Thursday, April 24, 2014

Go to the Well...

On a different note,

I know it's Not always funny when God rocks the boat, but I will say I do find some humor in the fact that I have seen first hand how God deals with complacency. He does not desire us to get too comfortable, too ritualistic... Meaning, if our Faith is not being maintained, He'll make sure to give us a bump in the road to remind us of our need, dependency and focus. I'm sure some might take offense to that, but I personally am thankful for it!
My life is as busy as anyone's, and I do make an effort to create intimacy with the Lord, but for me routine is one of the ways I can stay productive. But I also in the back of my mind I ponder the day to day, and whether or Not I am getting too comfortable. We are on this earth for a short amount of time, so for us to be fruit & useful, we really can't afford to waste too much time! I consider myself a living example of God's Love! He has used me in scenario's I had no business being in... But, it was the acknowledgement that it was Not about Me! It was His Love, His Grace, His power, and so on... All I had to do is be willing!
I hope You see that within my writings I do try to be honest, open and transparent... I do not claim life or Faith to be easy! But I do say that letting Go is a very freeing experience! As we go through life we will endure trials & valleys, so it is the circumstances and How we deal with it that will shape us. I would never expect someone to endure a trial perfectly... as we are Not perfect! But I would encourage that person to keep the faith, remembering the times past... previous valleys... and that the Lord was there... providing, comforting, and typically redirecting to an even more fruitful path.
I'll be honest, I pray daily for things that most would find scary or unsettling. I pray for opportunity, I pray for redirection, I pray for His hand & intercession in my life, and I state that I am willing to give it all up for Him... I do not take those plights lightly, nor do I say them in a "mater of fact" way... I trust the Lord with my life... He has Always taken care of me, and made my life fruitful & worthy as long as I kept Him #1 in my life!
We WILL endure, Life does Go on, but it is our Faith that keep us grounded and steady. There is Nothing stable, lasting on this earth... Only the LOVE & Presence of our Creator! Find truth, solace, and comfort in that, and Go to that well for nourishment!

Good day & God Bless,

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