On a different note,
Once You have been brought to a place of humility, it becomes a continual battle within to accept the Grace we've been to blessed to receive. I have made a lot of bad choices, I've hurt so many people, and I continue to be human and err in my day to day walk. I make the choice to allow God to use me, reflect through me, but I do my best to deny credit... I spent most of my adult life screwing things up and most of my spiritual journey dealing with those iniquities. I do not say this as a negative or pessimistic message, but as one of transparency and honesty. Knowing my short comings, failures, and deficiencies allows me the opportunity to let God lead and to provide mercy, grace and empathy to others!
I think we can all put ourselves in the shoes of the Prodigal Son... a story of personal goals, desires and the lure of the world. One which a "good" person goes against what is knowingly a solid, blessed, entitled and fruitful way of life to take part in the exciting, instantly gratifying, and popular path of the worldly. This is something we will all face, and one we're most likely partaking each day... I am! I am willing to admit my pull to the world, but also my Love & Heart for the Lord! My desire to adhere to my pride and carnal nature, but also my desire to serve the Almighty! I have been called many things... hypocrite, sinner, liar, false prophet, etc... to be honest, it didn't bother me in the way you might think... For us Not to know the truth & Love of the Lord weighs on my heart daily! For us to ignore specific messages He's shone, for Us to defy His presence & spirit in our Hearts for our own agenda is heart breaking to me... and Him as well I can only imagine! He IS Love... He Already paid the Price... He desires Our seeking, Calling Out, and Our Focus!! He Wants to carry the weight of this world for Us!!
I come to You today with a message of Love, Hope, Happiness, and Fulfillment... You ready? Can You imagine How Amazing it must of felt for the Prodigal Son to walk up that road, to come Home, to relinquish the shame, guilt, heartache, failure, and unfulfillment of His choices only to find a Celebration in His name!! To know His bad choices were forgiven, were forgotten, and the only thing that mattered was His choice to come Home!!!! Guess what... We should feel the same way when we make the choice to LOVE in our hearts, to Seek the Lord, to Give Him credit for His favor... The fact we are choosing, even if only at times; to Live a Life of Love and Spiritual power... We have a choice, and we will screw it up most of the time... But when we make the choice to Love and put the world behind Us, we then allow our Father to know the joy that comes from Us returning Home! He delights in Us choosing His way over our own!!
Do Not get caught up in the bad choices, but find Peace, Joy, Love and Fulfillment in the ones that Do lead You down the path of righteousness!
Good day & God Bless,
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