Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Thank You...

On a different note,

That should be the start of our day... Gratitude... I can only imagine the perspective it would change in ALL of us, if we started the day in Thanks! By giving credit to the Provider, by acknowledging the blessings, favors, and abundance we have we could change our entire outlook!! Thank You Lord for this day, for this thought provoking message, and for the opportunity to day to give you Glory!
I have set up a reminder for each morning as the first thing I see... it is a prayer, which starts by giving Thanks! I remember reading a passage in the Bible on how we should prayer. Even the example of the Lord's prayer begins with Praise & Thanks!! So, I had to create the habit, I decided to give thanks before Asking for My sustenance.
This world, this society is built on Me, Me, ME... Yet, this world fulfills based on the path, principles and reflection of the Lord... Putting others first! I desire to Thank Him for what he's already done, what I hope He will do based on His Amazing Love... thus, taking my focus off the world, the pressures, the things, the distractions!! A heart of Gratitude desires nothing... at least momentarily!
By stopping and taking an inventory of the truly amazing things we have been provided, we are content. We are focused on the One who has made us stewards of so much. That is the Lord's goal.. to have our eyes on Him!! So, as we live in Thanks, we indirectly get in line with His plan! We're not comparing with the Jones'...
As a father, as a husband, as a musician, as a Believer... I am beyond thankful!! There is not a day that goes by that I am Not brought to my spiritual knees with adoration!
Begin your day in Thanks!!! It will change Your view of this world!! Give Thanks for the things we have been entrusted with, Knowing there Will be More to come!

Good day & God Bless,

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