On a different note,
Today I will speak from a personal and introspective perspective... who knows, maybe others have felt this way or still feel this way. I hear so much about success, how to find it... or create it... or whatever. I so appreciate the "You" movement in motivation, I really do, but I think it creates a false sense of reality at times. We glamorize certain things in life and then try make it look so easy... when in all actuality, it is Not that easy for most. I can remember years of frustration in my early adult years... Really because of a false sense of reality & false sense of entitlement. I felt I was set up for failure. Constant disappointment... but even in that comes some victories, some accomplishments, and in that is where I should seek my fulfillment.
Not everyone will be President, Not everyone is cut out to be a pilot, Not everyone will be on American Idol... So, the area of Goal setting I believe we divert at times is the "Realistic" part... We must set achievable goals... well, how does one do that? Facts... If I am trying to lose 150 lbs... I'd better do my research... I'd better be prepared to sacrifice EVERY day for my goal! And I better meticulously document, plan out and enact such goals... You see, we all typically set unrealistic goals, oh and expect them in a short amount of time... And that is where disappointment, failure, doubt comes in!
Example: I am continually doing vocal exercises, trying to expand my range, increase control, and such... I remember desiring to learn how to use my Falsetto voice. At the beginning it was so foreign, that it only frustrated me... I found some exercise after that, and began the process of teaching my vocal muscles to do it. I can tell you I am still refining and honing it in after prob 3 years of exercises. YEARS of daily exercises to perform one small task. So, I set a goal, I did the research and found exercises, I committed to the Long haul, and put Years of daily work in to it... What did I earn? Success! Allow me to give you the alternative... I played football for many years... worked VERY hard, and almost made the NFL... But looking back, I'm not sure I did the right things to truly put me in a place of victory. I thought Just desiring it, and putting hours in was enough... In reality, I wasn't doing the right things, I wasn't investing enough, AND I probably should of realized my peak potential many years in to it... Either way, I did not meet my goal... Lack of a plan, lack of defined investment, lack of transparency and honesty on my part...
I cannot define what YOU will be successful at, but I do know it is going to take a plan. Success does not happen by chance, goals aren't met by entitlement. You know the saying "If it was easy, everyone would be doing it"... I hope this does not come across as negative, but as a gut check... and opportunity to regroup, refocus, and recommit to Your dreams! Please look up the definition of "S.M.A.R.T" goals... Use Your time, money, effort, & energy wisely!!
Good day & God Bless,
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