On a different note,
I've often wondered if all of us have the ability to be creative? Doesn't mean we'll grow the ability, or use it at all... but if it would sit dormant regardless. I have seen my wife become an abstract artist almost over night, we see prodigies at very young ages thrive in both music, art, and more... The output could be various expressions, so maybe that is the key... Finding which creative outlet best suits our personal make up.
Some people go through life with no purpose, goals, objectives or desire to over achieve or succeed in general. This boggles my mind! I personally do not know the meaning of everyone's' life, but I would bet my own life it isn't to waste away doing nothing. My expectations mean nothing, but I can't help but ponder them all the same... WE must find our own path... Shouldn't we find an outlet or something that would not only define us, reflect who we are, and provide an outlet of expression?
Allow me to give an example... a stay at home Mom... does that not require major effort, focus, patience and personal reflection? Would that not require creativity in regards to children's schooling? Possible art projects, or home improvements... how about keeping dinner fresh, new, and not stagnant? It may seem I'm forcing an issue of being an artist, when truly for me I am wishing we ALL had the knowledge or understanding of gifts we might already possess. We have the opportunity each day to choose who we desire to be... We are all made equal, but also not the same... We each have a roll & responsibility in our communities... in this body of people... So, to not spend the time verifying & validating our existence, our purpose, and our mission would be a travesty. Who are You, Who do You want to Be, and How are you expressing YOU?
Some people are creative in many outlets... maybe because they try, and even though they might fail they learn... they grow... and decipher skills, gifts, vision, purpose, weaknesses, and so on...
I am possibly redefining what creativity stands for in your life... I see gifts, values, skills that are untapped... I see a world of beautiful people craving an opportunity to show the world who they are! And I see God reflected in the world we live... a plan in motion, a path awaiting our stepping out in faith...
I will leave you with this thought... I am not a painter, I am not a drummer, I am not fluent in German, and I do not mow images into corn fields... But what if... What if my gift of creativity is Loving others around Me in various ways contrary to the world we live... Jesus did that... I challenge you to be creative in your thinking, not to be tied to what the world considers art, expression, and gifts! BE you on purpose, and Your creative outlet will shine through!
Good day & God Bless,
We must find our own path..