Thursday, January 16, 2014


On a different note,

Whether we acknowledge or desire to admit that life is a battle each day, we cannot refute the struggle life can be at any given moment. Whether it's battling the weight of the world, loneliness, financial difficulties, or even worse fighting my very own urges, deficiencies and/or short comings. If we leave life up to chance, or without intent, we are allowing circumstances to dictate our state of mind & being... Victim, puppet, and slave to the flesh!
I remember one of the hardest moments in my life spiritually... it was the acknowledgement that there is a bigger plan... a God who is in control... which meant I had to relinquish the over all control of my life. I would imagine this is one of the hardest things a person has to come to recognize. This does not mean you stop fighting, stop seeking, or stop making choices... quite the contrary, it means You are More focused and specific in your daily life. It is the recognition that there is a spiritual battle going on... even if just internal!
Think of it like this... If You were a King in a castle... and you did not plan for possible attacks... You might leave your gates open, not guards up, and no warnings to be  conscious of... You'd be vulnerable! Well, it is the same for us... We must plan for the battle that is Life! Be conscious of our surroundings, of what our weaknesses are, and prepare for these future struggles. Be "In the know" they say...
There is peace in knowing there is a higher power... there is comfort in knowing Him and creating a relationship with your Provider... and there is security in relinquishing the weight of the world... Of course, this comes through trials, growing our faith, and creating new habits by which to live a life of understanding. We can No longer just go through the motions... being a ship in a storm, tossed around... but living with intent, with trust & belief, and acknowledging our battle & weaknesses only to use them on our behalf! Wisdom is power... denial is fruitless... So we must choose which path we'll take in this world. To be honest, we don't really have a choice as far as IF we will struggle... that WILL happen... So, it's more in regards to the choice of HOW we deal with life in general. I chose many years ago the path of Belief over randomness... And I have never been more firm in my faith! I used to live a reactive life, now I like a Productive one! I will battle, I will persevere, and because of my Faith I will Conquer!

Good day & God Bless,

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