Monday, August 19, 2013

Are You available...

On a different note,

As we go through this journey called life, is there anything more valuable than time? It would seem we take it for granted mostly, or we would probably appreciate things more and probably make more significant decisions. We would, could and should be using this time wisely! We have one live to live here on this earth, come on folks let's make it a good one!!
If we were to rate the "Best Use" of a persons time, I bet we'd be all over the map. Health, Fame, Money, Family, Relationships, Children, Hobbies, and Salvation to name a few. Either way, it points to the significance of Time in itself. It points to a need, a neon sign, a warning to us... to be conscious and cautious with this most valuable resource!
Some complain of their current place, yet haven't made the choices or steps to get out of it. Some have dreams of grandeur, but haven't hones in a path or skill set to achieve greatness. Some go through life lonely, but yet keep all those around them at bay. We must take a look at our life with serious intent, focus and transparency. We had better be asking the questions about salvation, as tomorrow is not promised. We had better be working towards life goals, or we're our own worst enemies. And we damn well better be choosing to spend time with loved ones, and cherishing each moment! You have a choice right now, today, to be who, where, what you desire to be! You cannot blame any one else! Doesn't mean the road is easy... it means, the Journey was worth it!!
You get to your goals & dreams by acting upon them! You have healthy relationships, because You sacrifice & invest in them! You live a healthy life because You persevere, and allow His spirit in your heart! LIFE should Not be by accident!!
Are You available? Are You available to Yourself? Are You available for the Dream you so intently desire? Are You available for your children, spouses, and/or friends? And Are You sincerely available to the One who provides these very opportunities? Being available is a choice, one that must be made daily!

You can only put off until times runs out... Make time for the important things, and Your life will be filled!

Good day & God Bless,

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