Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Seek Inspiration...

On a different note,

I wonder what the difference is between people who are self motivated or those who require external stimulus? Maybe it's just having the desire to seek it out, or sit back and wait for it. Either way, I think we can all agree that all of us require inspiration periodically. I think other wise, we get lost in the complacency of life... the mundane... a routine which can get us in the reactive versus proactive... or possibly stunt much growth in general. I think we can all recall seeing things in our lifetime that were beyond comprehension within a day to day life... Imagine if someone wasn't inspired to send a rocket to the moon? Imagine if no one thought electronic messaging was a good idea? Imagine if Kelly Clarkson didn't try out for American Idol?
To achieve new heights or to fulfill our destiny's, we must be willing to step out and take a leap of Faith. That is going to take some type of inspiration! Whether it's the Lords hand gently guiding us, instilling a feeling of confidence... or maybe a family member encouraging us to push through our personal challenges to show the world our true capabilities... Life is full of ups & downs... mountains & valley's... Success & failure... Yes & No's... So remember to keep that as a constant. So, it's how we maneuver, deal with, and persevere through these fluctuating times that will define us!
I believe in the power of prayer for multiple reasons... first & foremost is God listens! We may not always get Our way, but He hears! Our Faith provides us Hope... ergo, things expected! That in itself can provide motivation, strength, and confidence! It also allows us the chance to focus, unify, and seek that spark of inspiration in a situation. If we are Not seeking in life, then we are running blind... We should be seeking opportunities, we should be seeking our Spiritual foundation & path, and we should also be finding those glimmers of Hope, Love, Intercession and Inspiration!
This message today was started by my thinking of my life... and how some days I just don't want to do it... And how God knows exactly what I need and any given moment! And even if it's only 10% of the time, He inspires me in those mellow times... He'll have my Wife share words of hope & faith... He'll send a message from a dear friend, that lights a fire in my heart... But always knows what I need! I feel God uses me to inspire at times, He uses me for many tasks and I've always found such security in that! You see, if we seek opportunity, seek inspiration, and seek a path, we will find it! Admitting our need for intercession does not make us weak or stupid, but quite the opposite! I am but one, but WE can move mountains!

Good day & God Bless,

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