On a different note,
From a business perspective, they often speak about Branding... about creating a commodity out of You and/or your business. By this, consumers will associate, attach and create connections to Your persona. If people have a hard time connecting to something, they will usually divert to something more pleasing or comfortable. So, since this aspect of business seems to be a fruitful endeavor... how about our personal life? Shouldn't we brand who we are?
I remember years back working with a few gentlemen who stood out... what they reflected to those around them, and what they represented to the world they lived. I not only desired to spend time with them, but I desired to be that type of person also. I associated, connected and desired to emulate their Brand. The interesting thing was that I didn't know right away exactly what it was, but I knew it was important and valuable!
Let's take my music for an example... My product, Original music... What type of product do I desire to make? What image do I choose to project? I defined my craft after the reflection of my heart... Love, Faith, Joy, etc... We must define who We are, and who we desire to be! We must create our Brand to the world we live. And some of these aspects might not be currently you best assets... but isn't life a journey?
I desired to be a man of God, someone of optimism, someone of worth, and who Loved others versus tearing them down... It was going to take some work!!
Is there a product out there that didn't require effort, focus, investment, sacrifice, or development? Maybe that's part of the problem in general... we do not want to recognize the need for daily focus & commitment to be the people we truly desire to be! Most things of value take work... So, choose your Brand wisely, cause it's gonna take some work!
We have a gift that never stops giving!! We have the opportunity each day to be who we desire to be! So, even if we failed yesterday, we still have a choice! What characteristics do you want others to say about you? Friendly, loving, forgiving, smart, sacrificial, great friend or listener? The point is, You have control over your life and how You reflect in the world you Live! You can invest or take away... It's your choice, and you can blame no one else! Create a Brand worthy of 5 stars! Worthy to be considered elite!!
Good day & God Bless,
I hope you enjoy my Blog and the writings that come from my journey, my heart and my life path! Hoping to share some LOVE thru my Music & writings!
Friday, January 31, 2014
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Finding Purpose...
On a different note,
I think without being too presumptuous we all spend a large amount of time discerning our purpose... probably as much as anything else. We are goal driven by nature and subconsciously seek fulfillment continually. We are all looking for ways to be loved, to be successful, and rewarded for our efforts. This is who we are! It spurns us on to the next step in life!
I know for me, this topic continues to resonate daily... either defining my purpose or goals for the day, or questioning whether or not I am even in the ball park. I do believe our purpose can change, and that we are not to be stuck in some repetitive, carbon copy or ground hog day scenario. Each day, each moment in our life could possibly have a mission in it... I remember being asked when I was in Ministry what I thought God's plan for me was? And to be honest, it was quite clear... On any given day, I might be leveraged to share God's word, His Love, to sing, or encourage... For me to claim a specific duty, only shuts the door on other areas I might be utilized!
We all have gifts, skills, and experiences that will best suit us for specific opportunities. And, if we're open to it, God might even expand our abilities to meet His needs. If You would of told me years ago, that I'd be in music, or that I would of had the chance to do so much writing... it would of seemed unorthodox to me... It's only in my walk with the Lord that I have been exposed to His plan, His path and His ways. So, instead of choosing my own path, or purpose, I typically look to try and discover His plan for me on that day... or even in specific moments! Purpose comes from feeling we did something of worth or value!
When I go outside and play base ball or whatever with the Kids, I feel just as much fulfillment & reward as writing a song. My core knows that it was so imperative to invest in my kids future... When I discuss life with them, or have the opportunity to impart wisdom, those times are priceless! All those screw ups, failures, trials and hurdles are now used to share with those who I truly care for... Is there a better purpose?
To encourage, to inspire, to serve, to provide forgiveness or instruction... is there a better purpose? I used to say this when I was in Ministry on the worship team... I stand here singing, something I Love to do, but is that ministry any more important then those who clean the church? They are truly sacrificing in their ministry!
Maybe our purpose isn't so easily described or defined, or maybe it's just redefining what we believe our mission is in general. If my expectations cloud my purpose, then I will never find fulfillment!
Good day & God Bless,
I think without being too presumptuous we all spend a large amount of time discerning our purpose... probably as much as anything else. We are goal driven by nature and subconsciously seek fulfillment continually. We are all looking for ways to be loved, to be successful, and rewarded for our efforts. This is who we are! It spurns us on to the next step in life!
I know for me, this topic continues to resonate daily... either defining my purpose or goals for the day, or questioning whether or not I am even in the ball park. I do believe our purpose can change, and that we are not to be stuck in some repetitive, carbon copy or ground hog day scenario. Each day, each moment in our life could possibly have a mission in it... I remember being asked when I was in Ministry what I thought God's plan for me was? And to be honest, it was quite clear... On any given day, I might be leveraged to share God's word, His Love, to sing, or encourage... For me to claim a specific duty, only shuts the door on other areas I might be utilized!
We all have gifts, skills, and experiences that will best suit us for specific opportunities. And, if we're open to it, God might even expand our abilities to meet His needs. If You would of told me years ago, that I'd be in music, or that I would of had the chance to do so much writing... it would of seemed unorthodox to me... It's only in my walk with the Lord that I have been exposed to His plan, His path and His ways. So, instead of choosing my own path, or purpose, I typically look to try and discover His plan for me on that day... or even in specific moments! Purpose comes from feeling we did something of worth or value!
When I go outside and play base ball or whatever with the Kids, I feel just as much fulfillment & reward as writing a song. My core knows that it was so imperative to invest in my kids future... When I discuss life with them, or have the opportunity to impart wisdom, those times are priceless! All those screw ups, failures, trials and hurdles are now used to share with those who I truly care for... Is there a better purpose?
To encourage, to inspire, to serve, to provide forgiveness or instruction... is there a better purpose? I used to say this when I was in Ministry on the worship team... I stand here singing, something I Love to do, but is that ministry any more important then those who clean the church? They are truly sacrificing in their ministry!
Maybe our purpose isn't so easily described or defined, or maybe it's just redefining what we believe our mission is in general. If my expectations cloud my purpose, then I will never find fulfillment!
Good day & God Bless,
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Life Battles...
On a different note,
We have so many aspects of our lives that are so close to being toxic, we must truly be concerned about all areas of our lives. Mental, Physical, Emotional & Spiritual... They all have inter-dependencies, thus one affects the other! We must be prepared for battle!! Seem extreme? Examples could consist of depression, cancer, death, sickness, divorce, bankruptcy... This life is challenging, so we must be ready for anything!
Personally, I believe the Spiritual grounding is paramount, and I have seen more results from that than any other area. Next for me is the Physical aspect... I can tell you that when I am run down, tired, or feeling under the weather, it definitely has adverse affects on my over all quality of life! The Physical gets more publicity then the other areas... it's more main stream. I think that allows us a perfect opportunity to ignore it! Think about it, we all know a little bit, enough to be able to speak to it's cause & affect, and be able to fake actually making the sacrifices to see the results. I do find it interesting and a travesty that spiritual circles do not speak to this topic more often. It is a perfect example of a spiritual battle, and one that shines a light on how we should be living our over all life. It's an everyday thing we must focus & renew daily... it requires sacrifice and not falling into bad habits.... also, not allowing our personal desires to out weigh the healthier options... But also having some flexibility, as long as it doesn't take us off track (Cheat days)!
Do I need a calorie calculator to tell me cake isn't healthy? Do I need to pay for a personal trainer to tell me I need to work out, versus looking in the mirror? Do I need to be told to rest, or can't I slow down the merry-go-round to realize I am run down? It's Your life, It's Your body, and It's your Journey! This is a major aspect of your life, why do so many just give up? Is living a spiritual sound life that must easier than saying No to McDonald's? Life is hard, and the rewards come based off focus, sacrifice, investment, and commitment! Took me years to get spiritually grounded, and many more years to see the fruit of those labors... but we expect to be healthy in a month or two?
Be prepared for what is coming... walking away or giving up cause it's hard or not exactly what YOU want is not a viable option! Check yourself... no one else is responsible for Your life but You! Is it going to be hard? YES! We must endure, persevere and have faith, knowing the rewards that come with living... or at least trying to live a healthy life! Then You are prepared for the battles ahead! Ask for help, seek the Lord for strength, and change the surroundings in your life to reflect Your positive & healthy focus!
Good day & God Bless,
We have so many aspects of our lives that are so close to being toxic, we must truly be concerned about all areas of our lives. Mental, Physical, Emotional & Spiritual... They all have inter-dependencies, thus one affects the other! We must be prepared for battle!! Seem extreme? Examples could consist of depression, cancer, death, sickness, divorce, bankruptcy... This life is challenging, so we must be ready for anything!
Personally, I believe the Spiritual grounding is paramount, and I have seen more results from that than any other area. Next for me is the Physical aspect... I can tell you that when I am run down, tired, or feeling under the weather, it definitely has adverse affects on my over all quality of life! The Physical gets more publicity then the other areas... it's more main stream. I think that allows us a perfect opportunity to ignore it! Think about it, we all know a little bit, enough to be able to speak to it's cause & affect, and be able to fake actually making the sacrifices to see the results. I do find it interesting and a travesty that spiritual circles do not speak to this topic more often. It is a perfect example of a spiritual battle, and one that shines a light on how we should be living our over all life. It's an everyday thing we must focus & renew daily... it requires sacrifice and not falling into bad habits.... also, not allowing our personal desires to out weigh the healthier options... But also having some flexibility, as long as it doesn't take us off track (Cheat days)!
Do I need a calorie calculator to tell me cake isn't healthy? Do I need to pay for a personal trainer to tell me I need to work out, versus looking in the mirror? Do I need to be told to rest, or can't I slow down the merry-go-round to realize I am run down? It's Your life, It's Your body, and It's your Journey! This is a major aspect of your life, why do so many just give up? Is living a spiritual sound life that must easier than saying No to McDonald's? Life is hard, and the rewards come based off focus, sacrifice, investment, and commitment! Took me years to get spiritually grounded, and many more years to see the fruit of those labors... but we expect to be healthy in a month or two?
Be prepared for what is coming... walking away or giving up cause it's hard or not exactly what YOU want is not a viable option! Check yourself... no one else is responsible for Your life but You! Is it going to be hard? YES! We must endure, persevere and have faith, knowing the rewards that come with living... or at least trying to live a healthy life! Then You are prepared for the battles ahead! Ask for help, seek the Lord for strength, and change the surroundings in your life to reflect Your positive & healthy focus!
Good day & God Bless,
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Build Your Life...
On a different note,
I would imagine for a lot of us, we've created a defense system dating back to our childhood... the Terrible Two's!! The idea of rebelling against the Man... hehehe! We tend to find our own route, versus following others... It sometimes makes us choose to do the opposite of what we are asked or required to do. Again, this would have roots to many years ago, but could still be a hurdle to over come in our adults lives. Doesn't it seem that we subconsciously choose the path of least resistance whenever possible? This, by no means; concludes we are not fruitful, productive or lazy... it means we can comprehend the effort it takes to do the right things all the time!
If I were to tell someone they needed to eat & drink water every day to sustain life... this would be an easy task! These are almost involuntary, as our body reminds us of such. But If we take it a step further, for some people the idea of eating a healthy diet every day might be a bit of a challenge. They might do very well for a few weeks, or few months, only to succumb to the draw of unhealthy foods. And of course we become very good at making excuses for the things we don't do which we know we should do! This is not a post on dieting, just an example of will power!
As a thriving artist, there are things I have to do in order to get to the next level... some things that are not always going to be second nature or aligned with my already planned out day. This should be comprehensive to all of us... Doing laundry, brushing our teeth, oil changes, doctor visits all take effort & focus to accomplish... Imagine the important things that fall to the way side? Relationships, family, marriages, hobbies, spiritual foundations, etc... I have an order in my life... hopefully you do also... it goes like this: God, Marriage, Family, Me, Music, etc... You see the pattern... So, here is my Top 5... wouldn't you think these aspects of my life would be paramount? Shouldn't I make specific, sacrificial, & daily choices to invest in these areas?
I believe in the power of prayer because it allows me to communicate with my Creator... as does being transparent and communicative with my wife... BOTH Imperative! I'm sure we at times decide Not to do it out of personal rebellion, possible prioritization, or just saying no in the moment! We ALL do this... Every day! Invest in the things You truly want growth, fruitfulness, production, performance, & reciprocation!! Lives are Not built by chance... they are built by effort!
Good day & God Bless,
I would imagine for a lot of us, we've created a defense system dating back to our childhood... the Terrible Two's!! The idea of rebelling against the Man... hehehe! We tend to find our own route, versus following others... It sometimes makes us choose to do the opposite of what we are asked or required to do. Again, this would have roots to many years ago, but could still be a hurdle to over come in our adults lives. Doesn't it seem that we subconsciously choose the path of least resistance whenever possible? This, by no means; concludes we are not fruitful, productive or lazy... it means we can comprehend the effort it takes to do the right things all the time!
If I were to tell someone they needed to eat & drink water every day to sustain life... this would be an easy task! These are almost involuntary, as our body reminds us of such. But If we take it a step further, for some people the idea of eating a healthy diet every day might be a bit of a challenge. They might do very well for a few weeks, or few months, only to succumb to the draw of unhealthy foods. And of course we become very good at making excuses for the things we don't do which we know we should do! This is not a post on dieting, just an example of will power!
As a thriving artist, there are things I have to do in order to get to the next level... some things that are not always going to be second nature or aligned with my already planned out day. This should be comprehensive to all of us... Doing laundry, brushing our teeth, oil changes, doctor visits all take effort & focus to accomplish... Imagine the important things that fall to the way side? Relationships, family, marriages, hobbies, spiritual foundations, etc... I have an order in my life... hopefully you do also... it goes like this: God, Marriage, Family, Me, Music, etc... You see the pattern... So, here is my Top 5... wouldn't you think these aspects of my life would be paramount? Shouldn't I make specific, sacrificial, & daily choices to invest in these areas?
I believe in the power of prayer because it allows me to communicate with my Creator... as does being transparent and communicative with my wife... BOTH Imperative! I'm sure we at times decide Not to do it out of personal rebellion, possible prioritization, or just saying no in the moment! We ALL do this... Every day! Invest in the things You truly want growth, fruitfulness, production, performance, & reciprocation!! Lives are Not built by chance... they are built by effort!
Good day & God Bless,
Monday, January 27, 2014
Monday's are Great!
On a different note,
Seems typical on a Monday to be a lil down about heading back to work... I tend to buck this trend by posting TGIM(Thank God It's Monday) or TGIT(Thank God It's Tuesday)... I make this stand as to make the effort to focus on the plus side of life, versus feeding into the negative. Instead of comparing or spending time pondering what I am lacking, I like to TRY and focus on what an amazing life I have! Yes, I have an Amazing life... I woke up, I have a job, a home, an incredible family, amazing wife, a car... I think You get my point! Perspective runs our life most of the time, so it's the view we take on that inspires or tempers our happiness. Trust me, I am not Always chipper and Go Lucky, but I do make an effort... And what better day than a Monday do we have to determine Not to let typical feelings dictate our day or week!
We can desire more, or different... that is not an issue! It can become an issue if we let if take away from what we do have in a negative context. Sure, we should be driven to excellence, but with time being a resource we do not have control over... we should be wise in our day to day perspectives. If my job doesn't pay the bills, then I should seek to increase my self worth and possibly seek a better paying & more fulfilling job. If my relationship is having issues, I better first start investing, working, and evaluating it prior to instant replacement or disregard. It's just too easy to find the negative, and let that lead You to possible impulsive or reactionary decisions. Anything of worth or importance in your life is going to take time, effort, focus & investment!
I know for some, it is their normal demeanor to be pessimistic. So in that, it will be even more of a challenge to find the positive in a situation, never mind on a Monday morning! We All have personal hurdles to over come... we will all have spiritual journey's to endure... the positive is once we get through these trials, there is growth & fulfillment on the other side! Life is not about easy all the time... So, we shouldn't expect the world to revolve around us! We have a life, just one... So, we better make the best of it!
Don't buy into materialism or societies false representation of How YOU should be living! We all have a different path, so instead of comparing You proverbial Saturday to Monday, feel fortunate you have a Day in general! Be thankful for Your life, and choose to live it with intent!
Good day & God Bless,
Seems typical on a Monday to be a lil down about heading back to work... I tend to buck this trend by posting TGIM(Thank God It's Monday) or TGIT(Thank God It's Tuesday)... I make this stand as to make the effort to focus on the plus side of life, versus feeding into the negative. Instead of comparing or spending time pondering what I am lacking, I like to TRY and focus on what an amazing life I have! Yes, I have an Amazing life... I woke up, I have a job, a home, an incredible family, amazing wife, a car... I think You get my point! Perspective runs our life most of the time, so it's the view we take on that inspires or tempers our happiness. Trust me, I am not Always chipper and Go Lucky, but I do make an effort... And what better day than a Monday do we have to determine Not to let typical feelings dictate our day or week!
We can desire more, or different... that is not an issue! It can become an issue if we let if take away from what we do have in a negative context. Sure, we should be driven to excellence, but with time being a resource we do not have control over... we should be wise in our day to day perspectives. If my job doesn't pay the bills, then I should seek to increase my self worth and possibly seek a better paying & more fulfilling job. If my relationship is having issues, I better first start investing, working, and evaluating it prior to instant replacement or disregard. It's just too easy to find the negative, and let that lead You to possible impulsive or reactionary decisions. Anything of worth or importance in your life is going to take time, effort, focus & investment!
I know for some, it is their normal demeanor to be pessimistic. So in that, it will be even more of a challenge to find the positive in a situation, never mind on a Monday morning! We All have personal hurdles to over come... we will all have spiritual journey's to endure... the positive is once we get through these trials, there is growth & fulfillment on the other side! Life is not about easy all the time... So, we shouldn't expect the world to revolve around us! We have a life, just one... So, we better make the best of it!
Don't buy into materialism or societies false representation of How YOU should be living! We all have a different path, so instead of comparing You proverbial Saturday to Monday, feel fortunate you have a Day in general! Be thankful for Your life, and choose to live it with intent!
Good day & God Bless,
Friday, January 24, 2014
Quiet Time...
On a different note,
For someone who has driven across country a handful of times, and seems to be continually driving throughout the majority of my life, I truly dread driving at times... especially in morning traffic. I have this innate sense of urgency that ends up making me feel anxious, pressured, and frustrated... Thankfully this aspect of who I am is slowly changing... I had to first get to a place of understanding, and then be willing & desire to change that part of my life. For someone like me, I know there is only one way for me to successfully remove or change undesirable characteristics of my life... I have to bring it to the Lord... might sound strange, but I could give YOU a list of things I thought I could conquer on my own, only to fail... I have learned that some things cannot only be accomplished through Faith, Trust, Sacrifice, Focus and Spiritual intercession. This is now a truth in my life...
So, how might one begin to address this anxiety of the morning commute... well, to be honest it was a simple solution... yet has taken years to see it morph, change, and grow me in this manner. Allow me to provide an example... Jesus went out into the dessert to escape the noise, hustle & bustle of the world and focus on hearing the Voice of God. This example holds true for us as well... We must remove our focus of the world and put our sights on the Provider continually. We must be willing to interject our faith into the areas of our life which need spiritual renewal!
So, for me... this morning traffic time was a perfect place to accomplish to tasks I so desperately needed. I leave my radio on a Christian contemporary station to allow a sense of worship & reverence... I spend the time Not focused on my worldly concerns, but in gratitude, supplication, and adoration... I use it as my quiet focus time to reconnect, and to restart my day with the One who truly is my foundation. This decision, this habit, this choice has ripples that flow through my daily life... Allows me to be grounded, it allows me the opportunity to not let my day start with negative feelings, and it provides the quiet focus time with my Savior which replenishes me spiritually!
Look for areas which you need intercession... find ways to incorporate quiet & focus time with the Lord into your daily rituals. Don't be like me, and allow the world to drive you crazy! But be driven to grow spiritually and allow for His intercession!
Good day & God Bless,
For someone who has driven across country a handful of times, and seems to be continually driving throughout the majority of my life, I truly dread driving at times... especially in morning traffic. I have this innate sense of urgency that ends up making me feel anxious, pressured, and frustrated... Thankfully this aspect of who I am is slowly changing... I had to first get to a place of understanding, and then be willing & desire to change that part of my life. For someone like me, I know there is only one way for me to successfully remove or change undesirable characteristics of my life... I have to bring it to the Lord... might sound strange, but I could give YOU a list of things I thought I could conquer on my own, only to fail... I have learned that some things cannot only be accomplished through Faith, Trust, Sacrifice, Focus and Spiritual intercession. This is now a truth in my life...
So, how might one begin to address this anxiety of the morning commute... well, to be honest it was a simple solution... yet has taken years to see it morph, change, and grow me in this manner. Allow me to provide an example... Jesus went out into the dessert to escape the noise, hustle & bustle of the world and focus on hearing the Voice of God. This example holds true for us as well... We must remove our focus of the world and put our sights on the Provider continually. We must be willing to interject our faith into the areas of our life which need spiritual renewal!
So, for me... this morning traffic time was a perfect place to accomplish to tasks I so desperately needed. I leave my radio on a Christian contemporary station to allow a sense of worship & reverence... I spend the time Not focused on my worldly concerns, but in gratitude, supplication, and adoration... I use it as my quiet focus time to reconnect, and to restart my day with the One who truly is my foundation. This decision, this habit, this choice has ripples that flow through my daily life... Allows me to be grounded, it allows me the opportunity to not let my day start with negative feelings, and it provides the quiet focus time with my Savior which replenishes me spiritually!
Look for areas which you need intercession... find ways to incorporate quiet & focus time with the Lord into your daily rituals. Don't be like me, and allow the world to drive you crazy! But be driven to grow spiritually and allow for His intercession!
Good day & God Bless,
Thursday, January 23, 2014
LOVE Big...
On a different note,
To truly understand the fulfillment, value, weight and impact of true Love we must commit to it... Give it every bit of our focus, sacrifice, investment and see it flourish! I think we all get scared, nervous, anxious, protective, defensive, etc which keeps us from giving Love a true chance... We do just enough to feel it, but then restrain ourselves... thus Not allowing it to blossom like a beautiful flower!
It's no surprise we men typically have a harder time opening up, being vulnerable, and possibly even committing at times. Or maybe we just are spending the time on the front end choosing the right person. We are all so different, thus our needs are different... Randomly choosing a partner based on things temporal or not foundational sets us all up to be defeated & unfulfilled. But either way, we have to take ownership!
The goal is to find someone to Love you in a similar manner... each side must be equally sacrificial, focused, vulnerable... Two become One... Both giving 100% of themselves... Otherwise, it's unbalanced. It's a boat in rough waters, barley keeping a float... But when evenly matched, it should sail though the storms without sinking!
I am not trying to make relationships sound easy... but LOVE should be... Two should be focused on each other... If both are looking at themselves first, then the other is left to fend for themselves also... thus, two have Not become one. The core of Love is by putting others first... Taking care of each other's needs first... Thus creating a union, a healthy, and reciprocal relationship!
I learned to Love by learning how to be selfless... by seeing the value of sacrifice... and being taught to put others first... Once you have a spiritual foundation in Love, your life & decisions are reflected accordingly. I cannot expect a person to Love me unconditionally if their only focus in THEM first! LOVE is giving up for others, it's allowing others a chance to shine, encouraging, lifting up, and giving them the chance to feel Victory! For some, this might be difficult... but it is always the intent & reflection of the heart that shines through! Choose to Love on purpose... Love with Intent... and LOVE BIG!
Good day & God Bless,
To truly understand the fulfillment, value, weight and impact of true Love we must commit to it... Give it every bit of our focus, sacrifice, investment and see it flourish! I think we all get scared, nervous, anxious, protective, defensive, etc which keeps us from giving Love a true chance... We do just enough to feel it, but then restrain ourselves... thus Not allowing it to blossom like a beautiful flower!
It's no surprise we men typically have a harder time opening up, being vulnerable, and possibly even committing at times. Or maybe we just are spending the time on the front end choosing the right person. We are all so different, thus our needs are different... Randomly choosing a partner based on things temporal or not foundational sets us all up to be defeated & unfulfilled. But either way, we have to take ownership!
The goal is to find someone to Love you in a similar manner... each side must be equally sacrificial, focused, vulnerable... Two become One... Both giving 100% of themselves... Otherwise, it's unbalanced. It's a boat in rough waters, barley keeping a float... But when evenly matched, it should sail though the storms without sinking!
I am not trying to make relationships sound easy... but LOVE should be... Two should be focused on each other... If both are looking at themselves first, then the other is left to fend for themselves also... thus, two have Not become one. The core of Love is by putting others first... Taking care of each other's needs first... Thus creating a union, a healthy, and reciprocal relationship!
I learned to Love by learning how to be selfless... by seeing the value of sacrifice... and being taught to put others first... Once you have a spiritual foundation in Love, your life & decisions are reflected accordingly. I cannot expect a person to Love me unconditionally if their only focus in THEM first! LOVE is giving up for others, it's allowing others a chance to shine, encouraging, lifting up, and giving them the chance to feel Victory! For some, this might be difficult... but it is always the intent & reflection of the heart that shines through! Choose to Love on purpose... Love with Intent... and LOVE BIG!
Good day & God Bless,
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Creative Outlets...
On a different note,
I've often wondered if all of us have the ability to be creative? Doesn't mean we'll grow the ability, or use it at all... but if it would sit dormant regardless. I have seen my wife become an abstract artist almost over night, we see prodigies at very young ages thrive in both music, art, and more... The output could be various expressions, so maybe that is the key... Finding which creative outlet best suits our personal make up.
Some people go through life with no purpose, goals, objectives or desire to over achieve or succeed in general. This boggles my mind! I personally do not know the meaning of everyone's' life, but I would bet my own life it isn't to waste away doing nothing. My expectations mean nothing, but I can't help but ponder them all the same... WE must find our own path... Shouldn't we find an outlet or something that would not only define us, reflect who we are, and provide an outlet of expression?
Allow me to give an example... a stay at home Mom... does that not require major effort, focus, patience and personal reflection? Would that not require creativity in regards to children's schooling? Possible art projects, or home improvements... how about keeping dinner fresh, new, and not stagnant? It may seem I'm forcing an issue of being an artist, when truly for me I am wishing we ALL had the knowledge or understanding of gifts we might already possess. We have the opportunity each day to choose who we desire to be... We are all made equal, but also not the same... We each have a roll & responsibility in our communities... in this body of people... So, to not spend the time verifying & validating our existence, our purpose, and our mission would be a travesty. Who are You, Who do You want to Be, and How are you expressing YOU?
Some people are creative in many outlets... maybe because they try, and even though they might fail they learn... they grow... and decipher skills, gifts, vision, purpose, weaknesses, and so on...
I am possibly redefining what creativity stands for in your life... I see gifts, values, skills that are untapped... I see a world of beautiful people craving an opportunity to show the world who they are! And I see God reflected in the world we live... a plan in motion, a path awaiting our stepping out in faith...
I will leave you with this thought... I am not a painter, I am not a drummer, I am not fluent in German, and I do not mow images into corn fields... But what if... What if my gift of creativity is Loving others around Me in various ways contrary to the world we live... Jesus did that... I challenge you to be creative in your thinking, not to be tied to what the world considers art, expression, and gifts! BE you on purpose, and Your creative outlet will shine through!
Good day & God Bless,
I've often wondered if all of us have the ability to be creative? Doesn't mean we'll grow the ability, or use it at all... but if it would sit dormant regardless. I have seen my wife become an abstract artist almost over night, we see prodigies at very young ages thrive in both music, art, and more... The output could be various expressions, so maybe that is the key... Finding which creative outlet best suits our personal make up.
Some people go through life with no purpose, goals, objectives or desire to over achieve or succeed in general. This boggles my mind! I personally do not know the meaning of everyone's' life, but I would bet my own life it isn't to waste away doing nothing. My expectations mean nothing, but I can't help but ponder them all the same... WE must find our own path... Shouldn't we find an outlet or something that would not only define us, reflect who we are, and provide an outlet of expression?
Allow me to give an example... a stay at home Mom... does that not require major effort, focus, patience and personal reflection? Would that not require creativity in regards to children's schooling? Possible art projects, or home improvements... how about keeping dinner fresh, new, and not stagnant? It may seem I'm forcing an issue of being an artist, when truly for me I am wishing we ALL had the knowledge or understanding of gifts we might already possess. We have the opportunity each day to choose who we desire to be... We are all made equal, but also not the same... We each have a roll & responsibility in our communities... in this body of people... So, to not spend the time verifying & validating our existence, our purpose, and our mission would be a travesty. Who are You, Who do You want to Be, and How are you expressing YOU?
Some people are creative in many outlets... maybe because they try, and even though they might fail they learn... they grow... and decipher skills, gifts, vision, purpose, weaknesses, and so on...
I am possibly redefining what creativity stands for in your life... I see gifts, values, skills that are untapped... I see a world of beautiful people craving an opportunity to show the world who they are! And I see God reflected in the world we live... a plan in motion, a path awaiting our stepping out in faith...
I will leave you with this thought... I am not a painter, I am not a drummer, I am not fluent in German, and I do not mow images into corn fields... But what if... What if my gift of creativity is Loving others around Me in various ways contrary to the world we live... Jesus did that... I challenge you to be creative in your thinking, not to be tied to what the world considers art, expression, and gifts! BE you on purpose, and Your creative outlet will shine through!
Good day & God Bless,
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Judge ye be Judged...
On a different note,
I know the Lord has a sense of humor... You can see it all through scripture. One that stands out is a serious topic and a serious issue that happens all too often. Jesus gave a caveat for us to follow, Once we are perfect, we can then have the freedom to judge others. I find this funny, as there is No such thing, thus indirectly saying we shouldn't be judging anyone else but ourselves. Personal accountability versus persecution.
It saddens me that judging seems to be part of our worldly nature... as we all do it, just some more than others or to different extreme's. Whether it be sexual preference or just someone's personal attire... we all have a pretty easy time of pointing out deficiencies. I can accept that it is in our nature, but that doesn't mean we Choose to do it. It doesn't mean we knowing choose to judge those we we deem unworthy... The book of James speaks to one sin is just as guilty as another... and the book of 1st John speaks to all of us being sinful based on God's law. I share this not to condemn, but to inspire personal accountability. God has provided a road map, guidance, and a structure for us... this will equate to a more fruitful, abundant, productive and Love filled life... We should be using it for personal analysis, evaluation and accountability... But to use it for personal gain, motive or judgement would diverting from it's intended use.
We will be given opportunities to provide guidance, wisdom, feedback, and correction... But let's not try and confuse the two scenarios. Knowing the law, and persecuting someone based on it are two separate things. We are to approach with love, grace, compassion, and empathy in order to share the True intent of our Savior. We are living examples of God's love... so, explain how being harsh, unforgiving, ungraceful, and destructive is that reflection of the Lord who died on the cross for our sins?
We should be helping each other, but we also know the value of free will... meaning, we all have a life in which we are accountable to do the best we can! We should all strive to be better people each day, passing on Love which is realistically the hardest of all commandments. Well, it sure seems to be!! We need to be loving more and judging less. We ALL have issues, deficiencies or personal opinions that have no bearing on the walk of our neighbors. Be accountable for Your life, and look to inspire, enhance, and empathize with the lives of others! LOVE is the cure... So be conscious of what You reflect!!
Good day & God Bless,
I know the Lord has a sense of humor... You can see it all through scripture. One that stands out is a serious topic and a serious issue that happens all too often. Jesus gave a caveat for us to follow, Once we are perfect, we can then have the freedom to judge others. I find this funny, as there is No such thing, thus indirectly saying we shouldn't be judging anyone else but ourselves. Personal accountability versus persecution.
It saddens me that judging seems to be part of our worldly nature... as we all do it, just some more than others or to different extreme's. Whether it be sexual preference or just someone's personal attire... we all have a pretty easy time of pointing out deficiencies. I can accept that it is in our nature, but that doesn't mean we Choose to do it. It doesn't mean we knowing choose to judge those we we deem unworthy... The book of James speaks to one sin is just as guilty as another... and the book of 1st John speaks to all of us being sinful based on God's law. I share this not to condemn, but to inspire personal accountability. God has provided a road map, guidance, and a structure for us... this will equate to a more fruitful, abundant, productive and Love filled life... We should be using it for personal analysis, evaluation and accountability... But to use it for personal gain, motive or judgement would diverting from it's intended use.
We will be given opportunities to provide guidance, wisdom, feedback, and correction... But let's not try and confuse the two scenarios. Knowing the law, and persecuting someone based on it are two separate things. We are to approach with love, grace, compassion, and empathy in order to share the True intent of our Savior. We are living examples of God's love... so, explain how being harsh, unforgiving, ungraceful, and destructive is that reflection of the Lord who died on the cross for our sins?
We should be helping each other, but we also know the value of free will... meaning, we all have a life in which we are accountable to do the best we can! We should all strive to be better people each day, passing on Love which is realistically the hardest of all commandments. Well, it sure seems to be!! We need to be loving more and judging less. We ALL have issues, deficiencies or personal opinions that have no bearing on the walk of our neighbors. Be accountable for Your life, and look to inspire, enhance, and empathize with the lives of others! LOVE is the cure... So be conscious of what You reflect!!
Good day & God Bless,
Monday, January 20, 2014
Short Term Memory...
On a different note,
There is something I remember from my football playing days that still holds true in all of our daily lives. If football, on any given play, someone has to win the battle. Both teams cannot win... So, it could be one small play, or a game, or even a season... there will be One winner standing at any given moment. So, as a player, you must grow the ability to move forward and not let the previous loss weigh you down. We must learn, grow and be willing to persevere... Life is full of disappointments, failures, losses, etc... So, if we constantly allow those to dictate our life, we'll never get to a place of confidence, Faith or even savor the Victories that come to Us!
Trust me when I say, I am typically not a Great loser... It has never been something I was ok with... But thankfully, the Lord has truly changed my heart in this regard. I am now able to step back, remove the emotions from the situation better than I ever have... It is a gift no words can describe. Life is hard for all of us... but the journey is different... it's why Love, Empathy, Compassion, Grace, and Mercy are so important! But for ourselves, we must learn to push through adversity!
We are emotional beings for sure, but if we allow the previous short comings to dictate our future, what type of focus, effort, expectations and hope will we have moving forward? Instead of focusing on a loss, we should be focused on what can we do better... or, You can't win them all... or, I think I could of put more focus & effort... These things are fruitful moving forward... The leveraging of these trying times to grow us into even better people!
To be honest, this message could be just as pertinent for moving past Victories as failures. The bottom line is, we need to have short term emotional memory. Emotions can cloud our judgement, lead us down wrong paths, and keep us from being productive, fruitful and focused for the next challenges in Life. Life does Not stop and wait for us, so we must be renewing our thoughts & focus continually!
I could not change this aspect of myself alone... but that is me... some of you might have an easier time with this. I had to learn Grace, learn that failure wasn't personal and take responsibility for my life... There aren't spiritual vendettas, we just have to be accountable for our life choices. Choose to not let the world weigh you down... Find strength, wisdom, understanding and power in living with Intent! NEXT!!
Good day & God Bless,
There is something I remember from my football playing days that still holds true in all of our daily lives. If football, on any given play, someone has to win the battle. Both teams cannot win... So, it could be one small play, or a game, or even a season... there will be One winner standing at any given moment. So, as a player, you must grow the ability to move forward and not let the previous loss weigh you down. We must learn, grow and be willing to persevere... Life is full of disappointments, failures, losses, etc... So, if we constantly allow those to dictate our life, we'll never get to a place of confidence, Faith or even savor the Victories that come to Us!
Trust me when I say, I am typically not a Great loser... It has never been something I was ok with... But thankfully, the Lord has truly changed my heart in this regard. I am now able to step back, remove the emotions from the situation better than I ever have... It is a gift no words can describe. Life is hard for all of us... but the journey is different... it's why Love, Empathy, Compassion, Grace, and Mercy are so important! But for ourselves, we must learn to push through adversity!
We are emotional beings for sure, but if we allow the previous short comings to dictate our future, what type of focus, effort, expectations and hope will we have moving forward? Instead of focusing on a loss, we should be focused on what can we do better... or, You can't win them all... or, I think I could of put more focus & effort... These things are fruitful moving forward... The leveraging of these trying times to grow us into even better people!
To be honest, this message could be just as pertinent for moving past Victories as failures. The bottom line is, we need to have short term emotional memory. Emotions can cloud our judgement, lead us down wrong paths, and keep us from being productive, fruitful and focused for the next challenges in Life. Life does Not stop and wait for us, so we must be renewing our thoughts & focus continually!
I could not change this aspect of myself alone... but that is me... some of you might have an easier time with this. I had to learn Grace, learn that failure wasn't personal and take responsibility for my life... There aren't spiritual vendettas, we just have to be accountable for our life choices. Choose to not let the world weigh you down... Find strength, wisdom, understanding and power in living with Intent! NEXT!!
Good day & God Bless,
Friday, January 17, 2014
On a different note,
This week I can't seem to shake the feeling of mortality.... Not in a weird, morbid, pessimistic, or creepy way, but in a reflective & optimistic kind of way. Meaning, we have RIGHT NOW! I cannot save people, I cannot make someone believe in something they don't, but I can reflect what I know in my heart... a sincere reflection of what has been proven to Me! That... cannot be taken from me! My only influence is sharing Love, providing empathy & compassion... I am as screwed up as anyone... I am Not perfect... I defer any titles, or denominations, or credit when It comes to the Love I share... I am nothing but a working class stiff, trying to Live a good life, and leave a legacy worthy of remembrance... And hopefully shine some light into peoples lives on my way!
I wasn't bright enough to find the Lord, He found Me! I wasn't smart enough to be WISE in the ways of Love, Sincerity, and Grace... He showed Me! And I for sure wasn't strong enough to conquer any demons, bad habits, or addictions in my life... Until He interceded! I do not need accolades, I do not desire being put on a pedestal... but I do desire the opportunity to share truth, love, mercy, and grace to the people God brings into my life... and even in that, I need Him to provide...
I've had a lot of death in my life the past few years... some very close, some neighbors, some in the circles I run... I think of what might of been there focus the Day before... the week before... And ponder the power, effort, and weight that is put on things of No meaning and No worth! That, my friends, saddens Me!
I hope I never insult, offend, or mis-represent the gift of Faith I have been given or the receiving of it by those in my life. If I accomplish anything in this life, I hope it's the impression of Love, Sacrifice, Investment, Belief, and Selflessness... Trust me, I know that's a Tall order!! But, you see... that is the point... It's Not about Me, for me, or done by Me! I pray every day we can focus, recommit, and prioritize our time to be fruitful! Thanks for being a part of my world, You have much worth!!
Good day & God Bless,
This week I can't seem to shake the feeling of mortality.... Not in a weird, morbid, pessimistic, or creepy way, but in a reflective & optimistic kind of way. Meaning, we have RIGHT NOW! I cannot save people, I cannot make someone believe in something they don't, but I can reflect what I know in my heart... a sincere reflection of what has been proven to Me! That... cannot be taken from me! My only influence is sharing Love, providing empathy & compassion... I am as screwed up as anyone... I am Not perfect... I defer any titles, or denominations, or credit when It comes to the Love I share... I am nothing but a working class stiff, trying to Live a good life, and leave a legacy worthy of remembrance... And hopefully shine some light into peoples lives on my way!
I wasn't bright enough to find the Lord, He found Me! I wasn't smart enough to be WISE in the ways of Love, Sincerity, and Grace... He showed Me! And I for sure wasn't strong enough to conquer any demons, bad habits, or addictions in my life... Until He interceded! I do not need accolades, I do not desire being put on a pedestal... but I do desire the opportunity to share truth, love, mercy, and grace to the people God brings into my life... and even in that, I need Him to provide...
I've had a lot of death in my life the past few years... some very close, some neighbors, some in the circles I run... I think of what might of been there focus the Day before... the week before... And ponder the power, effort, and weight that is put on things of No meaning and No worth! That, my friends, saddens Me!
I hope I never insult, offend, or mis-represent the gift of Faith I have been given or the receiving of it by those in my life. If I accomplish anything in this life, I hope it's the impression of Love, Sacrifice, Investment, Belief, and Selflessness... Trust me, I know that's a Tall order!! But, you see... that is the point... It's Not about Me, for me, or done by Me! I pray every day we can focus, recommit, and prioritize our time to be fruitful! Thanks for being a part of my world, You have much worth!!
Good day & God Bless,
Thursday, January 16, 2014
On a different note,
Whether we acknowledge or desire to admit that life is a battle each day, we cannot refute the struggle life can be at any given moment. Whether it's battling the weight of the world, loneliness, financial difficulties, or even worse fighting my very own urges, deficiencies and/or short comings. If we leave life up to chance, or without intent, we are allowing circumstances to dictate our state of mind & being... Victim, puppet, and slave to the flesh!
I remember one of the hardest moments in my life spiritually... it was the acknowledgement that there is a bigger plan... a God who is in control... which meant I had to relinquish the over all control of my life. I would imagine this is one of the hardest things a person has to come to recognize. This does not mean you stop fighting, stop seeking, or stop making choices... quite the contrary, it means You are More focused and specific in your daily life. It is the recognition that there is a spiritual battle going on... even if just internal!
Think of it like this... If You were a King in a castle... and you did not plan for possible attacks... You might leave your gates open, not guards up, and no warnings to be conscious of... You'd be vulnerable! Well, it is the same for us... We must plan for the battle that is Life! Be conscious of our surroundings, of what our weaknesses are, and prepare for these future struggles. Be "In the know" they say...
There is peace in knowing there is a higher power... there is comfort in knowing Him and creating a relationship with your Provider... and there is security in relinquishing the weight of the world... Of course, this comes through trials, growing our faith, and creating new habits by which to live a life of understanding. We can No longer just go through the motions... being a ship in a storm, tossed around... but living with intent, with trust & belief, and acknowledging our battle & weaknesses only to use them on our behalf! Wisdom is power... denial is fruitless... So we must choose which path we'll take in this world. To be honest, we don't really have a choice as far as IF we will struggle... that WILL happen... So, it's more in regards to the choice of HOW we deal with life in general. I chose many years ago the path of Belief over randomness... And I have never been more firm in my faith! I used to live a reactive life, now I like a Productive one! I will battle, I will persevere, and because of my Faith I will Conquer!
Good day & God Bless,
Whether we acknowledge or desire to admit that life is a battle each day, we cannot refute the struggle life can be at any given moment. Whether it's battling the weight of the world, loneliness, financial difficulties, or even worse fighting my very own urges, deficiencies and/or short comings. If we leave life up to chance, or without intent, we are allowing circumstances to dictate our state of mind & being... Victim, puppet, and slave to the flesh!
I remember one of the hardest moments in my life spiritually... it was the acknowledgement that there is a bigger plan... a God who is in control... which meant I had to relinquish the over all control of my life. I would imagine this is one of the hardest things a person has to come to recognize. This does not mean you stop fighting, stop seeking, or stop making choices... quite the contrary, it means You are More focused and specific in your daily life. It is the recognition that there is a spiritual battle going on... even if just internal!
Think of it like this... If You were a King in a castle... and you did not plan for possible attacks... You might leave your gates open, not guards up, and no warnings to be conscious of... You'd be vulnerable! Well, it is the same for us... We must plan for the battle that is Life! Be conscious of our surroundings, of what our weaknesses are, and prepare for these future struggles. Be "In the know" they say...
There is peace in knowing there is a higher power... there is comfort in knowing Him and creating a relationship with your Provider... and there is security in relinquishing the weight of the world... Of course, this comes through trials, growing our faith, and creating new habits by which to live a life of understanding. We can No longer just go through the motions... being a ship in a storm, tossed around... but living with intent, with trust & belief, and acknowledging our battle & weaknesses only to use them on our behalf! Wisdom is power... denial is fruitless... So we must choose which path we'll take in this world. To be honest, we don't really have a choice as far as IF we will struggle... that WILL happen... So, it's more in regards to the choice of HOW we deal with life in general. I chose many years ago the path of Belief over randomness... And I have never been more firm in my faith! I used to live a reactive life, now I like a Productive one! I will battle, I will persevere, and because of my Faith I will Conquer!
Good day & God Bless,
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
About Nothing...
On a different note,
Ya know, when I write I honestly look to just flow with it... Whether it be lyrics, devotions, or this Blog... I seek inspiration by focusing on the Lord, the blessings in my life, the daily lessons in my life, and truly allow it to be organic. I used that term when people ask about my music... I see so much "fake" or "Put On" in the world... I LOVE to sing, I LOVE to write, I LOVE my Wife, LOVE my kids & family, and I absolutely LOVE the Lord... These things are known in my life... ergo, these things inspire LOVE in my output... Just reflections of my heart, of my faith, and the important aspects within it. I am also the type of person who wears his heart on his sleeve... meaning, I am an open book... transparent to a fault at times... But I desire to be ME... the real ME... and allow others to be themselves!
I say a lot of the same things, as I learned most things come through habits, repetition, and routine... that's our nature! Trust me when I say, I am speaking to myself as well as others. I also need to be reminded daily on where to put my focus & energies! I promote living with purpose, and this I truly believe to be paramount for all of us... We can ALL get caught up in being comfortable, complacent, and in the mundane... But the fulfillment, joy, & victory comes in challenging ourselves to be the best we can be at any given moment!
I do not purposely put expectations on others, but I know I do at times... I will say it is not rooted in anything malicious or judgmentally. I just see the potential in people, and I have seen what the Lord can do with willing participants! The sky is the limit... It truly is... and guess what, even if we fail (I'm so good at it!) it doesn't matter! RIGHT!?!?! WHO CARES!? Why not try a new hobby? Why not seek a new job? Why not save for a motorcycle? And so on...
We Have ONE Life to live... and it is NOW! I may be gone tomorrow, so today better be worth it! I have seen death, I have seen LIFE, and I have seen failure and also stood on a Mountain top! We gotta stop putting effort, weight, & focus in areas that have No value!
Today's blog is generally about nothing... nothing more than a simple conversation from me to You... One of honesty, transparency, and Love... I desire Success for you, blessings, favor, accomplishment, and deep, loving, sincere relationships! We only control WE! Your turn!
Good day & God Bless,
Ya know, when I write I honestly look to just flow with it... Whether it be lyrics, devotions, or this Blog... I seek inspiration by focusing on the Lord, the blessings in my life, the daily lessons in my life, and truly allow it to be organic. I used that term when people ask about my music... I see so much "fake" or "Put On" in the world... I LOVE to sing, I LOVE to write, I LOVE my Wife, LOVE my kids & family, and I absolutely LOVE the Lord... These things are known in my life... ergo, these things inspire LOVE in my output... Just reflections of my heart, of my faith, and the important aspects within it. I am also the type of person who wears his heart on his sleeve... meaning, I am an open book... transparent to a fault at times... But I desire to be ME... the real ME... and allow others to be themselves!
I say a lot of the same things, as I learned most things come through habits, repetition, and routine... that's our nature! Trust me when I say, I am speaking to myself as well as others. I also need to be reminded daily on where to put my focus & energies! I promote living with purpose, and this I truly believe to be paramount for all of us... We can ALL get caught up in being comfortable, complacent, and in the mundane... But the fulfillment, joy, & victory comes in challenging ourselves to be the best we can be at any given moment!
I do not purposely put expectations on others, but I know I do at times... I will say it is not rooted in anything malicious or judgmentally. I just see the potential in people, and I have seen what the Lord can do with willing participants! The sky is the limit... It truly is... and guess what, even if we fail (I'm so good at it!) it doesn't matter! RIGHT!?!?! WHO CARES!? Why not try a new hobby? Why not seek a new job? Why not save for a motorcycle? And so on...
We Have ONE Life to live... and it is NOW! I may be gone tomorrow, so today better be worth it! I have seen death, I have seen LIFE, and I have seen failure and also stood on a Mountain top! We gotta stop putting effort, weight, & focus in areas that have No value!
Today's blog is generally about nothing... nothing more than a simple conversation from me to You... One of honesty, transparency, and Love... I desire Success for you, blessings, favor, accomplishment, and deep, loving, sincere relationships! We only control WE! Your turn!
Good day & God Bless,
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
On a different note,
It's funny as even as we get older, we still seem to forget the value of lessons... of course, unless we're talking about our kids or someone else...Hehehe... We can remember growing up and our parents correcting, guiding, and teaching us life lessons... but the value still seems to escape us. We feel the need to correct everyone else, but decline the accountability and correction in our own lives. I say this as I can internalize, self evaluate, and try to be transparent with myself. I know the times in my life that I made strides, matured, or gained wisdom... it came at times I was willing to admit the need for guidance!
Thankfully a lot of my life lessons came down from above... The Lord had A Lot of work to do in me! He allowed me to make choices, which of course were rooted in personal gratification and then led to trials, hurdles, failure, and emptiness... These trials of course at the time did not feel as though they were teaching me anything... anything but frustration!
We have free will, because other wise our faith would be insincere... We must choose guidance, intercession, and righteousness... We must desire to be better people, to progress in life, and to inspire others... It must be a choice! So, if we forget the value of lessons, how can we truly make the choice to allow for assistance or guidance? This carries in all areas of our life... not just spiritually.
I can look back at over 10 years in music... the major learning's that had to occur for me to be where I am now. I would Not be where I am without it... Learning how to sing with a band, learning guitar, learning how many beats in a measure, learning to warm up before singing, or the years of practicing singing with correct placement... Lessons... Hundreds of them... and I can look back and not only see them, but see the value, and comprehend the weight of what would of happened if my pride diverted me. I can see my walk with the Lord, and the MAJOR mis-steps, bad choices, selfish decisions and find solace in the fact that He never gave up on me! That I needed to choose Him, and that meant choosing His guidance and correction!
Growing is painful... Rubber bands show their value when stretched... We show our strength, our faith, and our worth when we persevere! Never stop allowing yourself the opportunity to grow, gain understanding or receive wisdom... You will not regret it!
Good day & God Bless,
It's funny as even as we get older, we still seem to forget the value of lessons... of course, unless we're talking about our kids or someone else...Hehehe... We can remember growing up and our parents correcting, guiding, and teaching us life lessons... but the value still seems to escape us. We feel the need to correct everyone else, but decline the accountability and correction in our own lives. I say this as I can internalize, self evaluate, and try to be transparent with myself. I know the times in my life that I made strides, matured, or gained wisdom... it came at times I was willing to admit the need for guidance!
Thankfully a lot of my life lessons came down from above... The Lord had A Lot of work to do in me! He allowed me to make choices, which of course were rooted in personal gratification and then led to trials, hurdles, failure, and emptiness... These trials of course at the time did not feel as though they were teaching me anything... anything but frustration!
We have free will, because other wise our faith would be insincere... We must choose guidance, intercession, and righteousness... We must desire to be better people, to progress in life, and to inspire others... It must be a choice! So, if we forget the value of lessons, how can we truly make the choice to allow for assistance or guidance? This carries in all areas of our life... not just spiritually.
I can look back at over 10 years in music... the major learning's that had to occur for me to be where I am now. I would Not be where I am without it... Learning how to sing with a band, learning guitar, learning how many beats in a measure, learning to warm up before singing, or the years of practicing singing with correct placement... Lessons... Hundreds of them... and I can look back and not only see them, but see the value, and comprehend the weight of what would of happened if my pride diverted me. I can see my walk with the Lord, and the MAJOR mis-steps, bad choices, selfish decisions and find solace in the fact that He never gave up on me! That I needed to choose Him, and that meant choosing His guidance and correction!
Growing is painful... Rubber bands show their value when stretched... We show our strength, our faith, and our worth when we persevere! Never stop allowing yourself the opportunity to grow, gain understanding or receive wisdom... You will not regret it!
Good day & God Bless,
Monday, January 13, 2014
Desire to Gain...
On a different note,
I wonder of our desire to gain blinds us from our ability to be Thankful? Not saying None of us are thankful, or that we do not appreciate our lives... But, doesn't it seem to be a bit one sided? Meaning, the things we need, lack or desire are continually being renewed, refreshed, recycled, and stay on our minds without much choice in the matter. It is our nature to acquire it seems... Hunt & gather instincts... Conquests... survival!
So, it is a daily choice or decision that must be made in order to circumvent this aspect of ourselves... in order to Live a better quality of life. Here's the funny thing... You made end up having less, but feeling more fulfilled! How Amazing is that!?!?!
Being Thankful doesn't mean you stop seeking, working, or driving towards goals... it just keep them in a more manageable place in the priorities of your life. Anything that consumes your thoughts, time, or energy should be up for evaluation & analysis... As it could be come an idol or addiction... We should not be driven or consumed by the desire to gain... should be quite the opposite!
You've read my previous posts, and the fulfillment that comes with investing in others, giving of yourself, and putting others first! If all we are is led by our personal gains, this world would be a pretty lonely place! The understanding and acknowledgment of what drives us will provide a key to a better life. It will allow us a sense of control, sense of enlightenment, and allow for a more focused approach to our days!
We are ALL made of flesh, and will Always desire to fill the void that clouds ours worldly judgement. The goal is to fill our lives with solid, foundational, fulfilling, rewarding, and fruitful things... One that can enrich this world we live... To be thankful for family, friends, air, Love and things that truly carry more value then the material or temporary things which only weigh us down.
Let's not let our desire to gain out weight the incredible things we already have in our midst. The Love of friends & family, the Love of a Savior, the internet needed to read this blog, the air we breathe, and so on... We have MUCH to be thankful!! Or we can go around feeling empty, lonely, let down, frustrated, rejected, and such... Change the world by starting with in ourselves!
Good day & God Bless,
I wonder of our desire to gain blinds us from our ability to be Thankful? Not saying None of us are thankful, or that we do not appreciate our lives... But, doesn't it seem to be a bit one sided? Meaning, the things we need, lack or desire are continually being renewed, refreshed, recycled, and stay on our minds without much choice in the matter. It is our nature to acquire it seems... Hunt & gather instincts... Conquests... survival!
So, it is a daily choice or decision that must be made in order to circumvent this aspect of ourselves... in order to Live a better quality of life. Here's the funny thing... You made end up having less, but feeling more fulfilled! How Amazing is that!?!?!
Being Thankful doesn't mean you stop seeking, working, or driving towards goals... it just keep them in a more manageable place in the priorities of your life. Anything that consumes your thoughts, time, or energy should be up for evaluation & analysis... As it could be come an idol or addiction... We should not be driven or consumed by the desire to gain... should be quite the opposite!
You've read my previous posts, and the fulfillment that comes with investing in others, giving of yourself, and putting others first! If all we are is led by our personal gains, this world would be a pretty lonely place! The understanding and acknowledgment of what drives us will provide a key to a better life. It will allow us a sense of control, sense of enlightenment, and allow for a more focused approach to our days!
We are ALL made of flesh, and will Always desire to fill the void that clouds ours worldly judgement. The goal is to fill our lives with solid, foundational, fulfilling, rewarding, and fruitful things... One that can enrich this world we live... To be thankful for family, friends, air, Love and things that truly carry more value then the material or temporary things which only weigh us down.
Let's not let our desire to gain out weight the incredible things we already have in our midst. The Love of friends & family, the Love of a Savior, the internet needed to read this blog, the air we breathe, and so on... We have MUCH to be thankful!! Or we can go around feeling empty, lonely, let down, frustrated, rejected, and such... Change the world by starting with in ourselves!
Good day & God Bless,
Friday, January 10, 2014
On a different note,
The term practice makes perfect seems to be one of those statements that carries as much value as a speed limit sign... almost a suggestion, or matter of fact weight of importance. When the reality is, we must practice, create new habits, and/or patterns in our life. Things just don't magically happen for no reason... We must make conscious decisions, choices and then enact them in our lives... leaving room & time for them to be come the NEW Norm in our lives!
Think about it... we ALL have certain areas of our life that could use some focus, effort and refreshing! How many are GREAT listeners? or Great at lifting others up? Or are being a servant at heart? Maybe it's just the things of worth that take the effort to increase our ability to accomplish these things... As an example, we know we are are not going to see any physical changes unless we commit to working out every week, eating right, and making conscious choices in this regard. So, practice is needed in ALL areas we deem important... Does that mean the practice part isn't the issue, but the choosing of values?
I often speak of self analysis & evaluation... the prioritizing of our lives... validating values, priorities, and short comings... WE must be in constant tune with our daily lives... We are all growing til the day we pass on... But I guess that means we'd also have to care about being a better person! Ouch!
Unfortunately, some don't have aspirations of being increased, or having any type of impact in the world they live... or at least not a Positive impact! To be a person of influence in this world, you must make conscious choices, decision, and sacrifices in order to be one who paves the way. So, if we are only self serving or not concerned with the people around us, why would we want to leave a bigger footprint in the sand?
For those of us who DO desire to instill the ideal of LOVE to the world we live, We must spend the time to increase, grow, and practice the values we so often speak of. We must train ourselves to emulate the One We seek, and allow His reflection to become Our NEW way of living! NO Easy task to say the least... BUT, with His intercession, our focus, and daily practice these things Will become our normal more of operation!
Practice at being the person You desire to be... Gonna take time... but we gotta start some where!! Give your self grace in the effort, and seek Intercession on a higher level!!
Good day & God Bless,
The term practice makes perfect seems to be one of those statements that carries as much value as a speed limit sign... almost a suggestion, or matter of fact weight of importance. When the reality is, we must practice, create new habits, and/or patterns in our life. Things just don't magically happen for no reason... We must make conscious decisions, choices and then enact them in our lives... leaving room & time for them to be come the NEW Norm in our lives!
Think about it... we ALL have certain areas of our life that could use some focus, effort and refreshing! How many are GREAT listeners? or Great at lifting others up? Or are being a servant at heart? Maybe it's just the things of worth that take the effort to increase our ability to accomplish these things... As an example, we know we are are not going to see any physical changes unless we commit to working out every week, eating right, and making conscious choices in this regard. So, practice is needed in ALL areas we deem important... Does that mean the practice part isn't the issue, but the choosing of values?
I often speak of self analysis & evaluation... the prioritizing of our lives... validating values, priorities, and short comings... WE must be in constant tune with our daily lives... We are all growing til the day we pass on... But I guess that means we'd also have to care about being a better person! Ouch!
Unfortunately, some don't have aspirations of being increased, or having any type of impact in the world they live... or at least not a Positive impact! To be a person of influence in this world, you must make conscious choices, decision, and sacrifices in order to be one who paves the way. So, if we are only self serving or not concerned with the people around us, why would we want to leave a bigger footprint in the sand?
For those of us who DO desire to instill the ideal of LOVE to the world we live, We must spend the time to increase, grow, and practice the values we so often speak of. We must train ourselves to emulate the One We seek, and allow His reflection to become Our NEW way of living! NO Easy task to say the least... BUT, with His intercession, our focus, and daily practice these things Will become our normal more of operation!
Practice at being the person You desire to be... Gonna take time... but we gotta start some where!! Give your self grace in the effort, and seek Intercession on a higher level!!
Good day & God Bless,
Thursday, January 9, 2014
On a different note,
Ever try to explain to someone the feeling of humility? Hehehe... It aint easy! You see, the dictionary says "Meekness, Submissiveness" but personally I do not think that is a very good description at all! Humility isn't a sign of weakness, quite the opposite! It's is a sign of strength actually! If a personal can go against their very flesh, carnal desires, and self focus tendencies to receive a gift of Love, adoration and encouragement... That my friends, is Awesome and far from Weak!
To be humble is to put aside arrogance, to take on a perspective of unworthiness but not in a pessimistic manner. We are ALL faulty... Thankfully we are ALL loved as well! There is a transparency that comes with understanding we are ALL unworthy of the Love, Grace, Mercy, Favor, and LIFE that we are given! It's an understanding of being provided an opportunity to be fruitful, productive, influential, and be a positive part of a bigger picture! To be a member of society in a way that is enriching, of value and of purpose! We ALL have the opportunity to live a life of worth, yet still understanding we are Not worthy of it's rewards!
To be humble is the understanding of the GIFT and Not allowing our selfish ways to cloud the source of it's fruitfulness. Meaning, We have someone looking out for us... We didn't create life, thus can't take credit for it! We have a Provider, We have a Creator, And We have an Intercessor who allows us the opportunity to be of value!
So, being willing to give credit where it's due is a characteristic of honor, selflessness, and integrity! I do Not think You will find those definitions with the word weak or submissive! They are ones we should strive for... So, to be humble or to seek humility in your life is one of honor! Scripture speaks of the meek inheriting the earth, of the first allowing others to be lifted up! Humility is something that goes against the world's standards, against our very carnal nature... thus Not always an easy task!
Now we see why it is so hard to try and explain the feeling of humility... it is foreign by the world's standards... it engulfs so much more that one word can describe! It also has such an impact on those capable of it...I pray we ALL have the opportunity & ability to find ourselves and take on the view of humility! It allows others to feel the Victory, It allows the credit to be given to the Provider, and it will align us with a path of righteousness! WIN WIN!
Good day & God Bless,
Ever try to explain to someone the feeling of humility? Hehehe... It aint easy! You see, the dictionary says "Meekness, Submissiveness" but personally I do not think that is a very good description at all! Humility isn't a sign of weakness, quite the opposite! It's is a sign of strength actually! If a personal can go against their very flesh, carnal desires, and self focus tendencies to receive a gift of Love, adoration and encouragement... That my friends, is Awesome and far from Weak!
To be humble is to put aside arrogance, to take on a perspective of unworthiness but not in a pessimistic manner. We are ALL faulty... Thankfully we are ALL loved as well! There is a transparency that comes with understanding we are ALL unworthy of the Love, Grace, Mercy, Favor, and LIFE that we are given! It's an understanding of being provided an opportunity to be fruitful, productive, influential, and be a positive part of a bigger picture! To be a member of society in a way that is enriching, of value and of purpose! We ALL have the opportunity to live a life of worth, yet still understanding we are Not worthy of it's rewards!
To be humble is the understanding of the GIFT and Not allowing our selfish ways to cloud the source of it's fruitfulness. Meaning, We have someone looking out for us... We didn't create life, thus can't take credit for it! We have a Provider, We have a Creator, And We have an Intercessor who allows us the opportunity to be of value!
So, being willing to give credit where it's due is a characteristic of honor, selflessness, and integrity! I do Not think You will find those definitions with the word weak or submissive! They are ones we should strive for... So, to be humble or to seek humility in your life is one of honor! Scripture speaks of the meek inheriting the earth, of the first allowing others to be lifted up! Humility is something that goes against the world's standards, against our very carnal nature... thus Not always an easy task!
Now we see why it is so hard to try and explain the feeling of humility... it is foreign by the world's standards... it engulfs so much more that one word can describe! It also has such an impact on those capable of it...I pray we ALL have the opportunity & ability to find ourselves and take on the view of humility! It allows others to feel the Victory, It allows the credit to be given to the Provider, and it will align us with a path of righteousness! WIN WIN!
Good day & God Bless,
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
On a different note,
One of our biggest challenges in life is coming to the understanding that Life happens even when we might have other expectations. I love the saying "Men Plan and God Laughs!"... Such a true statement! Whether it be a job interview, fun wknd plans, an important call, or like me... a song which was supposed to be released on a certain day, which Didn't happen! hehehe... Life happens, God has a plan which sometimes goes a different route than our expectations!
I gotta say, this one has been a tough road for me... God has really had to have some patience...LOL... I am probably not unlike anyone else, but being in control, methodical and planned out is something I pride myself on... So, it's something I had to learn... Life didn't ask me for my opinion, or at least not all the time! It's a revelation when you can truly understand, comprehend, and accept that there is a BIGGER picture than the one we plan!
When managing a business, a family, or just getting excited for a specific result, it is disheartening when it falls through. I think we can all agree to this... But for me, prior to truly understanding that God pad a path for me, it was defeating... I walked around thinking I was jinxed, bad luck or God was mad at me... When in general, It was my expectations and even my choices which were leading me down a road of fruitlessness. Personally, my drive is gonna get me most places... but after a while, that road narrows and ends abruptly! As God is going to let You do as You will, but He also has a plan if Your willing to follow it!
I think thats why they say the average person changes careers, homes, etc a certain number of times... We All have to get to that place of "Ah Ha!" in our own time!
Think of it like this... If I have a relationship with the Provider... the Creator... and I am willing to let Him lead... HE then owns it!! hehehe... Meaning, HE will be the one to carry the weight of it... I can relinquish the feelings of doubt, failure, or expectations!! Not sure if this is actually sinking in... but that would alleviate so much heartache in our lives!! It's something I still have to be conscious of for sure... It's been a long road, and still will be.. BUT I now Know this life doesn't hate me... It's understanding that OUR expectations do not equate to Fulfillment every time... or even the majority of the time... BUT, if I find the path laid out for ME, then it's one paved with Love, Support, Encouragement, Fulfillment, and Intercession!
Good day & God Bless,
One of our biggest challenges in life is coming to the understanding that Life happens even when we might have other expectations. I love the saying "Men Plan and God Laughs!"... Such a true statement! Whether it be a job interview, fun wknd plans, an important call, or like me... a song which was supposed to be released on a certain day, which Didn't happen! hehehe... Life happens, God has a plan which sometimes goes a different route than our expectations!
I gotta say, this one has been a tough road for me... God has really had to have some patience...LOL... I am probably not unlike anyone else, but being in control, methodical and planned out is something I pride myself on... So, it's something I had to learn... Life didn't ask me for my opinion, or at least not all the time! It's a revelation when you can truly understand, comprehend, and accept that there is a BIGGER picture than the one we plan!
When managing a business, a family, or just getting excited for a specific result, it is disheartening when it falls through. I think we can all agree to this... But for me, prior to truly understanding that God pad a path for me, it was defeating... I walked around thinking I was jinxed, bad luck or God was mad at me... When in general, It was my expectations and even my choices which were leading me down a road of fruitlessness. Personally, my drive is gonna get me most places... but after a while, that road narrows and ends abruptly! As God is going to let You do as You will, but He also has a plan if Your willing to follow it!
I think thats why they say the average person changes careers, homes, etc a certain number of times... We All have to get to that place of "Ah Ha!" in our own time!
Think of it like this... If I have a relationship with the Provider... the Creator... and I am willing to let Him lead... HE then owns it!! hehehe... Meaning, HE will be the one to carry the weight of it... I can relinquish the feelings of doubt, failure, or expectations!! Not sure if this is actually sinking in... but that would alleviate so much heartache in our lives!! It's something I still have to be conscious of for sure... It's been a long road, and still will be.. BUT I now Know this life doesn't hate me... It's understanding that OUR expectations do not equate to Fulfillment every time... or even the majority of the time... BUT, if I find the path laid out for ME, then it's one paved with Love, Support, Encouragement, Fulfillment, and Intercession!
Good day & God Bless,
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
On a different note,
This week I have had much to celebrate! Might not be 100% what you might expect... Instead of it being focused around My birthday, My music video or my song release, it is actually a reflection of the Love, Favor and Support I see in my life! That is a Real reason to celebrate!!
We belong to a society that shines a light on personal gratification, on self focused goals & objectives, versus the investment and encouragement of those around us. This is not a negative reflection, but one of honesty. Fortunately, we have the opportunity to surround ourselves with those who appreciate us, and we have an innate desire to please and give. We must continually choose to put others first, and celebrate them regardless of our circumstances!
I know this is not always the easiest path, or even the hardest... but it is one of specificity! Meaning, it is an absolute choice to inspire, encourage, invest, and put others in front of our own personal needs. It is also an absolute emulation of our Creator. I have been humbled and filled with Love by this weeks events by those around me. My wife making sure I had the best birthday ever... My children going out of their way to make sure their gifts were ones I'd truly savor. My friends sharing my music with the world around them, for no reason but to appreciate my efforts and pay it forward. You see it's not the shiny stuff, or the most expensive that creates the ripple of love throughout our parts of the world... it's the thoughtful, sacrificial, and choices of selflessness that resonate. It's the path of righteousness that brings forth fruit!
So often we celebrate the world we live, versus the people who create the foundation of our lives. We should be choosing to encourage, lift up and prosper those around us.... and Yes, it will be difficult at times... but wait til your on the other end!! Love inspires LOVE!! There is No joy bigger than giving to others! There is No better feeling of completion than having the people in your life choose to Love You, choose to Lift You above themselves, and choose to Love You right where You are! You see, it's not a popularity contest... it's one moment at a time, for as long as we venture this earth, each step with an opportunity to create a ripple in time... one that sends Love out like a beacon for All to see!
Thank You from the very bottom of my soul for the Love & Celebration this week... I have not the words to describe the Joy in my heart! Thank YOU!!
Good day & God Bless,
This week I have had much to celebrate! Might not be 100% what you might expect... Instead of it being focused around My birthday, My music video or my song release, it is actually a reflection of the Love, Favor and Support I see in my life! That is a Real reason to celebrate!!
We belong to a society that shines a light on personal gratification, on self focused goals & objectives, versus the investment and encouragement of those around us. This is not a negative reflection, but one of honesty. Fortunately, we have the opportunity to surround ourselves with those who appreciate us, and we have an innate desire to please and give. We must continually choose to put others first, and celebrate them regardless of our circumstances!
I know this is not always the easiest path, or even the hardest... but it is one of specificity! Meaning, it is an absolute choice to inspire, encourage, invest, and put others in front of our own personal needs. It is also an absolute emulation of our Creator. I have been humbled and filled with Love by this weeks events by those around me. My wife making sure I had the best birthday ever... My children going out of their way to make sure their gifts were ones I'd truly savor. My friends sharing my music with the world around them, for no reason but to appreciate my efforts and pay it forward. You see it's not the shiny stuff, or the most expensive that creates the ripple of love throughout our parts of the world... it's the thoughtful, sacrificial, and choices of selflessness that resonate. It's the path of righteousness that brings forth fruit!
So often we celebrate the world we live, versus the people who create the foundation of our lives. We should be choosing to encourage, lift up and prosper those around us.... and Yes, it will be difficult at times... but wait til your on the other end!! Love inspires LOVE!! There is No joy bigger than giving to others! There is No better feeling of completion than having the people in your life choose to Love You, choose to Lift You above themselves, and choose to Love You right where You are! You see, it's not a popularity contest... it's one moment at a time, for as long as we venture this earth, each step with an opportunity to create a ripple in time... one that sends Love out like a beacon for All to see!
Thank You from the very bottom of my soul for the Love & Celebration this week... I have not the words to describe the Joy in my heart! Thank YOU!!
Good day & God Bless,
Friday, January 3, 2014
Accomplishing Life...
On a different note,
We are creatures or habit, but also made to thrive off accomplishment! Meaning, we were not born to be stagnant. Even mild mannered people find reward, fulfillment and joy in finishing, accomplishing or reaching a goal. It's in our blood!!
So often we allow circumstances, distractions, bad habits, or confusion to get us off track... We all have lazy tendencies, but it's those who push through and persevere that get the cheese! There are many reasons some of us DO accomplish and some of us don't! I'm not talking the lottery, I'm talking Life... every day life!
We can sit in our homes and wait for Life to happen TO us, or go out and make Life happen FOR us! I have witnessed the demise of people lives by being scared of commitment, scared of rejection, or scared of the world we live! That is a defeat-us attitude, and honestly is just an easy way to hide. If You truly want fulfillment in your lives, You must set goals... push yourself to Live a lil... Now, that doesn't necessarily mean go sky diving tomorrow... But, it Might!!
Each of us has a path... a journey... a life by which we are stewards of! We can sit back and watch life pass us by, or grab it by the horns! We have a new year in front of Us, what are your plans? Are you going to put off the same stuff you've been putting off for years? Can You muster up some faith, trust, gumption to take on a personal challenge?
Life is happening... there are every day things which need focus, effort, and sacrifice! ARE YOU WILLING!? You relationship needs you to step outside the box sometimes to keep it fruitful, exciting, rewarding, and reciprocal! Your spiritual growth is based off focus, investment, intimacy, sacrifice and the desire to follow the right path... EFFORT! What I am speaking of is not living a complacent, easy, too comfortable life but expecting certain results on the back end! Relationships die if you do not feed them... Dreams die if you do not pursue them, and We physically decay as we become sedentary! We've all seen the studies on post retirement... We must get up each day with a goal.. a goal to Live life to it's fullest... the life we have right in front of us! And sometimes set a goal that might even take some work! There is too much blame, and not enough personal accountability!
Happy New Year, so now what!?! Who are You? Who do You want to Be?!?! I challenge you to be the best YOU that you can be!! Cheers, good luck, you will Not succeed at everything, BUT... You WILL feel ALIVE and fulfilled in your journey! Good Luck, God Speed, and I'll see You at the finish line!
Good day & God Bless,
We are creatures or habit, but also made to thrive off accomplishment! Meaning, we were not born to be stagnant. Even mild mannered people find reward, fulfillment and joy in finishing, accomplishing or reaching a goal. It's in our blood!!
So often we allow circumstances, distractions, bad habits, or confusion to get us off track... We all have lazy tendencies, but it's those who push through and persevere that get the cheese! There are many reasons some of us DO accomplish and some of us don't! I'm not talking the lottery, I'm talking Life... every day life!
We can sit in our homes and wait for Life to happen TO us, or go out and make Life happen FOR us! I have witnessed the demise of people lives by being scared of commitment, scared of rejection, or scared of the world we live! That is a defeat-us attitude, and honestly is just an easy way to hide. If You truly want fulfillment in your lives, You must set goals... push yourself to Live a lil... Now, that doesn't necessarily mean go sky diving tomorrow... But, it Might!!
Each of us has a path... a journey... a life by which we are stewards of! We can sit back and watch life pass us by, or grab it by the horns! We have a new year in front of Us, what are your plans? Are you going to put off the same stuff you've been putting off for years? Can You muster up some faith, trust, gumption to take on a personal challenge?
Life is happening... there are every day things which need focus, effort, and sacrifice! ARE YOU WILLING!? You relationship needs you to step outside the box sometimes to keep it fruitful, exciting, rewarding, and reciprocal! Your spiritual growth is based off focus, investment, intimacy, sacrifice and the desire to follow the right path... EFFORT! What I am speaking of is not living a complacent, easy, too comfortable life but expecting certain results on the back end! Relationships die if you do not feed them... Dreams die if you do not pursue them, and We physically decay as we become sedentary! We've all seen the studies on post retirement... We must get up each day with a goal.. a goal to Live life to it's fullest... the life we have right in front of us! And sometimes set a goal that might even take some work! There is too much blame, and not enough personal accountability!
Happy New Year, so now what!?! Who are You? Who do You want to Be?!?! I challenge you to be the best YOU that you can be!! Cheers, good luck, you will Not succeed at everything, BUT... You WILL feel ALIVE and fulfilled in your journey! Good Luck, God Speed, and I'll see You at the finish line!
Good day & God Bless,
Thursday, January 2, 2014
What Drives You...
On a different note,
I wonder how many of us have actually taken the time to ponder what drives us? What motivates us? I remember years ago as a manager seeking ways to inspire my workers, and realizing everyone has different needs, wants & desires. What is it that gets you to a place of pushing through the hurdles in order to reach your goals?
I would imagine most would initially think it's money... although I would challenge you to work to another level. Money is a staple, it's something we all need... In reality the money would be used for paying bills, travelling, hobbies, toys, etc... SO, is it the money, or what You could do with it? Maybe you fulfillment comes in serving others, or time off from work to spend time with family. Could it be the journey that provides the sense of accomplishment, or just finishing in general? Think about it... if You don't know what drives you, how can you leverage in times you truly need to accomplish a goal?!?
Part of setting a goal or objective is creating a plan to achieve it. Hopefully we are setting challenging goals, thus we will definitely need a plan to push through the hard parts.By knowing your strengths & weaknesses, you are better prepared for the mountains and valley's this life provides. As we endure, we should be learning! And typically we are keen on our failures, short comings, weaknesses, but we should be just as aware of our strengths... That is Power!
As we venture into this new year, we will set new goals, and we know we will endure trials. God provided us all different gifts, different skill sets to accomplish His goals. So, as we mature and align our lives with His plan, these traits will be required and utilized. Think about watching a super hero movie... they all spend the tie to understand and control their strengths, as they provide opportunity! Whats inspires You? Time, Money, Talents, Gifts, Giving, Learning, etc?
It's time we take control of the life we live... start living on Purpose! This life will never be a cake walk, so knowing what hinders us, what motivates us, and Who is actually leading makes ALL the difference!! If we can adhere to these factors, our life will be much more fruitful! Let's be productive this year... Prosperous, Victorious... and persevere instead of pouting! Life's happening right Now!!
Good day & God Bless,
I wonder how many of us have actually taken the time to ponder what drives us? What motivates us? I remember years ago as a manager seeking ways to inspire my workers, and realizing everyone has different needs, wants & desires. What is it that gets you to a place of pushing through the hurdles in order to reach your goals?
I would imagine most would initially think it's money... although I would challenge you to work to another level. Money is a staple, it's something we all need... In reality the money would be used for paying bills, travelling, hobbies, toys, etc... SO, is it the money, or what You could do with it? Maybe you fulfillment comes in serving others, or time off from work to spend time with family. Could it be the journey that provides the sense of accomplishment, or just finishing in general? Think about it... if You don't know what drives you, how can you leverage in times you truly need to accomplish a goal?!?
Part of setting a goal or objective is creating a plan to achieve it. Hopefully we are setting challenging goals, thus we will definitely need a plan to push through the hard parts.By knowing your strengths & weaknesses, you are better prepared for the mountains and valley's this life provides. As we endure, we should be learning! And typically we are keen on our failures, short comings, weaknesses, but we should be just as aware of our strengths... That is Power!
As we venture into this new year, we will set new goals, and we know we will endure trials. God provided us all different gifts, different skill sets to accomplish His goals. So, as we mature and align our lives with His plan, these traits will be required and utilized. Think about watching a super hero movie... they all spend the tie to understand and control their strengths, as they provide opportunity! Whats inspires You? Time, Money, Talents, Gifts, Giving, Learning, etc?
It's time we take control of the life we live... start living on Purpose! This life will never be a cake walk, so knowing what hinders us, what motivates us, and Who is actually leading makes ALL the difference!! If we can adhere to these factors, our life will be much more fruitful! Let's be productive this year... Prosperous, Victorious... and persevere instead of pouting! Life's happening right Now!!
Good day & God Bless,
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