has been laid out for me! Thank YOU all for the Love & Support!!
Good day & God Bless,
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
On a different note,
I wonder how many parents take heed to the lessons they teach their children? If they are truly living examples, or if it's just what they think is the right thing to say in that moment? Shouldn't we be mentors to our children, as far as teaching them to be the type of persons we believe to be productive, good hearted, God fearing, loving, compassionate, Graceful, and fruitful members of society?
Now listen, anyone expecting to be Super Parent is only going to be let down. But aren't there those moments, pivotal times which we know this is an important impasse in their development? The times when you truly have their attention, and they are seeking wisdom... So often we are all in reactionary mode, or caught up in the business of life. Our parents the same... But hopefully we can stop the merry-go-round periodically to impart learnings, teachings, understanding, knowledge & wisdom that might of taken us years to retain. Of course they will have to go through their trials to cement the sentiment, but there is value in truly accepting the role of Mentor.
Think of them as loving, lively, mold-able & scale-able self portraits... hehehe... And actually, for a Believer like me, my goal is for them to emulate Jesus as much as they can to the world they live. For them to truly understand the value of serving, loving, putting others first, and being empathetic & graceful! I try not to get caught up in their day to day short comings, but seek out the times I can truly bring value to their life!
Is parenting or mentoring that much different then the rest of our life? Aren't we seeking to Live Life on Purpose? With Intent? I was telling my son this morning that we ALL have to choose everyday who we want to be. Choose the impact we are going to make in the world we live... And... that we'll have to live with the results of those decisions. I speak to my son in this way, as I want him to own His life... His choices... His decisions... That He knows it's not everyone else who dictates Who He is! And I wasn't just providing lip service in saying we ALL have this very same opportunity & responsibility!
What ever role you find yourself in at any given moment is where you should be focused. It's All temporal... Seasons... moments... We can take them on intently, or rush through them to only dwell in the situations we deem worthy. Life should Not be random!
May we ALL take on the role of Mentor, or at least one of personal accountability. Living life on purpose... Knowing we can have an impact! You might just change some ones life!!
Good day & God Bless,
I wonder how many parents take heed to the lessons they teach their children? If they are truly living examples, or if it's just what they think is the right thing to say in that moment? Shouldn't we be mentors to our children, as far as teaching them to be the type of persons we believe to be productive, good hearted, God fearing, loving, compassionate, Graceful, and fruitful members of society?
Now listen, anyone expecting to be Super Parent is only going to be let down. But aren't there those moments, pivotal times which we know this is an important impasse in their development? The times when you truly have their attention, and they are seeking wisdom... So often we are all in reactionary mode, or caught up in the business of life. Our parents the same... But hopefully we can stop the merry-go-round periodically to impart learnings, teachings, understanding, knowledge & wisdom that might of taken us years to retain. Of course they will have to go through their trials to cement the sentiment, but there is value in truly accepting the role of Mentor.
Think of them as loving, lively, mold-able & scale-able self portraits... hehehe... And actually, for a Believer like me, my goal is for them to emulate Jesus as much as they can to the world they live. For them to truly understand the value of serving, loving, putting others first, and being empathetic & graceful! I try not to get caught up in their day to day short comings, but seek out the times I can truly bring value to their life!
Is parenting or mentoring that much different then the rest of our life? Aren't we seeking to Live Life on Purpose? With Intent? I was telling my son this morning that we ALL have to choose everyday who we want to be. Choose the impact we are going to make in the world we live... And... that we'll have to live with the results of those decisions. I speak to my son in this way, as I want him to own His life... His choices... His decisions... That He knows it's not everyone else who dictates Who He is! And I wasn't just providing lip service in saying we ALL have this very same opportunity & responsibility!
What ever role you find yourself in at any given moment is where you should be focused. It's All temporal... Seasons... moments... We can take them on intently, or rush through them to only dwell in the situations we deem worthy. Life should Not be random!
May we ALL take on the role of Mentor, or at least one of personal accountability. Living life on purpose... Knowing we can have an impact! You might just change some ones life!!
Good day & God Bless,
Monday, February 10, 2014
Letting Go...
On a different note,
The act of Letting Go is not something most people are good at... We hold on to memories, things that bring sentimental value, we hold on to grudges, and so on... So, we are typically very good at keeping stuff! The only bad part with keeping so much, is we also have to carry it... we are responsible for it... and there are some things we should probably leave behind anyway!
We are all creatures of habit, so I am not trying to point fingers... just stating the obvious! I'm sure if given an opportunity to relinquish certain things we would have NO problem...LOL... Riiiiight!! Doesn't it seem the stuff that is the worst for us, is the hardest to let go of? The bad habits... the old pictures... the ugly sweaters... Because we are creatures of habit and because we are self seeking, this creates a problem in being willing to let things go at the ideal times. As we mature, we should be progressing, and creating new, healthier, and more fruitful trends in our lives. There is a reason we look at the elder generations in awe of their togetherness... their ability to seem stable... They were willing to cut ties with the things that brought weight into their lives.
Scripture talks of being willing to pick up our cross and follow Him, to be willing to give up our possessions and follow Him... So much gets taken out of context in this regard... He wants to know YOU are willing... that you do not have idols or things in this temporal world that carry more weight than they are worth! Trust me when I say, it will change Your life! Seek the true value of things You hold so near & dear... When we pass, our money is worthless, our possessions of No value, and any wrong doings are washed away... So, then why would we tie ourselves to them so much now? Are they not hindering our quality of life now?
If we run out and buy an 80K car... we must realize the payment, the insurance, & the maintenance that comes with it. So then we must take on the responsibility, weight & financial burden of this purchase. Which will also affect the other areas of our lives because of the amount it affects in our bottom line. Just an example to think about.
Whether it's smoking, material things, or negative personality characteristics... We must be WILLING to change them in order to allow the Lord to step in on our behalf to evoke change! You will live a lighter life, both physically, financially, mentally and spiritually! Be willing to walk away from the burdens in your life... Seek to live a life of true value... not what the world says You should have! Surround yourselves with Amazing people, live below your means to avoid money constraints, give the Lord an opportunity to intercede and grow your life spiritually! Just imagine walking this life without having to carry everything!
Good day & God Bless,
The act of Letting Go is not something most people are good at... We hold on to memories, things that bring sentimental value, we hold on to grudges, and so on... So, we are typically very good at keeping stuff! The only bad part with keeping so much, is we also have to carry it... we are responsible for it... and there are some things we should probably leave behind anyway!
We are all creatures of habit, so I am not trying to point fingers... just stating the obvious! I'm sure if given an opportunity to relinquish certain things we would have NO problem...LOL... Riiiiight!! Doesn't it seem the stuff that is the worst for us, is the hardest to let go of? The bad habits... the old pictures... the ugly sweaters... Because we are creatures of habit and because we are self seeking, this creates a problem in being willing to let things go at the ideal times. As we mature, we should be progressing, and creating new, healthier, and more fruitful trends in our lives. There is a reason we look at the elder generations in awe of their togetherness... their ability to seem stable... They were willing to cut ties with the things that brought weight into their lives.
Scripture talks of being willing to pick up our cross and follow Him, to be willing to give up our possessions and follow Him... So much gets taken out of context in this regard... He wants to know YOU are willing... that you do not have idols or things in this temporal world that carry more weight than they are worth! Trust me when I say, it will change Your life! Seek the true value of things You hold so near & dear... When we pass, our money is worthless, our possessions of No value, and any wrong doings are washed away... So, then why would we tie ourselves to them so much now? Are they not hindering our quality of life now?
If we run out and buy an 80K car... we must realize the payment, the insurance, & the maintenance that comes with it. So then we must take on the responsibility, weight & financial burden of this purchase. Which will also affect the other areas of our lives because of the amount it affects in our bottom line. Just an example to think about.
Whether it's smoking, material things, or negative personality characteristics... We must be WILLING to change them in order to allow the Lord to step in on our behalf to evoke change! You will live a lighter life, both physically, financially, mentally and spiritually! Be willing to walk away from the burdens in your life... Seek to live a life of true value... not what the world says You should have! Surround yourselves with Amazing people, live below your means to avoid money constraints, give the Lord an opportunity to intercede and grow your life spiritually! Just imagine walking this life without having to carry everything!
Good day & God Bless,
Friday, February 7, 2014
Grace Lessons...
On a different note,
Since we were teenager's we had the feeling of "Already Knowing" most answers to life's questions. As a manager & trainer at different points in life, I learned that anyone who thought they already knew the answer didn't have much room to grow. This life is a continuous learning, full of lessons, and trials by which we are tested, refined, and prospered in righteousness. Sanctification you might say! But the reality is, are we willing to be taught? Are we willing to be schooled, or stretched in order to be achieve a better "ME"?!?
What I have seen & learned myself is that for us to truly learn & value certain aspects of Love there must be some challenges. It's along the lines of "How can I learn to persevere if I haven't gone through times which I didn't think I could make it!". LOVE is literally in our DNA, we are born needing it. But as we mature and require New characteristics to be a more productive, loving, & empathetic member of society... things can get a lil more difficult. For us to be Graceful... for us to be Empathetic... for us to be sincere and compassionate to those around us, we must understand the value & worth of it! We must truly grasp the NEED for it before we'll ever incorporate it into our daily lives. I had to first acknowledge my deficiencies, my failures, my short comings, etc. to be able to recognize MY NEED for Grace, forgiveness, empathy, & compassion! I saw my issues, which of course led to guilt, shame, remorse... And in that dark time, My Lord was the first one to show me Love... for me to truly receive His understanding! I was not shunned, punished, and He was Not angry at me... He knew I was faulty by nature, I was sinful at birth... It was at that moment I understood what Love was, what Grace was, and the need for me to provide that for others!
If we go through life thinking we are a "Good" person, or that we already "Get it", then we have no room to grow... we have no room to prosper spiritually in Love! Trust me, I remember the feeling at first of accepting my indiscretions... my failures... my selfish ways... Looking in that mirror was absolutely defeating, and it broke me... It brought me to my knees! and now I know, that's exactly where I needed to be! On my knee's I could look up and find the solace we ALL need! I was forgiven, and shown Love when I didn't deserve it... Which is the definition of Grace! I give Grace because I was given Grace! We're all faulty & broken... So, None of us deserve it, but ALL of us Need it! Pass it on!
Good day & God Bless,
Since we were teenager's we had the feeling of "Already Knowing" most answers to life's questions. As a manager & trainer at different points in life, I learned that anyone who thought they already knew the answer didn't have much room to grow. This life is a continuous learning, full of lessons, and trials by which we are tested, refined, and prospered in righteousness. Sanctification you might say! But the reality is, are we willing to be taught? Are we willing to be schooled, or stretched in order to be achieve a better "ME"?!?
What I have seen & learned myself is that for us to truly learn & value certain aspects of Love there must be some challenges. It's along the lines of "How can I learn to persevere if I haven't gone through times which I didn't think I could make it!". LOVE is literally in our DNA, we are born needing it. But as we mature and require New characteristics to be a more productive, loving, & empathetic member of society... things can get a lil more difficult. For us to be Graceful... for us to be Empathetic... for us to be sincere and compassionate to those around us, we must understand the value & worth of it! We must truly grasp the NEED for it before we'll ever incorporate it into our daily lives. I had to first acknowledge my deficiencies, my failures, my short comings, etc. to be able to recognize MY NEED for Grace, forgiveness, empathy, & compassion! I saw my issues, which of course led to guilt, shame, remorse... And in that dark time, My Lord was the first one to show me Love... for me to truly receive His understanding! I was not shunned, punished, and He was Not angry at me... He knew I was faulty by nature, I was sinful at birth... It was at that moment I understood what Love was, what Grace was, and the need for me to provide that for others!
If we go through life thinking we are a "Good" person, or that we already "Get it", then we have no room to grow... we have no room to prosper spiritually in Love! Trust me, I remember the feeling at first of accepting my indiscretions... my failures... my selfish ways... Looking in that mirror was absolutely defeating, and it broke me... It brought me to my knees! and now I know, that's exactly where I needed to be! On my knee's I could look up and find the solace we ALL need! I was forgiven, and shown Love when I didn't deserve it... Which is the definition of Grace! I give Grace because I was given Grace! We're all faulty & broken... So, None of us deserve it, but ALL of us Need it! Pass it on!
Good day & God Bless,
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Future is Now...
On a different note,
One of the biggest challenges we have is the lack of ability to see the future. Can You imagine the impact that would have on the world we live... The result & ramifications would be catastrophic! But, that doesn't keep us from wishing we had the opportunity... The interesting thing about that is it is rooted in different reasons for all of us. Whether it's not liking where we are at now, possibly who we might end up being in the future, finances, relationships, death, and so on. For me, my personality is one typically of bringing up the "Devil's Advocate" questions... so, I ask, Do You really wanna know?
Imagine being in Love, finding out that the relationship is doomed... or that you end up working a dead end job til retirement... Would that really inspire you, drive you, or encourage you to push through adversity? Would knowing the end result indicate the effort it might take to get there? Personally I think it's our nature to want what we want, and to know the result so that takes the worrying out of our day. But in reality, it would cause more drama & issues If we actually knew the end result.
We live in a world of Temporary... and I truly believe that it's for a reason. We currently have the ability to grow, learn, and work through life... to make things right, better or focus on the things that truly matter. We can get up each day and start a new! We can choose our path, versus knowing where we will end up. We create our Destiny by working hard, persevering and stepping out in Faith! If You knew the answers, what would drive you to be fruitful in life?
As an example... people might hear my music and think, "oh, he's got a good voice, I wish I had that ability." when in reality the journey I've taken to get to this point would be lost in translation. So, If I knew I'd be here today, would I of worked so hard those 10 years of growing my ability? The daily vocal exercises, the shows early in my career that didn't go so well, or the years of sacrifice leading a worship team... ALL these aspects were pivotal in this plan God had for me... So, IF I knew, I can say with all honesty the steps needed to grow would not of happened most likely.
Most days I wake up wanting to know what the future has in store... but I also know I have today to navigate... today to make a difference, today I make an impact, and to serve a purpose for those around me! Knowing the end would only dis-way us from pushing through the valley's and climbing the Mountain tops! LIVE your life as if tomorrow is Not promised, exceed expectations and find Your path! Your Future is NOW!
Good day & God Bless,
One of the biggest challenges we have is the lack of ability to see the future. Can You imagine the impact that would have on the world we live... The result & ramifications would be catastrophic! But, that doesn't keep us from wishing we had the opportunity... The interesting thing about that is it is rooted in different reasons for all of us. Whether it's not liking where we are at now, possibly who we might end up being in the future, finances, relationships, death, and so on. For me, my personality is one typically of bringing up the "Devil's Advocate" questions... so, I ask, Do You really wanna know?
Imagine being in Love, finding out that the relationship is doomed... or that you end up working a dead end job til retirement... Would that really inspire you, drive you, or encourage you to push through adversity? Would knowing the end result indicate the effort it might take to get there? Personally I think it's our nature to want what we want, and to know the result so that takes the worrying out of our day. But in reality, it would cause more drama & issues If we actually knew the end result.
We live in a world of Temporary... and I truly believe that it's for a reason. We currently have the ability to grow, learn, and work through life... to make things right, better or focus on the things that truly matter. We can get up each day and start a new! We can choose our path, versus knowing where we will end up. We create our Destiny by working hard, persevering and stepping out in Faith! If You knew the answers, what would drive you to be fruitful in life?
As an example... people might hear my music and think, "oh, he's got a good voice, I wish I had that ability." when in reality the journey I've taken to get to this point would be lost in translation. So, If I knew I'd be here today, would I of worked so hard those 10 years of growing my ability? The daily vocal exercises, the shows early in my career that didn't go so well, or the years of sacrifice leading a worship team... ALL these aspects were pivotal in this plan God had for me... So, IF I knew, I can say with all honesty the steps needed to grow would not of happened most likely.
Most days I wake up wanting to know what the future has in store... but I also know I have today to navigate... today to make a difference, today I make an impact, and to serve a purpose for those around me! Knowing the end would only dis-way us from pushing through the valley's and climbing the Mountain tops! LIVE your life as if tomorrow is Not promised, exceed expectations and find Your path! Your Future is NOW!
Good day & God Bless,
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
On a different note,
Maybe it's just me, but do we all seem to forget to refresh, renew, & replenish our lives? I'm pretty much non stop, running around like a spider monkey on Mountain Dew! Hehehe... But in all honesty, I do try to find that down time... Time to focus on the important aspects, time to re-evaluate, time to invest in the things of worth in our lives!!
This world has evolved not only into a "Right Now" mentality, but we are being asked to perform, process and filter at a very high rate. We are doing more, we are slowing down less, and probably still feel like we can't keep up! We are our own worst enemy no doubt! When I was a personal trainer, I used to advise my clients of a basic truth... being healthy at a high level consisted of approximately 3 things: 75% healthy diet, 15% rest, and then 10% working out. Of course these numbers fluctuate a bit, but let me ask... Are You remotely cognoscente of these areas?
We all know the food these days are over processed & carry barely any nutrients... Can't say that most people get any exercise to speak of... So, how about Your Rest? Down time? Replenishing of your mind, body & soul? Do we think we can go through life without taking care of ourselves, and expect optimal results? Many don't even care for their cars, and wonder why they begin falling apart after a few years... and that's just a few years! What about our lives?
I challenge myself to renew continually... Everyday to focus on my Faith & Love for the Lord... this sets my day in a positive, enlightening, & fulfilling direction! I eat lean, clean & smaller portions as to run at a peak performance...and supplement for increased nutrients to help my body renew. And I make sure I get down time... turning my brain off, resting my body, and connecting to the things that matter like family, my wife, my friends, etc... It has to be a conscious choice!
This all goes back to living a life on purpose... determining the healthy avenues & requirements of your life! If you allow this life to run you into the ground, expect a breakdown at some point... mentally, physically or spiritually! Take care of yourself... Live with intent... and Choose to invest where it matters!! You get out what You put in!
Good day & God Bless,
Maybe it's just me, but do we all seem to forget to refresh, renew, & replenish our lives? I'm pretty much non stop, running around like a spider monkey on Mountain Dew! Hehehe... But in all honesty, I do try to find that down time... Time to focus on the important aspects, time to re-evaluate, time to invest in the things of worth in our lives!!
This world has evolved not only into a "Right Now" mentality, but we are being asked to perform, process and filter at a very high rate. We are doing more, we are slowing down less, and probably still feel like we can't keep up! We are our own worst enemy no doubt! When I was a personal trainer, I used to advise my clients of a basic truth... being healthy at a high level consisted of approximately 3 things: 75% healthy diet, 15% rest, and then 10% working out. Of course these numbers fluctuate a bit, but let me ask... Are You remotely cognoscente of these areas?
We all know the food these days are over processed & carry barely any nutrients... Can't say that most people get any exercise to speak of... So, how about Your Rest? Down time? Replenishing of your mind, body & soul? Do we think we can go through life without taking care of ourselves, and expect optimal results? Many don't even care for their cars, and wonder why they begin falling apart after a few years... and that's just a few years! What about our lives?
I challenge myself to renew continually... Everyday to focus on my Faith & Love for the Lord... this sets my day in a positive, enlightening, & fulfilling direction! I eat lean, clean & smaller portions as to run at a peak performance...and supplement for increased nutrients to help my body renew. And I make sure I get down time... turning my brain off, resting my body, and connecting to the things that matter like family, my wife, my friends, etc... It has to be a conscious choice!
This all goes back to living a life on purpose... determining the healthy avenues & requirements of your life! If you allow this life to run you into the ground, expect a breakdown at some point... mentally, physically or spiritually! Take care of yourself... Live with intent... and Choose to invest where it matters!! You get out what You put in!
Good day & God Bless,
Monday, February 3, 2014
Gift of Love...
On a different note,
Would You believe me if I said you were loved unconditionally? Would that even be comprehend-able? Not sure any us have the ability to walk this earth guilt free, shameless, or believing we are faultless. We are constantly being compared or shown what we SHOULD be, versus seeking who we really are! We all know our deficiencies... even if we choose to hide them or bury them deep in our hearts. I bring this up to provide some peace & solace to all of us... We are all not that different, and thankfully none of us needs to be burdened by being Perfect!
In my years of seeking the Lord, it became ever so clear that Love is to be our primary focus, not the things that have been held so important in this world. Love God with all your heart, Love your neighbor as yourself, Love your wife as Christ loved the church, and so on... Scripture speaks to the trappings of this world as a reminder, an indicator of our need for a Savior... That we might not feel the weight of the world, but seek to rise above it! If we all agree each of us has our own issues, then we can also agree we are equally faulty. But when we see the Love of a Savior... a God who sent His son to die for Us... an unconditional Love beyond measure... So, why are we measuring each other, when we've already acknowledged we are equally broken? Should we persecute each others short comings? So, we will take the gift of Love, the gift of sacrifice and return the favor with hate?
Because we are insecure by nature, and because we know the weight of our own failures, it drives us to compare... Shouldn't it drive us to be compassionate... understanding... empathetic... graceful... forgiving... merciful & Loving?
God gave a gift of unconditional Love & Sacrifice to a group of people who were screwed up... Selfish, arrogant, faulty, angry, & defiant.. Just like us... It was an example for us! For us to Love in the face of brokenness! For us to give Love even when it isn't earned or warranted... JUST LIKE TODAY! We have that example of unconditional Love! You are Loved... You have the ability to give what you've been given! We don't have to be driven to LOVE because others Love us, but quite the contrary... Knowing we're All screwed up, We Love because we know how it feels to be broken!
Good day & God Bless,
Would You believe me if I said you were loved unconditionally? Would that even be comprehend-able? Not sure any us have the ability to walk this earth guilt free, shameless, or believing we are faultless. We are constantly being compared or shown what we SHOULD be, versus seeking who we really are! We all know our deficiencies... even if we choose to hide them or bury them deep in our hearts. I bring this up to provide some peace & solace to all of us... We are all not that different, and thankfully none of us needs to be burdened by being Perfect!
In my years of seeking the Lord, it became ever so clear that Love is to be our primary focus, not the things that have been held so important in this world. Love God with all your heart, Love your neighbor as yourself, Love your wife as Christ loved the church, and so on... Scripture speaks to the trappings of this world as a reminder, an indicator of our need for a Savior... That we might not feel the weight of the world, but seek to rise above it! If we all agree each of us has our own issues, then we can also agree we are equally faulty. But when we see the Love of a Savior... a God who sent His son to die for Us... an unconditional Love beyond measure... So, why are we measuring each other, when we've already acknowledged we are equally broken? Should we persecute each others short comings? So, we will take the gift of Love, the gift of sacrifice and return the favor with hate?
Because we are insecure by nature, and because we know the weight of our own failures, it drives us to compare... Shouldn't it drive us to be compassionate... understanding... empathetic... graceful... forgiving... merciful & Loving?
God gave a gift of unconditional Love & Sacrifice to a group of people who were screwed up... Selfish, arrogant, faulty, angry, & defiant.. Just like us... It was an example for us! For us to Love in the face of brokenness! For us to give Love even when it isn't earned or warranted... JUST LIKE TODAY! We have that example of unconditional Love! You are Loved... You have the ability to give what you've been given! We don't have to be driven to LOVE because others Love us, but quite the contrary... Knowing we're All screwed up, We Love because we know how it feels to be broken!
Good day & God Bless,
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