Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Build Your Life...

On a different note,

I would imagine for a lot of us, we've created a defense system dating back to our childhood... the Terrible Two's!! The idea of rebelling against the Man... hehehe! We tend to find our own route, versus following others... It sometimes makes us choose to do the opposite of what we are asked or required to do. Again, this would have roots to many years ago, but could still be a hurdle to over come in our adults lives. Doesn't it seem that we subconsciously choose the path of least resistance whenever possible? This, by no means; concludes we are not fruitful, productive or lazy... it means we can comprehend the effort it takes to do the right things all the time!
If I were to tell someone they needed to eat & drink water every day to sustain life... this would be an easy task! These are almost involuntary, as our body reminds us of such. But If we take it a step further, for some people the idea of eating a healthy diet every day might be a bit of a challenge. They might do very well for a few weeks, or few months, only to succumb to the draw of unhealthy foods. And of course we become very good at making excuses for the things we don't do which we know we should do! This is not a post on dieting, just an example of will power!
As a thriving artist, there are things I have to do in order to get to the next level... some things that are not always going to be second nature or aligned with my already planned out day. This should be comprehensive to all of us... Doing laundry, brushing our teeth, oil changes, doctor visits all take effort & focus to accomplish... Imagine the important things that fall to the way side? Relationships, family, marriages, hobbies,  spiritual foundations, etc... I have an order in my life... hopefully you do also... it goes like this: God, Marriage, Family, Me, Music, etc... You see the pattern... So, here is my Top 5... wouldn't you think these aspects of my life would be paramount? Shouldn't I make specific, sacrificial, & daily choices to invest in these areas?
I believe in the power of prayer because it allows me to communicate with my Creator... as does being transparent and communicative with my wife... BOTH Imperative! I'm sure we at times decide Not to do it out of personal rebellion, possible prioritization, or just saying no in the moment! We ALL do this... Every day! Invest in the things You truly want growth, fruitfulness, production, performance, & reciprocation!! Lives are Not built by chance... they are built by effort!

Good day & God Bless,

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