Monday, December 2, 2013


On a different note,

As we venture this life, it seems the older we get the more debt, baggage, and cynicism we take on. We accumulate throughout our lives, some due to fear of loss, some from sentimental value, and some of monetary value... I will say for me, I am no longer as tied to my belongings as I used to be. It's just stuff, we can't take it with us when we leave this earth. We seem to choose to carry so much... physically, emotionally, spiritually, and I wonder if we've pondered the weight that comes with that?
There is a word that has shown through in my heart today... Redeemed. This word literally means "to buy, or pay off, clear by payment"... It is a word that is reflected in scripture... it is a word which resonates in my heart as I know the feeling in my very soul. I now know the feeling of letting go, the feeling of having someone who carries the weight of my life in His hands. I no longer have to carry the weight of my screw ups, of my worldly worries, or my worldly possessions. See, we choose to hold on to hurt, to failures, to things the world deems valuable. When in reality, we need to value ourselves... and realize our Savior has Already paid the price. Jesus died on the cross that we might be redeemed! That fact cannot be refuted!
I share this not to get into some religious battle, but as a ray of hope... a reminder of Grace... an example of unconditional love!! I went through most of my life constantly reflecting on my heartache, sorrow and deficiencies... I ONLY found value when I chose to draw near Our God! Only then did the world fade, along with it's expectations, judgement, and inequality. Once I found out my value was in the LOVE I am willing to share with the world did I feel fulfillment, purpose, and the weight removed.
Make the choice to relinquish the weight that we carry... it is of No value... Life will continue once we're gone... But what is your legacy? What IS important right now? Do the failures of last week carry any weight in the big picture, can You change them? YOU are of value, regardless of your deficiencies!! We are ALL loved, but are we willing to receive it? How sad, most deny their Provider... they deny the one who can release them from the weight of this world.. the One who ALREADY paid the price!!

You are worth so much more than YOU realize... the cost was paid with a Life... carry the reflection of that kind of Love in your daily lives!!

Good day & God Bless,

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