Monday, August 12, 2013

Gotta have it...

On a different note...

Doesn't it seem instead of being thankful and cherishing the things we have, we tend to seek out the negatives in our lives? We tend to compare to those around us, or to things society would claim you've "Gotta have". The impact this has on our lives if that we then never get to feel the thankfulness, fulfillment, and accomplishment from our blessings. We're always wanting more or better, instead of being happy with what we have been provided today.
We are called to be stewards of the things God provides, and to be content in our lives. I agree with this, but there are some predisesary steps that would also need to be in line. When we create a relationship with the Lord, our views change to mirror His. We tend to see the world for what it is, ergo our ideals, motives, and decisions reflect the will of the Father. Once these things begin to work in our life, and His spirit beging to lead; our view of our lives change for the better. We don't NEED certain things, even though we May still want... We don't JUDGE things so harshly, as we've now been able to see our faults... We tend to think of our blessings, favor, LOVE, mercy, and Grace, and it makes the world pale in comparison!!
So, once You truly begin to Live for God, In God, and in His way... Your view of life shall change!! The things I desired a few years ago, now seem petty. And the things I still Want, aren't all that pressing or important... more "Like to have's"... So, in this I try to have empathy and understanding of how the world view things, Life, Love and "The Jones'"... Change your filter, and live a more fulfilling life. We all have a gift, once bigger than anything we could buy... and it's free! Let that change your Life in ways no money could buy!
When we appreciate things, we take care of them... When we take care of them, there is Love associated... When we LOVE we find fulfillment, which leads to contentment & happiness! The thing we ALL strive for!!

If You your weight in the world, expect the world to manipulate, critisize, judge, and spoil your temporary high... It's inevitable! Seek out the righteous, and be Filled with Joy!

Good day & God Bless,

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