On a different note,
I wonder how many people stop to ponder the usage of our lives in the big scheme of things... Meaning, we are technically leasing these lives, but are we truly taking advantage of the situation? I know, it's probably a bit odd... but for a second, remember I didn't make myself... I didn't create life... I didn't chose the who, where, & when... So, I should be thankful for the opportunity to have this Life!!!
If had signed a lease, there would be guidelines, expectations, requirements and a maintenance agreement. Is that really any different then our lives? Since truly spending the time to read the bible and dialogue with God, I have come to view His scriptures as guidelines... it's a road map... A path paved for Us to follow for a fruitful existence. But most of the time we ignore any expectations or requirements and just do as we please... Instead of being considerate of our neighbors, we lives for US... We turn a blind eye to any emotional, spiritual or physical deposits... Choices to Invest in Power, Communication, or Enlightenment... So, are we truly taking advantage of our opportunity to leverage a life bestowed to us?
We have also been provided a maintenance agreement... One with a very robust plan, and much reward. Do we really think we can fix everything on our own? Again, remembering, I didn't create anything... Should we not go back to the Owner, Author, and utilize a lifetime warranty????
We are leasing these lives, and we should be periodically taking time to recall, refocus, and recommit to the guidelines and benefits of the life laid out for us. That when we divert from the plan, this go awry... We make the choice... The landLORD lives upstairs, why don't we call out for help? Ask for requirements & expectations? Why are we not making deposits in the very place our lives were initiated!
Let's stop taking these lives for granted, and let's become good stewards of our daily gifts and opportunities! Let's not waste these years choosing to walk alone, when we have One who says He'll carry the weight!! He desires us to come to Him, seek Him, and focus on HIM...
Guess what!?! Then We get our deposit back!! He will deposit rivers of living water in our lives! Love, Grace, Favor, Blessings, and purpose!!
Good day & God Bless,
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