On a different note,
Since we know life is typically an up hill battle, that would elude to knowing it takes effort to push anything through to completion! Meaning, life is work and is gonna throw us some hills, hurdles and heart aches... But that doesn't mean we stop, it just means we push harder or redirect our efforts! I guess the magical question is how bad do you want it? Value is relative to the person asking the question!!!
Part of my work responsibilities include quality control, thus level of quality is more prevalent to me I suppose. I often wonder if someone people ask this question at all...LOL... This is not to be derogatory but to beg the question, is this good enough for you? Is this the level you expected, perceived, or envisioned? To me, if You're gonna do it, do it right!
I remember in years past doing things and knowing deep in my heart it wasn't my best... At that point my personal question should of been Why? Why am I doing this if my desire isn't to do my best? My time is so valuable, that I could put efforts in other areas versus wasting my time or others. I think we all go through these feelings, wondering where we should be... what should we be doing which can provide some type of value or fulfillment. The thought is to be conscious of our daily lives... our choices... our time...
I continually speak to "Living on Purpose", this I suppose is part of that! It's choosing to take on life, and push through trials to achieve a new level of success! It's knowing You are on the path God laid out for you, thus your efforts are not wasted. We live a life of focus, passion, drive, and perseverance! I know God has my back, He has a plan for me, and it's my job to work through the valley's to enjoy the mountain top!
What ever your product is... What ever your output is... Where ever God has you... Put forth effort, exceed worldly expectations!! Success comes from pushing thru to the end and doing your absolute best!! Knowing it was a blessing to even have the opportunity!! Thankful!! Now get out there and LIVE it!
Good day & God Bless,
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