Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Walk away...

On a different note,

What are You willing to walk away from? I am in a place right now of making decisions in this regard, and to be quite honest it's not the first time. I have learned to be very honest and transparent with myself in this life, as we are so good at convincing ourselves what is important. We are self serving by nature, so of course we have an easier time justifying self serving scenarios. What I have learned is power comes from not being tied to the things of this world. That my Love for the Lord is paramount, the rest has been provided by Him. Scripture speaks to idols in our lives, so for me things takes on a more relative meaning in my day to day life. I must be conscious of all that is going on around me, and honest with myself enough to catch it if needed!
I have been asked in the past to make a sacrifice, to remove something that has become bigger or more important than it should be.And in that transparent state, my willingness to relinquish this thing, scenario, or circumstance allowed the Lord to remove the weight and even open new doors. Whether it is the weight of a job, the exhaustion from un-needed choices, or the financial weight of a possession. We must be willing to take the steps to put things in right perspective.
If I truly believe the Lord provides and He has a path for my life, then the circumstances we all deal with become less consuming. I must remind myself to not allow anything to take precedence above the Lord or His plan for my life. If I do, then I am removing Him from the equation, and also giving up the power that comes from His intercession.
We must prioritize our lives, our time, and our focus... otherwise we are living reactionary and thus with no control, power, or fulfillment. This world will take on a life of it's own if we are not conscious, and it will suck the life right out of us. I am willing to walk away from things of my life so that they do not rule, dictate or sway me from the True important aspects I desire. Don't let Life run You, take control and life on Purpose! Allow for blessings, intercession and His hand in your life... He'll help You carry it!!!

Good day & God Bless,

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