Thursday, January 23, 2014

LOVE Big...

On a different note,

To truly understand the fulfillment, value, weight and impact of true Love we must commit to it... Give it every bit of our focus, sacrifice, investment and see it flourish! I think we all get scared, nervous, anxious, protective, defensive, etc which keeps us from giving Love a true chance... We do just enough to feel it, but then restrain ourselves... thus Not allowing it to blossom like a beautiful flower!
It's no surprise we men typically have a harder time opening up, being vulnerable, and possibly even committing at times. Or maybe we just are spending the time on the front end choosing the right person. We are all so different, thus our needs are different... Randomly choosing a partner based on things temporal or not foundational sets us all up to be defeated & unfulfilled. But either way, we have to take ownership!
The goal is to find someone to Love you in a similar manner... each side must be equally sacrificial, focused, vulnerable... Two become One... Both giving 100% of themselves... Otherwise, it's unbalanced. It's a boat in rough waters, barley keeping a float... But when evenly matched, it should sail though the storms without sinking!
I am not trying to make relationships sound easy... but LOVE should be... Two should be focused on each other... If both are looking at themselves first, then the other is left to fend for themselves also... thus, two have Not become one. The core of Love is by putting others first... Taking care of each other's needs first... Thus creating a union, a healthy, and reciprocal relationship!
I learned to Love by learning how to be selfless... by seeing the value of sacrifice... and being taught to put others first... Once you have a spiritual foundation in Love, your life & decisions are reflected accordingly. I cannot expect a person to Love me unconditionally if their only focus in THEM first! LOVE is giving up for others, it's allowing others a chance to shine, encouraging, lifting up, and giving them the chance to feel Victory! For some, this might be difficult... but it is always the intent & reflection of the heart that shines through! Choose to Love on purpose... Love with Intent... and LOVE BIG!

Good day & God Bless,

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