Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Life Battles...

On a different note,

We have so many aspects of our lives that are so close to being toxic, we must truly be concerned about all areas of our lives. Mental, Physical, Emotional & Spiritual... They all have inter-dependencies, thus one affects the other! We must be prepared for battle!! Seem extreme? Examples could consist of depression, cancer, death, sickness, divorce, bankruptcy... This life is challenging, so we must be ready for anything!
Personally, I believe the Spiritual grounding is paramount, and I have seen more results from that than any other area. Next for me is the Physical aspect...  I can tell you that when I am run down, tired, or feeling under the weather, it definitely has adverse affects on my over all quality of life! The Physical gets more publicity then the other areas... it's more main stream. I think that allows us a perfect opportunity to ignore it! Think about it, we all know a little bit, enough to be able to speak to it's cause & affect, and be able to fake actually making the sacrifices to see the results. I do find it interesting and a travesty that spiritual circles do not speak to this topic more often. It is a perfect example of a spiritual battle, and one that shines a light on how we should be living our over all life. It's an everyday thing we must focus & renew daily... it requires sacrifice and not falling into bad habits.... also, not allowing our personal desires to out weigh the healthier options... But also having some flexibility, as long as it doesn't take us off track (Cheat days)!
Do I need a calorie calculator to tell me cake isn't healthy? Do I need to pay for a personal trainer to tell me I need to work out, versus looking in the mirror? Do I need to be told to rest, or can't I slow down the merry-go-round to realize I am run down? It's Your life, It's Your body, and It's your Journey! This is a major aspect of your life, why do so many just give up? Is living a spiritual sound life that must easier than saying No to McDonald's? Life is hard, and the rewards come based off focus, sacrifice, investment, and commitment! Took me years to get spiritually grounded, and many more years to see the fruit of those labors... but we expect to be healthy in a month or two?
Be prepared for what is coming... walking away or giving up cause it's hard or not exactly what YOU want is not a viable option! Check yourself... no one else is responsible for Your life but You! Is it going to be hard? YES! We must endure, persevere and have faith, knowing the rewards that come with living... or at least trying to live a healthy life! Then You are prepared for the battles ahead! Ask for help, seek the Lord for strength, and change the surroundings in your life to reflect Your positive & healthy focus!

Good day & God Bless,

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