On a different note,
I remember living most of my early adult life in fear... In fear of nothing living up to society's expectations, not living up to what I expected my life to be based on the world around me, and fear of my internal vulnerability being exposed. What I've learned is that we all have insecurities, we all have issues, we all fall short of the skewed example the world provides, but also the Glory of God. You see by acknowledging our fear, we then provide an opportunity for God to step in and show His power & Love!!
We are a fear driven society... fear of the "Jones's", fear of loss, fear of not getting something, fear of losing our jobs, fear of going to jail, and so on... We are worriers of things we cannot control... Look around You... You will notice fear driving a majority of the processes within our framework. Now, at first though we are then... what for it... Frightened by the transparency, vulnerability, and lack of control this would signify in the fragile world we live. Do we want this world driven by fear? Personally, I think there is some value to it!
Until we have grown to a place of personal reflection and transparency, we are then controlled by fear... this is Not a healthy place to be. But by acknowledging our fear, we then can move to a place of honesty which relinquishes its power. It is now a factor, not the driving force behind our existence!!!
Fear left my heart when I gave my Life to our Creator. He asked for my heart, my life, my focus, and I gave it to Him... over time of course... but then, and Only then did I stop living by false expectations. Only then was I not tied to my fear, but I owned it and was able to use it as a constant reminder of my weakness, true lack of control, and need for a Leader and Provider in my life. So, me being scared of things I cannot control is wasted energy and focus... But by following the path laid out for me spiritually, I then take on clarity, strength, and confidence... a Divine right!
You see, My fear is somewhat still here... a bit different, but here... And it tells Me "Chris, You cannot do this alone!"... "Chris, You do not have the power or ability to make that happen!"... "But, you Know who Does!"
My goals in life are driven by following my Protector, my fear is in my flesh and the daily resistance to Not living by it! What fear shall I have, when I know I have someone carrying my yoke, my future, and my salvation? Fear is OK, as long as You are Not control by it... It is a struggle, a daily battle, but seek Ye who can remove the weight of it!! Let Him worry about those things that He controls!
Good day & God Bless,
Thank you, Chris, for sharing such personal information in order to help others, like me. I really got a lot out of reading this blog, I love the idea of letting go of what I can't control and letting my faith in God help me let go of the fear of things I can't control. Very generous of you to share this in order to help people, you're a great guy!! Miss you!!