On a different note,
As one who grew up on a farm, I have a different appreciation for animals. I can empathize with certain aspects of their lives, and appreciate the sincerity & transparency in their behavior. Meaning, they are very literal and do things on purpose... If they are angry, the growl, if they are happy they wag their tail and such. But even in this, the biggest challenge in raising animals is their inability to communicate as openly & descriptive as we do. This of course can create situations that are not fruitful for either side of the equation. If a wild animal is scared, we might take it as angry... or worse off, the opposite... We've all seen the video's when animals go bad. I personally believe they were mis-understood and were put in positions to defend themselves. But again... we'll never know!
The learning from this for us is, that life tends to be dictated by the reflection, expression and feelings of the heart! Our intent, Our focus, and our action are typically led by our heart. This of course is not always a bad things, but it does deserve some discussion. You see, the reason communication is to vital, is because the people around us can only go by our words & actions. We cannot read minds, we can some times predict, but that is probably not the most efficient form of day to day interaction. Only God knows our true heart, and we keep it literally & figuratively inside... locked away... and hidden from the world. So, we then also carry the weight of communicating our intents with those in our life in order to allow them the opportunity to draw near. Example: If we are closed off from everyone, and we tend to stay guarded, then we are emulating a scared animal in the wild... no one can get close... defenses are Up, distance is maintained, and time is spent trying to figure them out... Now, does that sound like a healthy way to create or maintain a relationship?
Now remember, we are speaking of those who we desire to be in our life. We must always be conscious of our surroundings, as any wild animal would do, but it's the understanding of creating an intimacy, a bond, a connection, and a reciprocal relationship with those we love.
God left Us His word... His inspired word... as an example of open communication. We must continue that relationship personally... He knows our heart, but we must seek His! Just like we must be willing to seek out others... invest, focus, reciprocate, and be willing to pursuit a fruitful, loving, transparent relationship!
Good day & God Bless,
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