On a different note,
The reality of any given situation relies on personal reflection... I've often stated the fact that we should be honest & transparent with ourselves, which could lead us to a better place of ownership. Though there is No such thing as perfection, that does not mean we don't strive to a higher level of existence. We grow in areas we understand we need growth in... thus, if we only deflect, there is no opportunity for growth in the areas we Truly Need growth in... get it?
Every day we navigate this crazy world made up of selfish, carnal, defensive and strong willed people... ourselves included... So as much as they might not see the impact they have on the world around them, maybe we don't either!! Personal ownership is so important, as it allows for the acknowledgement of responsibility & accountability. So often we do not own our share of the confusion, disregard and self reliance that rules the world around us. So many are only looking out for numero uno!
In the music industry, this of course is one of the main deficiencies. Everyone is looking for money, fame, fast track, and recognition at the cost of others. instead of everyone sharing he load and reward, people are being used in all directions to fulfill personal agendas. If everyone did their part, there is more than enough room at the top for all of us to use our God given gifts!
Most of this lies in the reality of a persons foundation. I am human, I have personal goals, but I also check myself regularly... and seek for ways to lift others up, provide opportunity and share in the Glory of Victories! If only we all could reflect the Love of the Lord... Tis His work in my heart that allows me the presence to put others first... Else, I would do it all myself!! It is a choice, It is an acknowledgment, and it is a gift that we can do for All those around us. Being honest with ourselves... Being honest with who, where and what we are!! Making the choice to put others first, and to take responsibility for our share!!
You do not have to answer to me, and some choose not to answer to God... but You Always have to answer for yourself!!! Make the choice to be transparent with YOU!!!
Good day & God Bless,
I hope you enjoy my Blog and the writings that come from my journey, my heart and my life path! Hoping to share some LOVE thru my Music & writings!
Friday, November 29, 2013
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
On a different note,
We all go through the highs & lows of life, thus it is how we deal with it that actually makes the difference. Each day is a new challenge, a new path to navigate, and an opportunity to strive and persevere. I have noticed over the years once I got into leadership positions, that the ole cliche is true 'Always one in a crowd"... Meaning, there always seemed to be a negative Nelly in the bunch. My response was typically "It is easier to find the negative, why don't You strive to seek the Positive aspects of a situation?".
There are opportunities for inspiration happening all around us! Amazing, beautiful, and wonderful things going on as we speak!! It is our choice to seek those out, versus falling prey to the negative Nelly's that are all around us. We must make the choice to avoid the ruts of pessimism and push through to relish in the warmth of Goodness... Ok, ok... a little mellow dramatic but you get the point! It's so easy to judge, cut down, and over analyze everything... It's in our genes, it's everywhere!! Finding the ugly stuff is so easy... don't You find that odd? That is has become the norm to be cut throat in a world created in Love.
We can make a difference in our lives and those around us by NOT falling into that trap, but to choose each day to enlighten, invest and pass on some Love to others! It will not only change our day, but everyone who is in the vicinity. Just like hiccups, Love is infectious... kindness is infectious... positive words are infectious... Smiling IS infectious!! So, we have to Choose to keep our mind right... to keep things on track... and to pray for the strength, desire and heart to do so!! As we said, it's not always easy and goes against our very carnal nature!
This is just a friendly reminder, this is just a thought to allow our hearts the opportunity to express what is truly in them... Love! Just cause someone else is having a bad day, or chooses to find the hole in the bucket, we can come by and fill it with encouraging, positive, and uplifting thoughts to fill that empty void. And if they don't want it, who cares!?!?! Move on, but at least You weren't dragged down that angry road which in turn affects the rest of your day and All those in your vicinity!
Choose Love, Choose Positive, Choose to put on a Happy face... It's not fake if You truly desire to reflect Love in the world You live over feeding in a demise.
Good day & God Bless,
We all go through the highs & lows of life, thus it is how we deal with it that actually makes the difference. Each day is a new challenge, a new path to navigate, and an opportunity to strive and persevere. I have noticed over the years once I got into leadership positions, that the ole cliche is true 'Always one in a crowd"... Meaning, there always seemed to be a negative Nelly in the bunch. My response was typically "It is easier to find the negative, why don't You strive to seek the Positive aspects of a situation?".
There are opportunities for inspiration happening all around us! Amazing, beautiful, and wonderful things going on as we speak!! It is our choice to seek those out, versus falling prey to the negative Nelly's that are all around us. We must make the choice to avoid the ruts of pessimism and push through to relish in the warmth of Goodness... Ok, ok... a little mellow dramatic but you get the point! It's so easy to judge, cut down, and over analyze everything... It's in our genes, it's everywhere!! Finding the ugly stuff is so easy... don't You find that odd? That is has become the norm to be cut throat in a world created in Love.
We can make a difference in our lives and those around us by NOT falling into that trap, but to choose each day to enlighten, invest and pass on some Love to others! It will not only change our day, but everyone who is in the vicinity. Just like hiccups, Love is infectious... kindness is infectious... positive words are infectious... Smiling IS infectious!! So, we have to Choose to keep our mind right... to keep things on track... and to pray for the strength, desire and heart to do so!! As we said, it's not always easy and goes against our very carnal nature!
This is just a friendly reminder, this is just a thought to allow our hearts the opportunity to express what is truly in them... Love! Just cause someone else is having a bad day, or chooses to find the hole in the bucket, we can come by and fill it with encouraging, positive, and uplifting thoughts to fill that empty void. And if they don't want it, who cares!?!?! Move on, but at least You weren't dragged down that angry road which in turn affects the rest of your day and All those in your vicinity!
Choose Love, Choose Positive, Choose to put on a Happy face... It's not fake if You truly desire to reflect Love in the world You live over feeding in a demise.
Good day & God Bless,
Monday, November 25, 2013
On a different note,
Thanksgiving is this week and I can't help but ponder the things I am so grateful for! My life is so full right now, and I truly FEEL blessed beyond measure. When I gave my life to the Lord I remember hearing/reading of the fulfillment in Christ, but now looking back I had no idea. Not realizing the change and transition that had to happen in my heart and in my life to allow for His intercession. The things I used to find temporary fulfillment in are no longer fulling or even desired in my heart. The Lord has changed my goals, my heart, my desires, my life, my ability to love and be selfless. It's the very reason I can stand firm now and give Him so much credit, glory and honor! The sanctification which happened in my life was not of me... I had no ability to make these incredible changes! I tried!!
Trust me when I say it took years... years of my failing, years of fighting my pride, and years of allowing Him to increase my faith through trials! The more I leaned on Him, the more He worked in my life. I remember pushing through my lack of comfortableness and seeking the strength to push through in scenario's I truly didn't want to be in... and in those moments He always showed up! There are no words to describe the feeling in my heart when He would make His presence known! In times I wanted to run, but wanted to do the right thing; He'd show up and let me know it's wasn't in my power but His!
I deflect any goodness I am able to put forth, as I know where I've come from!! I see the work He did and does continually in my life!! I see His hand in ALL areas of my life... I see Him opening the door for music, I see His hand in the midst of a divorce, I see His love in my family and I see the incredible changes He has done in my heart! Thankfulness is something I feel daily... And I almost feel bad because of not having a better way of showing gratitude!
Lord, You have changed my life, You have drawn Me in, and You have provided me the opportunities to share Your love with my surroundings!!! You have provided an opportunity to be the Man, the husband and servant You would have me be! I am So fortunate to be able to LOVE and share my heart with the world through your word and music!! Thank You!!
Thanksgiving comes everyday in our hearts once we acknowledge His work in our lives... if not, we should truly evaluate our next steps! He's waited for Us to call Him in!!! Just ask Him!!!
Good Day & God Bless,
Thanksgiving is this week and I can't help but ponder the things I am so grateful for! My life is so full right now, and I truly FEEL blessed beyond measure. When I gave my life to the Lord I remember hearing/reading of the fulfillment in Christ, but now looking back I had no idea. Not realizing the change and transition that had to happen in my heart and in my life to allow for His intercession. The things I used to find temporary fulfillment in are no longer fulling or even desired in my heart. The Lord has changed my goals, my heart, my desires, my life, my ability to love and be selfless. It's the very reason I can stand firm now and give Him so much credit, glory and honor! The sanctification which happened in my life was not of me... I had no ability to make these incredible changes! I tried!!
Trust me when I say it took years... years of my failing, years of fighting my pride, and years of allowing Him to increase my faith through trials! The more I leaned on Him, the more He worked in my life. I remember pushing through my lack of comfortableness and seeking the strength to push through in scenario's I truly didn't want to be in... and in those moments He always showed up! There are no words to describe the feeling in my heart when He would make His presence known! In times I wanted to run, but wanted to do the right thing; He'd show up and let me know it's wasn't in my power but His!
I deflect any goodness I am able to put forth, as I know where I've come from!! I see the work He did and does continually in my life!! I see His hand in ALL areas of my life... I see Him opening the door for music, I see His hand in the midst of a divorce, I see His love in my family and I see the incredible changes He has done in my heart! Thankfulness is something I feel daily... And I almost feel bad because of not having a better way of showing gratitude!
Lord, You have changed my life, You have drawn Me in, and You have provided me the opportunities to share Your love with my surroundings!!! You have provided an opportunity to be the Man, the husband and servant You would have me be! I am So fortunate to be able to LOVE and share my heart with the world through your word and music!! Thank You!!
Thanksgiving comes everyday in our hearts once we acknowledge His work in our lives... if not, we should truly evaluate our next steps! He's waited for Us to call Him in!!! Just ask Him!!!
Good Day & God Bless,
Friday, November 22, 2013
Friend Network...
On a different note,
How often we go through this life, feeling the weight of the world and going in to survivor mode. For some that's flight, or some it's retracting, and for others it's lashing out. We are taught from birth to be self sufficient, to adapt, to evolve, and so on to account for the valley's & mountains we'll endure on this terrain called Life!
I would imagine most people go through a growth period as they mature and get ready to take on the world independently. We have friends & people around us who at the time seemed harmless, but we're probably not the best influence or support systems. But we learn... we make choices to surround ourselves with true friends... Well, mostly!!
We are made in the image of our Father in Heaven... One of Love, Sacrifice, Investment, and Reciprocation. This should also be the way we treat those around us! We should be the hands & feet of our Lord... doing His work here on earth, in the surroundings we've been made stewards of... We ALSO need to be willing to receive this gift, which for me was always a little harder. Our pride gets us into more trouble then we even realize. We think "I got this" and disregard the gift of fellowship... the gift of sincere friends put there to be our shoulder to cry on!!
It took me many years, it took the LOVE of the Lord for me to start to allow the relinquishing of my pride... which opened the doors to a support system. This also meant the use of wisdom in allowing people into my life. There is a difference between letting everyone into your immediate circle, and Loving on Everyone you come in contact with. We can support, encourage and love the body, but we should also discern our steps we take and be selective and protective of our hearts. Scripture speaks to uneven yokes, which refers to being brought down by those around us who do not discern their steps, or are not able to be sacrificial, reciprocal, or willing to invest. We are called to Love, we are called to lift up the body, but we are also called to be wise & weary...
Allow the gift of love in your times of need... Allow God to work in you and for You! Be conscious and purposeful in your walk, and reap the fruit of loving & reciprocated relationships!!
Good day & God Bless,
How often we go through this life, feeling the weight of the world and going in to survivor mode. For some that's flight, or some it's retracting, and for others it's lashing out. We are taught from birth to be self sufficient, to adapt, to evolve, and so on to account for the valley's & mountains we'll endure on this terrain called Life!
I would imagine most people go through a growth period as they mature and get ready to take on the world independently. We have friends & people around us who at the time seemed harmless, but we're probably not the best influence or support systems. But we learn... we make choices to surround ourselves with true friends... Well, mostly!!
We are made in the image of our Father in Heaven... One of Love, Sacrifice, Investment, and Reciprocation. This should also be the way we treat those around us! We should be the hands & feet of our Lord... doing His work here on earth, in the surroundings we've been made stewards of... We ALSO need to be willing to receive this gift, which for me was always a little harder. Our pride gets us into more trouble then we even realize. We think "I got this" and disregard the gift of fellowship... the gift of sincere friends put there to be our shoulder to cry on!!
It took me many years, it took the LOVE of the Lord for me to start to allow the relinquishing of my pride... which opened the doors to a support system. This also meant the use of wisdom in allowing people into my life. There is a difference between letting everyone into your immediate circle, and Loving on Everyone you come in contact with. We can support, encourage and love the body, but we should also discern our steps we take and be selective and protective of our hearts. Scripture speaks to uneven yokes, which refers to being brought down by those around us who do not discern their steps, or are not able to be sacrificial, reciprocal, or willing to invest. We are called to Love, we are called to lift up the body, but we are also called to be wise & weary...
Allow the gift of love in your times of need... Allow God to work in you and for You! Be conscious and purposeful in your walk, and reap the fruit of loving & reciprocated relationships!!
Good day & God Bless,
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Artist at Work...
On a different note,
As an artist, one who desires to create and have others feel, receive and empathize with the passion and sentiment of the song, I carry a gratitude for those willing to share this journey. I realize the amount of artists out there, and that each of us has a certain type of music or style we might gravitate to. For me, it is an honor to have people choose to listen to my music... humbling, and some what surprising in all honesty. We are typically our own worst critics, thus it is harder to accept certain aspects of the larger picture.
It is quite interesting when You think about it, as an artist creates for themselves, or at least with a personal vision. Yet, the drive is to have people appreciate and comprehend the sentiment or be willing to engage enough to create their own opinion. Not saying all artists need people to appreciate, but it is a form of expression, which typically is a form of communication. There is definitely a level of transparency, intimacy, and vulnerability to be willing to put your creations on display. I personally have known artists who may never share their art... for fear of rejection, or weight of insecurities.
I wonder how often artists forget they are fans too! That if they didn't love art themselves, they wouldn't desire to do it... Interesting! It's that acknowledgement that should allow the appreciation of the ones those support, encourage, & engage! I often have to remind my wife that because she paints, and has displayed her art in galleries, that she is an artist... she is a painter! To me there is a level of sincerity & honesty in creating for the Love of art, expression and creation. For me, I so enjoy singing & writing music, that I am not overly caught up in whether my music makes money... I so enjoy the process and result of my creations, it fills me beyond measure. Knowing this is the path God has for me, this is the gift He has provided me... the ability to sing and create music... and maybe even having an affect on those who hear it! There is power in that, which comes with responsibility.
For me, as an artists, I recognize it as a platform, but also a reflection of who I am. Years ago, I might not of had the fortitude, strength or desire to create from the Love in my heart. Not sure I would of had the ability or drive to do so... but God had a plan... He has been growing this gift for 10 years in me... It is my honor to be able to share my gift with others!!
Good day & God Bless,
As an artist, one who desires to create and have others feel, receive and empathize with the passion and sentiment of the song, I carry a gratitude for those willing to share this journey. I realize the amount of artists out there, and that each of us has a certain type of music or style we might gravitate to. For me, it is an honor to have people choose to listen to my music... humbling, and some what surprising in all honesty. We are typically our own worst critics, thus it is harder to accept certain aspects of the larger picture.
It is quite interesting when You think about it, as an artist creates for themselves, or at least with a personal vision. Yet, the drive is to have people appreciate and comprehend the sentiment or be willing to engage enough to create their own opinion. Not saying all artists need people to appreciate, but it is a form of expression, which typically is a form of communication. There is definitely a level of transparency, intimacy, and vulnerability to be willing to put your creations on display. I personally have known artists who may never share their art... for fear of rejection, or weight of insecurities.
I wonder how often artists forget they are fans too! That if they didn't love art themselves, they wouldn't desire to do it... Interesting! It's that acknowledgement that should allow the appreciation of the ones those support, encourage, & engage! I often have to remind my wife that because she paints, and has displayed her art in galleries, that she is an artist... she is a painter! To me there is a level of sincerity & honesty in creating for the Love of art, expression and creation. For me, I so enjoy singing & writing music, that I am not overly caught up in whether my music makes money... I so enjoy the process and result of my creations, it fills me beyond measure. Knowing this is the path God has for me, this is the gift He has provided me... the ability to sing and create music... and maybe even having an affect on those who hear it! There is power in that, which comes with responsibility.
For me, as an artists, I recognize it as a platform, but also a reflection of who I am. Years ago, I might not of had the fortitude, strength or desire to create from the Love in my heart. Not sure I would of had the ability or drive to do so... but God had a plan... He has been growing this gift for 10 years in me... It is my honor to be able to share my gift with others!!
Good day & God Bless,
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
On a different note,
Driving to work for me is typically an opportunity to be in quiet time with the Lord, but also an opportunity to regain & refocus each day to a more humbled place of allow God to lead. I am a fast paced, high energy, and typically impatient while driving depending on circumstances. So, to relinquish the emotional weight that comes with morning traffic is a huge test for me, and an opportunity to truly put perspective on the coming day. Because honestly, it doesn't matter... it doesn't equate to more than a few extra minutes... Of course, I am not naive to the frustration, anger, emotions, and reactions that my carnal self feels in this time. I have seen the Lord change my heart in this regard over the years... because of my willingness to trust Him, let Him guide, and not be so consumed over my personal thoughts, desires, and emotional fluctuation.
But today, and even bigger revelation became clear to me... Just like life, we tend to have a path, or a plan thus we are raised to be self sufficient and go get it! This is the worldly way... if You see an opportunity, take it! But in choosing to walk in the path chosen and provided by the Lord, we are taught to follow... allow Him the opportunity to open & close doors, intercede and clarify the situation.
SO, as I was driving it became clear that I was always looking up ahead in traffic, seeing opportunities that I believed I could achieve. Thus, I was circumventing any leading of the Lord, and not allowing Him to actually be my co-pilot. If I focused on the vehicle in front of me, not down the road, it made it easier to not get emotionally connected to the future state I had no control over. It was a reminder for me, that I must focus on Him, allow Him to lead, and be conscious of my personal plan, desires, and vendettas.
Saying we want Him to lead is much different than actually allowing Him to intercede! We must daily make the choice to let Him be our focus, and to not allow our personal desire cloud our judgement, goals, or reactions. This doesn't mean we don't plan for the future, it means we seek Him to guidance and clarity... Every day... This will change our outlook, focus, and heart for our walk thru this crazy world!
Good day & God Bless,
Driving to work for me is typically an opportunity to be in quiet time with the Lord, but also an opportunity to regain & refocus each day to a more humbled place of allow God to lead. I am a fast paced, high energy, and typically impatient while driving depending on circumstances. So, to relinquish the emotional weight that comes with morning traffic is a huge test for me, and an opportunity to truly put perspective on the coming day. Because honestly, it doesn't matter... it doesn't equate to more than a few extra minutes... Of course, I am not naive to the frustration, anger, emotions, and reactions that my carnal self feels in this time. I have seen the Lord change my heart in this regard over the years... because of my willingness to trust Him, let Him guide, and not be so consumed over my personal thoughts, desires, and emotional fluctuation.
But today, and even bigger revelation became clear to me... Just like life, we tend to have a path, or a plan thus we are raised to be self sufficient and go get it! This is the worldly way... if You see an opportunity, take it! But in choosing to walk in the path chosen and provided by the Lord, we are taught to follow... allow Him the opportunity to open & close doors, intercede and clarify the situation.
SO, as I was driving it became clear that I was always looking up ahead in traffic, seeing opportunities that I believed I could achieve. Thus, I was circumventing any leading of the Lord, and not allowing Him to actually be my co-pilot. If I focused on the vehicle in front of me, not down the road, it made it easier to not get emotionally connected to the future state I had no control over. It was a reminder for me, that I must focus on Him, allow Him to lead, and be conscious of my personal plan, desires, and vendettas.
Saying we want Him to lead is much different than actually allowing Him to intercede! We must daily make the choice to let Him be our focus, and to not allow our personal desire cloud our judgement, goals, or reactions. This doesn't mean we don't plan for the future, it means we seek Him to guidance and clarity... Every day... This will change our outlook, focus, and heart for our walk thru this crazy world!
Good day & God Bless,
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
On a different note,
For a guy who grew up moving quite often, it's such a blessing now to have a home... I have created roots where I am now, and it feels amazing! For most of my life, I have been willing, able and ready to go where ever I felt led. I will say that it took it's toll, and as the years rolled by it created a sense of emptiness & loneliness. What I didn't realize was it wasn't the physical moving that was the problem, it was the foundational aspect of my life. I wasn't grounded!
Whether it be our decisions, our relationships, or even building a tower, it all depends on the foundation. If You do not create a secure basis for your life, you will then fall prey to the ebb & flow of life... as I did... Which made me an emotional wreck! I don't need to preach to everyone in this regard, but We ALL must do our soul searching. To establish the basis for our lives and how things will be handled moving forward. My life, My faith is rooted in created an intimate relationship with God, thus now I can find peace, security in knowing He is in control. For so many years, I lived for me... Ergo, I am an emotional being thus being led by a "Feeling" versus truth. Wake up in a bad mood, You might quit your job, quit a relationship, or even worse. Being rooted allows for replenishment, enlightenment, and consistency.
If I am always ready to GO, then my decisions will be affected accordingly. I will not ever 100% commit, for fear of it keeping me in one place. My decisions will also not be repeatable or consistent as I am basing most of them off my emotional state... which we know changes like the wind! At that point we've become an emotional nomad!
We have been created to live a life on purpose, with purpose and for a purpose! Else we're lost and seeking the next temporary fulfillment. But if we find roots, and create committed relationships we are then part of a larger body. One of love, sharing, unity, and support! Our choices & decisions are no longer random, but are founded with understanding! My life is rooted in the Lord, my wife, and my family & friends!! I could reside in Florida or Siberia, but my foundation is established!
Good day & God Bless,
For a guy who grew up moving quite often, it's such a blessing now to have a home... I have created roots where I am now, and it feels amazing! For most of my life, I have been willing, able and ready to go where ever I felt led. I will say that it took it's toll, and as the years rolled by it created a sense of emptiness & loneliness. What I didn't realize was it wasn't the physical moving that was the problem, it was the foundational aspect of my life. I wasn't grounded!
Whether it be our decisions, our relationships, or even building a tower, it all depends on the foundation. If You do not create a secure basis for your life, you will then fall prey to the ebb & flow of life... as I did... Which made me an emotional wreck! I don't need to preach to everyone in this regard, but We ALL must do our soul searching. To establish the basis for our lives and how things will be handled moving forward. My life, My faith is rooted in created an intimate relationship with God, thus now I can find peace, security in knowing He is in control. For so many years, I lived for me... Ergo, I am an emotional being thus being led by a "Feeling" versus truth. Wake up in a bad mood, You might quit your job, quit a relationship, or even worse. Being rooted allows for replenishment, enlightenment, and consistency.
If I am always ready to GO, then my decisions will be affected accordingly. I will not ever 100% commit, for fear of it keeping me in one place. My decisions will also not be repeatable or consistent as I am basing most of them off my emotional state... which we know changes like the wind! At that point we've become an emotional nomad!
We have been created to live a life on purpose, with purpose and for a purpose! Else we're lost and seeking the next temporary fulfillment. But if we find roots, and create committed relationships we are then part of a larger body. One of love, sharing, unity, and support! Our choices & decisions are no longer random, but are founded with understanding! My life is rooted in the Lord, my wife, and my family & friends!! I could reside in Florida or Siberia, but my foundation is established!
Good day & God Bless,
Monday, November 18, 2013
On a different note,
I wonder if Monday mornings are so terrible because of typical circumstances in our lives. Example, most people aren't doing a job they enjoy. Example, since they are not happy at work, the wknd becomes a free for all which comes with physical and emotion recourse. So many people in this world are in situations that only take away from the joy in their lives, versus enriching their lives and those around them. I would venture to guess its probably hard for most of us to determine what would be gratifying and fulfilling. Or we just haven't taken the time to create a road map to achieve said goal. Or maybe work has nothing to do with it... and it's the filling of our hearts that truly provides us satisfaction.
I'm not sure how fulfilling a job could truly be for most, unless we are truly ready to open our hearts to things of worth. So often we are stuck on the quick & temporary things in life, that it makes the stuff of worth seem mundane. If I can get it Now, why would I want to work for it? If I have a job, why would I work to get a better one? If I'm already married, why would I work on pursuing that other person still?
If we are seeking fulfillment from the world, or it's standards we will be let down every time. We should be seeking to create foundational decisions, which lead to long term enrichment. I know that spiritually I am grounded, which has changed my entire life. I no longer rely on worldly things to fill my heart, but allow the Provider the opportunity to give me sincere, lasting, and fruitful nourishment.
We have been fooled by this world into thinking we can get rich quick, get healthy quick, and that we should be living for NOW and for ME! None of these things are true or prosperous! When we are willing to take the time to invest, there will be fruit! Whether a job, a marriage, spiritual relationship, friendships, etc all come with a price.... Sacrifice!
If your wishing away 5 days of your week to find empty fulfillment on the wknd, You might want to re-evaluate. Each day we are blessed with Life & Opportunity... We have influence in our lives, and maybe God has us somewhere that He needs our willingness to do His work. I wasted most of my life self seeking, self fulfilling in this world, only to be empty! If You feel like you're going no where fast, You might want to look outside the world for your fulfillment! He's waiting for you!
Good day & God Bless,
I wonder if Monday mornings are so terrible because of typical circumstances in our lives. Example, most people aren't doing a job they enjoy. Example, since they are not happy at work, the wknd becomes a free for all which comes with physical and emotion recourse. So many people in this world are in situations that only take away from the joy in their lives, versus enriching their lives and those around them. I would venture to guess its probably hard for most of us to determine what would be gratifying and fulfilling. Or we just haven't taken the time to create a road map to achieve said goal. Or maybe work has nothing to do with it... and it's the filling of our hearts that truly provides us satisfaction.
I'm not sure how fulfilling a job could truly be for most, unless we are truly ready to open our hearts to things of worth. So often we are stuck on the quick & temporary things in life, that it makes the stuff of worth seem mundane. If I can get it Now, why would I want to work for it? If I have a job, why would I work to get a better one? If I'm already married, why would I work on pursuing that other person still?
If we are seeking fulfillment from the world, or it's standards we will be let down every time. We should be seeking to create foundational decisions, which lead to long term enrichment. I know that spiritually I am grounded, which has changed my entire life. I no longer rely on worldly things to fill my heart, but allow the Provider the opportunity to give me sincere, lasting, and fruitful nourishment.
We have been fooled by this world into thinking we can get rich quick, get healthy quick, and that we should be living for NOW and for ME! None of these things are true or prosperous! When we are willing to take the time to invest, there will be fruit! Whether a job, a marriage, spiritual relationship, friendships, etc all come with a price.... Sacrifice!
If your wishing away 5 days of your week to find empty fulfillment on the wknd, You might want to re-evaluate. Each day we are blessed with Life & Opportunity... We have influence in our lives, and maybe God has us somewhere that He needs our willingness to do His work. I wasted most of my life self seeking, self fulfilling in this world, only to be empty! If You feel like you're going no where fast, You might want to look outside the world for your fulfillment! He's waiting for you!
Good day & God Bless,
Friday, November 15, 2013
My Legacy...
On a different note,
It's an interesting conundrum to be in for all us in contemplating our legacy. How will we be remembered, if we're remembered at all. I'm not even sure this is an important aspect for most... for me, it is the revelation and acknowledgement of living on purpose that leads me to ponder what I leave behind.
I think it is common for us all to think of our success and whether we have achieved it. Success or "making it" is a focal point for most, and I'm sure it weighs in the balance of how the world would perceive success. I have in recent years challenged myself not to compare against the worlds standards, but to what is truly important in this life. I know the Lord has changed my heart in that regard, as well as my desires in general. Prior I desired the Things in life, the titles, and the clout that came with it. My worth was based on the accumulation of worldly importance. Needless to say, this was fruitless, and led me into bondage, financial weight & troubles, and an empty life riddled with the fear of missing out and/or always seeking the next temporary "feel good".
One of the many signs God has shown me in life has been the understanding of priorities based on not temporal or worldly standard, but on the things which truly evoke change. Meaning, when I aligned my life to His path, His road map, and His goal in the beginning I saw a change... and I gained a fulfillment I'd never known. All of a sudden the things I'd accumulated we're gone, and I felt more relief then heartache. Didn't make sense in the world, but in the Lord it made perfect sense!
Once You know true love, a love that is unconditional, You cannot return to the empty, unfulfilled, and fruitless ways of self fulfillment. My personal goals, unless aligned with His; became frivolous and honestly lost all value. My personal successes seemed trivial and selfish... I'm not going to sit here and claim all my desires are Godly, but I will say My goal each day it to seek, follow, share the Love of my Savior! This is my dream... to live a life of lifting others, inspiring others and giving out as much love as I possibly can! The rest will pale in comparison!!
Live & Love with purpose... with drive... with desire... and let this be your reputation!!
Good day & God Bless,
It's an interesting conundrum to be in for all us in contemplating our legacy. How will we be remembered, if we're remembered at all. I'm not even sure this is an important aspect for most... for me, it is the revelation and acknowledgement of living on purpose that leads me to ponder what I leave behind.
I think it is common for us all to think of our success and whether we have achieved it. Success or "making it" is a focal point for most, and I'm sure it weighs in the balance of how the world would perceive success. I have in recent years challenged myself not to compare against the worlds standards, but to what is truly important in this life. I know the Lord has changed my heart in that regard, as well as my desires in general. Prior I desired the Things in life, the titles, and the clout that came with it. My worth was based on the accumulation of worldly importance. Needless to say, this was fruitless, and led me into bondage, financial weight & troubles, and an empty life riddled with the fear of missing out and/or always seeking the next temporary "feel good".
One of the many signs God has shown me in life has been the understanding of priorities based on not temporal or worldly standard, but on the things which truly evoke change. Meaning, when I aligned my life to His path, His road map, and His goal in the beginning I saw a change... and I gained a fulfillment I'd never known. All of a sudden the things I'd accumulated we're gone, and I felt more relief then heartache. Didn't make sense in the world, but in the Lord it made perfect sense!
Once You know true love, a love that is unconditional, You cannot return to the empty, unfulfilled, and fruitless ways of self fulfillment. My personal goals, unless aligned with His; became frivolous and honestly lost all value. My personal successes seemed trivial and selfish... I'm not going to sit here and claim all my desires are Godly, but I will say My goal each day it to seek, follow, share the Love of my Savior! This is my dream... to live a life of lifting others, inspiring others and giving out as much love as I possibly can! The rest will pale in comparison!!
Live & Love with purpose... with drive... with desire... and let this be your reputation!!
Good day & God Bless,
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Good enough...
On a different note,
Since we know life is typically an up hill battle, that would elude to knowing it takes effort to push anything through to completion! Meaning, life is work and is gonna throw us some hills, hurdles and heart aches... But that doesn't mean we stop, it just means we push harder or redirect our efforts! I guess the magical question is how bad do you want it? Value is relative to the person asking the question!!!
Part of my work responsibilities include quality control, thus level of quality is more prevalent to me I suppose. I often wonder if someone people ask this question at all...LOL... This is not to be derogatory but to beg the question, is this good enough for you? Is this the level you expected, perceived, or envisioned? To me, if You're gonna do it, do it right!
I remember in years past doing things and knowing deep in my heart it wasn't my best... At that point my personal question should of been Why? Why am I doing this if my desire isn't to do my best? My time is so valuable, that I could put efforts in other areas versus wasting my time or others. I think we all go through these feelings, wondering where we should be... what should we be doing which can provide some type of value or fulfillment. The thought is to be conscious of our daily lives... our choices... our time...
I continually speak to "Living on Purpose", this I suppose is part of that! It's choosing to take on life, and push through trials to achieve a new level of success! It's knowing You are on the path God laid out for you, thus your efforts are not wasted. We live a life of focus, passion, drive, and perseverance! I know God has my back, He has a plan for me, and it's my job to work through the valley's to enjoy the mountain top!
What ever your product is... What ever your output is... Where ever God has you... Put forth effort, exceed worldly expectations!! Success comes from pushing thru to the end and doing your absolute best!! Knowing it was a blessing to even have the opportunity!! Thankful!! Now get out there and LIVE it!
Good day & God Bless,
Since we know life is typically an up hill battle, that would elude to knowing it takes effort to push anything through to completion! Meaning, life is work and is gonna throw us some hills, hurdles and heart aches... But that doesn't mean we stop, it just means we push harder or redirect our efforts! I guess the magical question is how bad do you want it? Value is relative to the person asking the question!!!
Part of my work responsibilities include quality control, thus level of quality is more prevalent to me I suppose. I often wonder if someone people ask this question at all...LOL... This is not to be derogatory but to beg the question, is this good enough for you? Is this the level you expected, perceived, or envisioned? To me, if You're gonna do it, do it right!
I remember in years past doing things and knowing deep in my heart it wasn't my best... At that point my personal question should of been Why? Why am I doing this if my desire isn't to do my best? My time is so valuable, that I could put efforts in other areas versus wasting my time or others. I think we all go through these feelings, wondering where we should be... what should we be doing which can provide some type of value or fulfillment. The thought is to be conscious of our daily lives... our choices... our time...
I continually speak to "Living on Purpose", this I suppose is part of that! It's choosing to take on life, and push through trials to achieve a new level of success! It's knowing You are on the path God laid out for you, thus your efforts are not wasted. We live a life of focus, passion, drive, and perseverance! I know God has my back, He has a plan for me, and it's my job to work through the valley's to enjoy the mountain top!
What ever your product is... What ever your output is... Where ever God has you... Put forth effort, exceed worldly expectations!! Success comes from pushing thru to the end and doing your absolute best!! Knowing it was a blessing to even have the opportunity!! Thankful!! Now get out there and LIVE it!
Good day & God Bless,
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
On a different note,
I am feeling inspired this morning, encouraged by the relationship I have with the Lord. Not everyday do we hear from Him directly, or feel Godly in our walk, but we always know He is there... And if we are keen to this relationship, we will see Him continually! Even in this, It warms my heart, it fills my soul, and it inspires me to continue to stand firm on the rock!!
We all have the opportunity to be used by God to influence the people around us, as well as allow HIM to intercede and bring forth change in our daily lives using those around us. He brings people in and out of our lives as one body... One accord! To provide, enrich, inspire, refresh, encourage, and so on!! WE must be conscious of this, and see this as the light along our path.
The Lord has me in music, and some days I'm not sure why... or if this is My path not His. My sincere goal in life is to follow Him, and align myself with Him, His path for me, and His goal of sharing LOVE with the world. My desire to fulfill this destiny makes me concerned of my daily walk, and my focus on the right aspects of this journey! So, of course in this, I question ME, my choices, and MY goals... I feel so blessed to receive validation, verification, and acknowledgement in my path... Like a school boy getting confirmation from His teacher!
We cannot predict the future, nor should we... we are called to follow Him, seek Him daily and keep Him as our #1 focus... I find peace, comfort, and fulfillment in knowing He is in control, and I just have to follow Him!! We must take the steps forward... in His direction... We must make the effort to seek Him out... He's promised to provide, re-direct and pave the way for Us if we do!! Look for the signs along His road of salvation!
We must put aside OUR path in order to seek His... we are then able to remove the yoke, and let Him carry it!
Thank You Lord for your continued Love, Intercession, and Influence!!
Good day & God Bless,
I am feeling inspired this morning, encouraged by the relationship I have with the Lord. Not everyday do we hear from Him directly, or feel Godly in our walk, but we always know He is there... And if we are keen to this relationship, we will see Him continually! Even in this, It warms my heart, it fills my soul, and it inspires me to continue to stand firm on the rock!!
We all have the opportunity to be used by God to influence the people around us, as well as allow HIM to intercede and bring forth change in our daily lives using those around us. He brings people in and out of our lives as one body... One accord! To provide, enrich, inspire, refresh, encourage, and so on!! WE must be conscious of this, and see this as the light along our path.
The Lord has me in music, and some days I'm not sure why... or if this is My path not His. My sincere goal in life is to follow Him, and align myself with Him, His path for me, and His goal of sharing LOVE with the world. My desire to fulfill this destiny makes me concerned of my daily walk, and my focus on the right aspects of this journey! So, of course in this, I question ME, my choices, and MY goals... I feel so blessed to receive validation, verification, and acknowledgement in my path... Like a school boy getting confirmation from His teacher!
We cannot predict the future, nor should we... we are called to follow Him, seek Him daily and keep Him as our #1 focus... I find peace, comfort, and fulfillment in knowing He is in control, and I just have to follow Him!! We must take the steps forward... in His direction... We must make the effort to seek Him out... He's promised to provide, re-direct and pave the way for Us if we do!! Look for the signs along His road of salvation!
We must put aside OUR path in order to seek His... we are then able to remove the yoke, and let Him carry it!
Thank You Lord for your continued Love, Intercession, and Influence!!
Good day & God Bless,
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
On a different note,
I know not everyone is created with the same desires, drive, and make up... but we are all created in the same image. Personalities, circumstances, and experiences build us into individuals, and life takes on a new perspective each day based on the path the Lord has created for us. We of course have free will, which helps dictate the journey ahead of us. For many years I carried the weight of being human, of being broken and Imperfect. Daily I felt the weight of my struggles, failures, bad decisions, and selfish choices. I remember the Lord drawing me in, showing me my need for Him, and showing me that the cracks in my cistern were to be filled by His love. It took me many years to allow forgiveness into my heart... meaning allowing God or anyone else to forgive me. The feeling of being unworthy, undeserving, and unfit to receive such love & grace. There is a level of humility that comes from knowing your short comings and them not being turned against You, but brushed aside in mercy.
Forgiveness is a gift, it probably sounds weird to hear it in that context. It is also not quite as easy to receive as it might be to give for some. We are human and constantly reminded of our failures, short comings and inefficiencies. For me, only by getting to know my Savior intimately was I able to see the Love provided to His people which allowed me the opportunity to let go of some harbored insecurities. The world reminds us we're imperfect, but the Lord reminds us He loves us anyway! Instead of being trampled by my sins, pride, and bad choices, I could move forward in forgiveness... and ask those in my life for their mercy.
We can choose to carry the weight of our failure or seek ways to be grow in the path of the Lord, and move past the worldly view of who we are. We can choose not to forgive those around us, but that also involves carrying the weight of our judgement. Forgiveness is a gift that we receive, thus it is also a gift that we can provide... for ourselves and others! We are all broken, faulty, and weak... thus putting expectations of perfection or righteousness would be a futile endeavor. Accept our failures, look for ways to grow in the reflection of the Lord by letting go of worldly comparisons, and receive His Love, Grace & Mercy!
We always have the choice... to seek Him, following Him, emulate Him, and receive Him! Stop letting the weight drag You down... He already paid that price!
Good day & God Bless,
I know not everyone is created with the same desires, drive, and make up... but we are all created in the same image. Personalities, circumstances, and experiences build us into individuals, and life takes on a new perspective each day based on the path the Lord has created for us. We of course have free will, which helps dictate the journey ahead of us. For many years I carried the weight of being human, of being broken and Imperfect. Daily I felt the weight of my struggles, failures, bad decisions, and selfish choices. I remember the Lord drawing me in, showing me my need for Him, and showing me that the cracks in my cistern were to be filled by His love. It took me many years to allow forgiveness into my heart... meaning allowing God or anyone else to forgive me. The feeling of being unworthy, undeserving, and unfit to receive such love & grace. There is a level of humility that comes from knowing your short comings and them not being turned against You, but brushed aside in mercy.
Forgiveness is a gift, it probably sounds weird to hear it in that context. It is also not quite as easy to receive as it might be to give for some. We are human and constantly reminded of our failures, short comings and inefficiencies. For me, only by getting to know my Savior intimately was I able to see the Love provided to His people which allowed me the opportunity to let go of some harbored insecurities. The world reminds us we're imperfect, but the Lord reminds us He loves us anyway! Instead of being trampled by my sins, pride, and bad choices, I could move forward in forgiveness... and ask those in my life for their mercy.
We can choose to carry the weight of our failure or seek ways to be grow in the path of the Lord, and move past the worldly view of who we are. We can choose not to forgive those around us, but that also involves carrying the weight of our judgement. Forgiveness is a gift that we receive, thus it is also a gift that we can provide... for ourselves and others! We are all broken, faulty, and weak... thus putting expectations of perfection or righteousness would be a futile endeavor. Accept our failures, look for ways to grow in the reflection of the Lord by letting go of worldly comparisons, and receive His Love, Grace & Mercy!
We always have the choice... to seek Him, following Him, emulate Him, and receive Him! Stop letting the weight drag You down... He already paid that price!
Good day & God Bless,
Monday, November 11, 2013
Sacrifice by choice...
On a different note,
Sacrifice is something we deal with continually... but it's probably not something we like to choose on a regular basis... Meaning, it takes a focus, commitment, and willingness to make an actual sacrifice. Sacrificing truly goes against our nature, as we are carnal and are lead by our personal motives. This is not to make everyone sound bad, but an honest reflection on who we are as human beings. But this is also what makes the sacrifice so much more powerful! God sent His son, men & women die to protect their countries, and people are willing to sacrifice for dreams on a daily basis. Sacrifice is power!
We are all created equal, in the image of our creator, and this means we have the same opportunities. At least in a Godly manner, we have the same opportunities... to Love, Forgive, Provide Mercy & Grace and to seek the Lord... and yes, to sacrifice for others! It is not easy, it is not normal... but it will change the way our lives prosper. As an artist, if I am not willing to be vulnerable or transparent, my end result might not carry the weight or fulfillment as someone who pours their heart into it! Sacrificing for the Love of your gift!!
This day we celebrate veterans, ones willing to put their life on the line for others. An incredible gift, one of sacrifice, selflessness and servants heart! My father almost gave His life for this country, and I will never forget it! I also served in His foot steps and of My Savior!
Jesus was a servant, and for me that is one of the biggest things I still reflect on in His memory! Each day I seek for ways to emulate Jesus... to give to others, to sacrifice for others, and to put aside my selfish ways! IT'S HARD!! It's Not my nature... but my choice daily is to reflect the Lord in my world.
Be thankful for sacrifices, for the opportunity to sacrifice, and be willing to sacrifice for your gifts! Nothing is free, nothing comes easy, and it is a choice & sacrifice to have influence in this world!
I LOVE You all, and I would be willing to sacrifice for YOU!! Pass it on!
Good day, God Bless & Thank You to the men & women who Serve!!
Sacrifice is something we deal with continually... but it's probably not something we like to choose on a regular basis... Meaning, it takes a focus, commitment, and willingness to make an actual sacrifice. Sacrificing truly goes against our nature, as we are carnal and are lead by our personal motives. This is not to make everyone sound bad, but an honest reflection on who we are as human beings. But this is also what makes the sacrifice so much more powerful! God sent His son, men & women die to protect their countries, and people are willing to sacrifice for dreams on a daily basis. Sacrifice is power!
We are all created equal, in the image of our creator, and this means we have the same opportunities. At least in a Godly manner, we have the same opportunities... to Love, Forgive, Provide Mercy & Grace and to seek the Lord... and yes, to sacrifice for others! It is not easy, it is not normal... but it will change the way our lives prosper. As an artist, if I am not willing to be vulnerable or transparent, my end result might not carry the weight or fulfillment as someone who pours their heart into it! Sacrificing for the Love of your gift!!
This day we celebrate veterans, ones willing to put their life on the line for others. An incredible gift, one of sacrifice, selflessness and servants heart! My father almost gave His life for this country, and I will never forget it! I also served in His foot steps and of My Savior!
Jesus was a servant, and for me that is one of the biggest things I still reflect on in His memory! Each day I seek for ways to emulate Jesus... to give to others, to sacrifice for others, and to put aside my selfish ways! IT'S HARD!! It's Not my nature... but my choice daily is to reflect the Lord in my world.
Be thankful for sacrifices, for the opportunity to sacrifice, and be willing to sacrifice for your gifts! Nothing is free, nothing comes easy, and it is a choice & sacrifice to have influence in this world!
I LOVE You all, and I would be willing to sacrifice for YOU!! Pass it on!
Good day, God Bless & Thank You to the men & women who Serve!!
Thursday, November 7, 2013
On a different note,
I am so thankful to have a giving heart, one without rules or expectations, one reflective of the good Lord above! My heart sincerely desires the world to find love, peace, success, fulfillment, and prosperity. My path has been redirected into music, for which I am grateful! The Lord has a plan for me, and for many years I avoided it! Which really means, I had my own plans! Hehehe... I spent years playing football, coming close to making the NFL, but that dream was just a dream. In that time I physically put my body through the work load, effort, and physical punishment required to play high level tackle football. Imagine if I would have been redirected earlier to music... My body would be much happier now!
As You have seen in my writings, or those that I've actually spoken with, the reality is finding you pre-ordained path... one blessed, one assisted, and one created just for You! The interesting thing is, it could change from our perspective... meaning, it's probably not going to be a straight line. Complacency, stagnant times, and such will require us to be shaken up. But there are gifts & talents awaiting Us... If we're looking!
I so haphazardly use the term "Rockstar" these days, as it is quite amusing to me. My wife and I get a good laugh out of it, as titles and me do not mesh! But, for the sake of being a musician, I play along! The reason I bring this up, is I hope titles are not your only goals. We should be spending our valuable time for bigger reasons than that! We should be seeking the things that provide sincere value to our lives, that are worth giving up the one thing we can't get back... Time!
I can sit here and saw "Stop" and ponder what dreams, ideas, and fantasies are lurking in your heart & mind! Seek them out, see what God might have in store for you! But I also know the reality is we will try many things in life, some will work and some won't. I guess for me, I just never stopped seeking & looking! Life is trials, Life is success & failure... Get back up and keep going!! That is LIFE!! The perseverance, the hope, the fortitude, the vision, the path, and so on!! That's why titles don't carry weight... it is the journey that fulfills!! It's the weight loss on the scale, the ability to play a song on a guitar, the completion of a college degree, and such... YOU can change Your life and the world You live!!
You are a ROCKSTAR, because that is what will resonate in your heart!! Don't let anyone tell You different!! You path is waiting!
Good day & God Bless,
I am so thankful to have a giving heart, one without rules or expectations, one reflective of the good Lord above! My heart sincerely desires the world to find love, peace, success, fulfillment, and prosperity. My path has been redirected into music, for which I am grateful! The Lord has a plan for me, and for many years I avoided it! Which really means, I had my own plans! Hehehe... I spent years playing football, coming close to making the NFL, but that dream was just a dream. In that time I physically put my body through the work load, effort, and physical punishment required to play high level tackle football. Imagine if I would have been redirected earlier to music... My body would be much happier now!
As You have seen in my writings, or those that I've actually spoken with, the reality is finding you pre-ordained path... one blessed, one assisted, and one created just for You! The interesting thing is, it could change from our perspective... meaning, it's probably not going to be a straight line. Complacency, stagnant times, and such will require us to be shaken up. But there are gifts & talents awaiting Us... If we're looking!
I so haphazardly use the term "Rockstar" these days, as it is quite amusing to me. My wife and I get a good laugh out of it, as titles and me do not mesh! But, for the sake of being a musician, I play along! The reason I bring this up, is I hope titles are not your only goals. We should be spending our valuable time for bigger reasons than that! We should be seeking the things that provide sincere value to our lives, that are worth giving up the one thing we can't get back... Time!
I can sit here and saw "Stop" and ponder what dreams, ideas, and fantasies are lurking in your heart & mind! Seek them out, see what God might have in store for you! But I also know the reality is we will try many things in life, some will work and some won't. I guess for me, I just never stopped seeking & looking! Life is trials, Life is success & failure... Get back up and keep going!! That is LIFE!! The perseverance, the hope, the fortitude, the vision, the path, and so on!! That's why titles don't carry weight... it is the journey that fulfills!! It's the weight loss on the scale, the ability to play a song on a guitar, the completion of a college degree, and such... YOU can change Your life and the world You live!!
You are a ROCKSTAR, because that is what will resonate in your heart!! Don't let anyone tell You different!! You path is waiting!
Good day & God Bless,
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Walk away...
On a different note,
What are You willing to walk away from? I am in a place right now of making decisions in this regard, and to be quite honest it's not the first time. I have learned to be very honest and transparent with myself in this life, as we are so good at convincing ourselves what is important. We are self serving by nature, so of course we have an easier time justifying self serving scenarios. What I have learned is power comes from not being tied to the things of this world. That my Love for the Lord is paramount, the rest has been provided by Him. Scripture speaks to idols in our lives, so for me things takes on a more relative meaning in my day to day life. I must be conscious of all that is going on around me, and honest with myself enough to catch it if needed!
I have been asked in the past to make a sacrifice, to remove something that has become bigger or more important than it should be.And in that transparent state, my willingness to relinquish this thing, scenario, or circumstance allowed the Lord to remove the weight and even open new doors. Whether it is the weight of a job, the exhaustion from un-needed choices, or the financial weight of a possession. We must be willing to take the steps to put things in right perspective.
If I truly believe the Lord provides and He has a path for my life, then the circumstances we all deal with become less consuming. I must remind myself to not allow anything to take precedence above the Lord or His plan for my life. If I do, then I am removing Him from the equation, and also giving up the power that comes from His intercession.
We must prioritize our lives, our time, and our focus... otherwise we are living reactionary and thus with no control, power, or fulfillment. This world will take on a life of it's own if we are not conscious, and it will suck the life right out of us. I am willing to walk away from things of my life so that they do not rule, dictate or sway me from the True important aspects I desire. Don't let Life run You, take control and life on Purpose! Allow for blessings, intercession and His hand in your life... He'll help You carry it!!!
Good day & God Bless,
What are You willing to walk away from? I am in a place right now of making decisions in this regard, and to be quite honest it's not the first time. I have learned to be very honest and transparent with myself in this life, as we are so good at convincing ourselves what is important. We are self serving by nature, so of course we have an easier time justifying self serving scenarios. What I have learned is power comes from not being tied to the things of this world. That my Love for the Lord is paramount, the rest has been provided by Him. Scripture speaks to idols in our lives, so for me things takes on a more relative meaning in my day to day life. I must be conscious of all that is going on around me, and honest with myself enough to catch it if needed!
I have been asked in the past to make a sacrifice, to remove something that has become bigger or more important than it should be.And in that transparent state, my willingness to relinquish this thing, scenario, or circumstance allowed the Lord to remove the weight and even open new doors. Whether it is the weight of a job, the exhaustion from un-needed choices, or the financial weight of a possession. We must be willing to take the steps to put things in right perspective.
If I truly believe the Lord provides and He has a path for my life, then the circumstances we all deal with become less consuming. I must remind myself to not allow anything to take precedence above the Lord or His plan for my life. If I do, then I am removing Him from the equation, and also giving up the power that comes from His intercession.
We must prioritize our lives, our time, and our focus... otherwise we are living reactionary and thus with no control, power, or fulfillment. This world will take on a life of it's own if we are not conscious, and it will suck the life right out of us. I am willing to walk away from things of my life so that they do not rule, dictate or sway me from the True important aspects I desire. Don't let Life run You, take control and life on Purpose! Allow for blessings, intercession and His hand in your life... He'll help You carry it!!!
Good day & God Bless,
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Coincidence, I think not...
On a different note,
This weekend it hit me that it has only been 10 years since I decided I wanted to sing. Not a short time, but also not an extended time for the successes I have been blessed with. It's easy for me to look back and see God's hand in my life and in my path. Decisions, out comes, open & closed doors through out. Now, with my first music video coming out this week, it seems even more surreal in these moments. All the years I spent prior at times almost feel some what wasted. Now I know that is not true, but I can't help but wonder. But it is a journey, and we must be prepared for the path laid out for us. I needed to fail on my own, to see the need for the Lord's intercession in my life. I needed to "think" I had a plan all mapped out, only to see if was not truly where I should be. And I needed to be broken and lost to know when I was actually found!
Like my marriage now, as humans we typically need to fail first to savor the sweet taste of victory. Meaning, I needed to know what a bad marriage was like to cherish the incredible one I have now.I appreciate it, I want to respect and protect it! And maybe it's just me, and God knew my personality. He knows I am 150 mph in any given direction... So, he needed to wait for me to relinquish the drivers seat before clearing a path.
You will know when You are in line with the Lord because You will see, feel, and know things that You didn't do. It's a very hard thing to explain, but when it happens you'll know. Like when You are reminded of an old friend, and then that day you run into them in the grocery store or they friend you on FB. The world says random, coincidence, but I saw God!
I am currently accomplishing things I never knew possible, and I am seeing movement in places I have no clue how they came about, but I know my actions, efforts, and focus are allowing the Lord the opportunity to intercede on my behalf! If You are not letting God lead your life, then you have to carry it! You must try and make your own opportunities, create your own successes, and handle the failures by yourself. I will say, I tried it for most of my life with no results, only frustration, depression, emptiness and a lack of true victory!!
We ALL have the opportunity to seek out our creator and to let HIM lead the way! Don't wait til your life has passed you by to savor the sweet LOVE & Victory of righteousness!
Good day & God Bless,
This weekend it hit me that it has only been 10 years since I decided I wanted to sing. Not a short time, but also not an extended time for the successes I have been blessed with. It's easy for me to look back and see God's hand in my life and in my path. Decisions, out comes, open & closed doors through out. Now, with my first music video coming out this week, it seems even more surreal in these moments. All the years I spent prior at times almost feel some what wasted. Now I know that is not true, but I can't help but wonder. But it is a journey, and we must be prepared for the path laid out for us. I needed to fail on my own, to see the need for the Lord's intercession in my life. I needed to "think" I had a plan all mapped out, only to see if was not truly where I should be. And I needed to be broken and lost to know when I was actually found!
Like my marriage now, as humans we typically need to fail first to savor the sweet taste of victory. Meaning, I needed to know what a bad marriage was like to cherish the incredible one I have now.I appreciate it, I want to respect and protect it! And maybe it's just me, and God knew my personality. He knows I am 150 mph in any given direction... So, he needed to wait for me to relinquish the drivers seat before clearing a path.
You will know when You are in line with the Lord because You will see, feel, and know things that You didn't do. It's a very hard thing to explain, but when it happens you'll know. Like when You are reminded of an old friend, and then that day you run into them in the grocery store or they friend you on FB. The world says random, coincidence, but I saw God!
I am currently accomplishing things I never knew possible, and I am seeing movement in places I have no clue how they came about, but I know my actions, efforts, and focus are allowing the Lord the opportunity to intercede on my behalf! If You are not letting God lead your life, then you have to carry it! You must try and make your own opportunities, create your own successes, and handle the failures by yourself. I will say, I tried it for most of my life with no results, only frustration, depression, emptiness and a lack of true victory!!
We ALL have the opportunity to seek out our creator and to let HIM lead the way! Don't wait til your life has passed you by to savor the sweet LOVE & Victory of righteousness!
Good day & God Bless,
Friday, November 1, 2013
Start Now!
On a different note,
If You have one shot, one life, or even one day to fulfill a dream, what would You do? What goals, objectives or ideas have you put off for various reasons? Too old, too expensive, too far, or too late, and the list goes on! Listen, I'm with ya in regards to at times things being stated a little too light for sincere consumption!! Meaning, it's easy to say "Go For it!", but in reality, it's not typically quite that easy. But I will say this, if You haven't taken the time to ponder, analyze and create an initial plan of action, or even a Pro's vs Con's list... then you for sure will never know!
I see believers who are waiting on God, I see people hoping to win the lottery, and I see people who have just plain ole given up! Someone didn't just wake up and build the Statue of Liberty, it took time, years and lots of planning! So, why would something like a 'Dream" for us be any less important? Trust me, we all fail at this in some ways... well most of us! But knowledge is power! Come up with a list, maybe do some preliminary research... I.e. I wanna go to Vegas... How much is airfare? How much are hotels? Are there better times of the year to get seasonal rates? Ok, so now I may have to do some saving, or maybe you drive, or whatever... You can set objectives for your goals, You can plan a time frame, and in that You will feel the victory of just accomplishing your dreams!!
If You don't like You... make some changes, and sincerely commit to them! Eating, working out, sleep habits, etc... If You don't like your job, maybe you need some training or schooling to truly accomplish the change... better start NOW! If You relationship isn't where it needs to be, have you looked in the mirror? Remember, relationships take TWO... Investment, sacrifice and reciprocation! Check YOU first before pointing fingers!
Plan Your life, Plan You days, and Live on Purpose! We ALL must be conscious of time, efforts, investment! Stop putting off the inevitable!! Enjoy this time we have here on this earth!! #TGIF
Good day & God Bless,
If You have one shot, one life, or even one day to fulfill a dream, what would You do? What goals, objectives or ideas have you put off for various reasons? Too old, too expensive, too far, or too late, and the list goes on! Listen, I'm with ya in regards to at times things being stated a little too light for sincere consumption!! Meaning, it's easy to say "Go For it!", but in reality, it's not typically quite that easy. But I will say this, if You haven't taken the time to ponder, analyze and create an initial plan of action, or even a Pro's vs Con's list... then you for sure will never know!
I see believers who are waiting on God, I see people hoping to win the lottery, and I see people who have just plain ole given up! Someone didn't just wake up and build the Statue of Liberty, it took time, years and lots of planning! So, why would something like a 'Dream" for us be any less important? Trust me, we all fail at this in some ways... well most of us! But knowledge is power! Come up with a list, maybe do some preliminary research... I.e. I wanna go to Vegas... How much is airfare? How much are hotels? Are there better times of the year to get seasonal rates? Ok, so now I may have to do some saving, or maybe you drive, or whatever... You can set objectives for your goals, You can plan a time frame, and in that You will feel the victory of just accomplishing your dreams!!
If You don't like You... make some changes, and sincerely commit to them! Eating, working out, sleep habits, etc... If You don't like your job, maybe you need some training or schooling to truly accomplish the change... better start NOW! If You relationship isn't where it needs to be, have you looked in the mirror? Remember, relationships take TWO... Investment, sacrifice and reciprocation! Check YOU first before pointing fingers!
Plan Your life, Plan You days, and Live on Purpose! We ALL must be conscious of time, efforts, investment! Stop putting off the inevitable!! Enjoy this time we have here on this earth!! #TGIF
Good day & God Bless,
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