Friday, November 29, 2013

Personal Transparency...

On a different note,

The reality of any given situation relies on personal reflection... I've often stated the fact that we should be honest & transparent with ourselves, which could lead us to a better place of ownership. Though there is No such thing as perfection, that does not mean we don't strive to a higher level of existence. We grow in areas we understand we need growth in... thus, if we only deflect, there is no opportunity for growth in the areas we Truly Need growth in... get it?
Every day we navigate this crazy world made up of selfish, carnal, defensive and strong willed people... ourselves included... So as much as they might not see the impact they have on the world around them, maybe we don't either!! Personal ownership is so important, as it allows for the acknowledgement of responsibility & accountability. So often we do not own our share of the confusion, disregard and self reliance that rules the world around us. So many are only looking out for numero uno!
In the music industry, this of course is one of the main deficiencies. Everyone is looking for money, fame, fast track, and recognition at the cost of others. instead of everyone sharing he load and reward, people are being used in all directions to fulfill personal agendas. If everyone did their part, there is more than enough room at the top for all of us to use our God given gifts!
Most of this lies in the reality of a persons foundation. I am human, I have personal goals, but I also check myself regularly... and seek for ways to lift others up, provide opportunity and share in the Glory of Victories! If only we all could reflect the Love of the Lord... Tis His work in my heart that allows me the presence to put others first... Else, I would do it all myself!! It is a choice, It is an acknowledgment, and it is a gift that we can do for All those around us. Being honest with ourselves... Being honest with who, where and what we are!! Making the choice to put others first, and to take responsibility for our share!!
You do not have to answer to me, and some choose not to answer to God... but You Always have to answer for yourself!!! Make the choice to be transparent with YOU!!!

Good day & God Bless,

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