Tuesday, December 17, 2013


On a different note,

Ever notice the most influential people just seem to be able to express the things they are truly passionate about? They are able to express their sincere love, belief, and complete dedication to a specific topic. You see, that is the power of testimony... meaning, if we do not truly believe in something, how could we ever influence others to do the same? I remember my days in sales, and after years of learning that specific area I knew it like the back of my hand... I felt very confident in speaking about it, handling questions and addressing any concerns. So, when I spoke on it, it was believable!
We ALL have things which we are experts... Could be music, could be God, could be Star Wars, or even making Chicken Pot Pie... Stop and ponder what it is you feel strongly about... and think of the value that you could provide in this area... Think about if You could pass this on, and enrich others lives in this regard... Influence is a powerful tool... something we ALL need to be conscious of!
Now of course, being an expert on Chicken Pot Pie is probably not going to change someones life...LOL... But, it could change their dinner! But there are things in this world which have a large affect on the better good! There are examples of Love, Faith, Grace and Mercy that could be shared by which to show the world these things are Real, and are still valuable!
When people speak of the Love of the Lord, and the impact He's had in their life... that cannot be taken away from them! Quoting scripture means nothing with out the expression of Love, Grace, Compassion, Empathy, and such! We believe things that are delivered with confidence... and if we think about it, things of importance should Not be wishy washy!
Be a person of Influence.... doesn't mean you need to go change the world like Tony Robbin's... it means having an impact in your family, at your job, in the world you live!! Discover the things you believe it whole heart-idly, and leverage that knowledge and Love! Be believable and put yourself out there!! You Too can change the world you live!!

Good Day, God Bless

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