On a different note,
There are times when the weight of the world seems so heavy, and the goals, objectives and dreams we have become dim in the pressures of our circumstances. I remember the days before I truly had a relationship with the Lord. And I remember how hard life was to carry, to fathom, to see the Positive, and never mind to persevere! Even though it was over 10 yrs, I remember so vividly... I guess it keeps me humbled...
I do not consider my writing preachy, or pushy, but open, sincere, and transparent. I go through the same trials, I have failed at the same things as All of us do and will continue to do. It took me years to get past the shame, guilt once I began to see the sincere Love, Forgiveness, Grace and Mercy God had for me. Knowing my carnal nature, and how selfish I had been. Didn't take preaching to save me, it took unconditional Love.
I cannot change anyone, nor do I desire to. But in that same breath, the world cannot change who I am, or what has been poured into my heart. You see, I write from my heart... in my songs, in my messages, in my interactions. I do, what God has done for me... Simple really... but not easy! I challenge people to ask the very questions I asked years ago... Why? Why Me? Who? What? and so on... I wanted answers! I was tired of living an empty, lonely, selfish, fruitless and unproductive life!! Ask and You shall receive!!
Life is still challenging for me... things are Not always just given to me... But, what I am so thankful for is now... after these years, I have been grown into my faith. He put me through the fire to refine me, that I might reflect Him! If we are willing, He will use us... He will show Us... and that in this crazy world seem unfathomable. But I stand here today a witness!!
Thank You for loving me enough, loving yourself enough, and hopefully loving the Lord enough to read this message. You have a path, as do i... I pray we can All stay on track, and receive the fruit of His Love!
Good day & God Bless,
I hope you enjoy my Blog and the writings that come from my journey, my heart and my life path! Hoping to share some LOVE thru my Music & writings!
Friday, August 30, 2013
Thursday, August 29, 2013
On a different note,
Currently, I am being challenged to grow... And in moments it is not so easy to be elated by the experience. But, I have to remind myself of the journey, of the growth, and of the opportunity... and to make sure I am checking my own self-control, and where my power truly comes from. Meaning, the opportunities I have, we're not random, or by chance... God has a plan, and I have been doing my best to walk that path. We will ALL feel the rocks beneath us, the road will wind, and sometimes we cannot see the horizon... doesn't mean it's not there!!
We are challenged for many reasons... sometimes, we just didn't make a good decision... sometimes, it's to learn or hone in our ability to persevere... and probably at times it's just to teach us patience... hehehe... the one I am most enamoured with, NOT!
Look around... do you see anyone living this Amazing, easy, fun, successful life without any hindrances? Look closer... Ah, yes... We ALL have challenges, issues, & crosses to bear! We are refined, and built off these trials! Let's not rush through life every time we incur a hurdle to jump!
Time is our most valuable asset... do You want to rush through sometime just cause its hard? I bet we wouldn't if we knew what the end result was, if we knew how much time we actually had, or if we knew the plan God had in store including this trial! Seeking the good in this world is extremely challenging! This I know... BUT that doesn't mean we don't try! When I am in the midst of these hard spots, I give myself a small grace period, then hold myself accountable... Reality is, I'm still here, I can try again, and IF it is his will & plan, I am conquer this with the help of my Lord & Savior!
We must learn to live in Faith, Trust, Hope, LOVE and Belief!! What else are you going to rely on?
Good day & God Bless,
Currently, I am being challenged to grow... And in moments it is not so easy to be elated by the experience. But, I have to remind myself of the journey, of the growth, and of the opportunity... and to make sure I am checking my own self-control, and where my power truly comes from. Meaning, the opportunities I have, we're not random, or by chance... God has a plan, and I have been doing my best to walk that path. We will ALL feel the rocks beneath us, the road will wind, and sometimes we cannot see the horizon... doesn't mean it's not there!!
We are challenged for many reasons... sometimes, we just didn't make a good decision... sometimes, it's to learn or hone in our ability to persevere... and probably at times it's just to teach us patience... hehehe... the one I am most enamoured with, NOT!
Look around... do you see anyone living this Amazing, easy, fun, successful life without any hindrances? Look closer... Ah, yes... We ALL have challenges, issues, & crosses to bear! We are refined, and built off these trials! Let's not rush through life every time we incur a hurdle to jump!
Time is our most valuable asset... do You want to rush through sometime just cause its hard? I bet we wouldn't if we knew what the end result was, if we knew how much time we actually had, or if we knew the plan God had in store including this trial! Seeking the good in this world is extremely challenging! This I know... BUT that doesn't mean we don't try! When I am in the midst of these hard spots, I give myself a small grace period, then hold myself accountable... Reality is, I'm still here, I can try again, and IF it is his will & plan, I am conquer this with the help of my Lord & Savior!
We must learn to live in Faith, Trust, Hope, LOVE and Belief!! What else are you going to rely on?
Good day & God Bless,
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Thank You...
On a different note,
That should be the start of our day... Gratitude... I can only imagine the perspective it would change in ALL of us, if we started the day in Thanks! By giving credit to the Provider, by acknowledging the blessings, favors, and abundance we have we could change our entire outlook!! Thank You Lord for this day, for this thought provoking message, and for the opportunity to day to give you Glory!
I have set up a reminder for each morning as the first thing I see... it is a prayer, which starts by giving Thanks! I remember reading a passage in the Bible on how we should prayer. Even the example of the Lord's prayer begins with Praise & Thanks!! So, I had to create the habit, I decided to give thanks before Asking for My sustenance.
This world, this society is built on Me, Me, ME... Yet, this world fulfills based on the path, principles and reflection of the Lord... Putting others first! I desire to Thank Him for what he's already done, what I hope He will do based on His Amazing Love... thus, taking my focus off the world, the pressures, the things, the distractions!! A heart of Gratitude desires nothing... at least momentarily!
By stopping and taking an inventory of the truly amazing things we have been provided, we are content. We are focused on the One who has made us stewards of so much. That is the Lord's goal.. to have our eyes on Him!! So, as we live in Thanks, we indirectly get in line with His plan! We're not comparing with the Jones'...
As a father, as a husband, as a musician, as a Believer... I am beyond thankful!! There is not a day that goes by that I am Not brought to my spiritual knees with adoration!
Begin your day in Thanks!!! It will change Your view of this world!! Give Thanks for the things we have been entrusted with, Knowing there Will be More to come!
Good day & God Bless,
That should be the start of our day... Gratitude... I can only imagine the perspective it would change in ALL of us, if we started the day in Thanks! By giving credit to the Provider, by acknowledging the blessings, favors, and abundance we have we could change our entire outlook!! Thank You Lord for this day, for this thought provoking message, and for the opportunity to day to give you Glory!
I have set up a reminder for each morning as the first thing I see... it is a prayer, which starts by giving Thanks! I remember reading a passage in the Bible on how we should prayer. Even the example of the Lord's prayer begins with Praise & Thanks!! So, I had to create the habit, I decided to give thanks before Asking for My sustenance.
This world, this society is built on Me, Me, ME... Yet, this world fulfills based on the path, principles and reflection of the Lord... Putting others first! I desire to Thank Him for what he's already done, what I hope He will do based on His Amazing Love... thus, taking my focus off the world, the pressures, the things, the distractions!! A heart of Gratitude desires nothing... at least momentarily!
By stopping and taking an inventory of the truly amazing things we have been provided, we are content. We are focused on the One who has made us stewards of so much. That is the Lord's goal.. to have our eyes on Him!! So, as we live in Thanks, we indirectly get in line with His plan! We're not comparing with the Jones'...
As a father, as a husband, as a musician, as a Believer... I am beyond thankful!! There is not a day that goes by that I am Not brought to my spiritual knees with adoration!
Begin your day in Thanks!!! It will change Your view of this world!! Give Thanks for the things we have been entrusted with, Knowing there Will be More to come!
Good day & God Bless,
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
What goes in...
On a different note,
Sustenance... What we need to live on... Food, Water, Emotional Fulfillment, Mental Stimulation, etc... So often we forget to either acknowledge our needs, or filter what we are bringing into our lives. Being healthy is not just physical, but incorporates mental, spiritual, and emotional. As we we mature, those needs will change.. so we have to be conscious of the life blood of our lives... it Does make a difference!
Without taking care of your physical being, it becomes obvious, and we will literally feel it and see it. So, that aspect becomes the easiest to diagnose. Some times the other aspects are not quite so transparent. We've all heard the term Reality Check... hehehe... Well, this should be one of the ways we evaluate our lives on a common basis. If we are not in a place of stability, then our output will not be of a higher quality. Example: If I am having problems at home, work becomes heavy, burdened, and unproductive. So, just based on some emotional circumstances, it has a grave affect on my life!
Imagine if we focused on our Spiritual well being... the spirit, the soul, or very existence... Think that might have an affect on your day to day life? People that are spiritually grounded walk this life differently... in peace, comfort, stability, & confidence... That in turn changes your emotional state, which affects your mental state, and allows you to navigate this crazy world on a more even keel.
What are we putting in our body, our minds, and our lives? Watching TV for 6 hours a day, Eating junk food more often than not, possibly living on FB for hours on end... We were created to grow, learn, evolve, and prosper... but we must make that choice! What You take in, affects what goes out!! Stop and take a look at your life... and imagine the ramifications!! It will literally change your life!
Good day & God Bless,
Sustenance... What we need to live on... Food, Water, Emotional Fulfillment, Mental Stimulation, etc... So often we forget to either acknowledge our needs, or filter what we are bringing into our lives. Being healthy is not just physical, but incorporates mental, spiritual, and emotional. As we we mature, those needs will change.. so we have to be conscious of the life blood of our lives... it Does make a difference!
Without taking care of your physical being, it becomes obvious, and we will literally feel it and see it. So, that aspect becomes the easiest to diagnose. Some times the other aspects are not quite so transparent. We've all heard the term Reality Check... hehehe... Well, this should be one of the ways we evaluate our lives on a common basis. If we are not in a place of stability, then our output will not be of a higher quality. Example: If I am having problems at home, work becomes heavy, burdened, and unproductive. So, just based on some emotional circumstances, it has a grave affect on my life!
Imagine if we focused on our Spiritual well being... the spirit, the soul, or very existence... Think that might have an affect on your day to day life? People that are spiritually grounded walk this life differently... in peace, comfort, stability, & confidence... That in turn changes your emotional state, which affects your mental state, and allows you to navigate this crazy world on a more even keel.
What are we putting in our body, our minds, and our lives? Watching TV for 6 hours a day, Eating junk food more often than not, possibly living on FB for hours on end... We were created to grow, learn, evolve, and prosper... but we must make that choice! What You take in, affects what goes out!! Stop and take a look at your life... and imagine the ramifications!! It will literally change your life!
Good day & God Bless,
Monday, August 26, 2013
Test the water...
On a different note,
I can't help but periodically think of the challenges my marriage takes by being out in the public eye. My wife and I are continually being watched, approached, and sometimes disrespected. It is a trial most relationships would have a hard time enduring. But it hit me this wknd, just like our trust, faith and Love for God... it is grown, tested, and refined in battle. We have a solid, trusting marriage because we don't keep it locked up, put away, and in secret. Just like our Love for the Lord!
So many people go through life scared, or with the need to keep things controlled, even keel, and without hiccups. I am here to share, I don't believe that's the way God shows himself to be true in our lives. Anytime I get complacent, He throws something my way... a challenge, a trial, a valley by which to look to Him, lean on Him and move another step up the ladder of Faith. My marriage is similar... We have worked our way into a loving, trusting relationship... through trials, mis-communications, and just getting to learn one another. And by keep each other sacred, cherished, appreciated in our hearts, the trials of this world, although hard at times; pale in comparison to the Unity we have in Faith.
I find it sad that so many believers only congregate with other believers. They stick so close to church, that their beacon of light never seems to shine in the less lighted areas which truly need the help. Our Faith is grown by persevering, conquering, enduring, and relying on God through our darkest times. If all you do is hang with the saved, how You gonna help the lost?
Be willing to step out of the boat and test the water... Jesus said to "keep your eyes on Me"... Ergo, Follow him! He will open doors for you... Opportunity to let HIM shine through you! Look at these times as opportunities to grow Your faith! LIVE You life, You only got one! You want your marriage to grow, shake it up! Communicate, look for opportunities to grow closer, be vulnerable together, and cherish each other... grow that faith in each other! YES, we will fall short some times... but the next time, In Him, we'll persevere!
Good day & God Bless,
I can't help but periodically think of the challenges my marriage takes by being out in the public eye. My wife and I are continually being watched, approached, and sometimes disrespected. It is a trial most relationships would have a hard time enduring. But it hit me this wknd, just like our trust, faith and Love for God... it is grown, tested, and refined in battle. We have a solid, trusting marriage because we don't keep it locked up, put away, and in secret. Just like our Love for the Lord!
So many people go through life scared, or with the need to keep things controlled, even keel, and without hiccups. I am here to share, I don't believe that's the way God shows himself to be true in our lives. Anytime I get complacent, He throws something my way... a challenge, a trial, a valley by which to look to Him, lean on Him and move another step up the ladder of Faith. My marriage is similar... We have worked our way into a loving, trusting relationship... through trials, mis-communications, and just getting to learn one another. And by keep each other sacred, cherished, appreciated in our hearts, the trials of this world, although hard at times; pale in comparison to the Unity we have in Faith.
I find it sad that so many believers only congregate with other believers. They stick so close to church, that their beacon of light never seems to shine in the less lighted areas which truly need the help. Our Faith is grown by persevering, conquering, enduring, and relying on God through our darkest times. If all you do is hang with the saved, how You gonna help the lost?
Be willing to step out of the boat and test the water... Jesus said to "keep your eyes on Me"... Ergo, Follow him! He will open doors for you... Opportunity to let HIM shine through you! Look at these times as opportunities to grow Your faith! LIVE You life, You only got one! You want your marriage to grow, shake it up! Communicate, look for opportunities to grow closer, be vulnerable together, and cherish each other... grow that faith in each other! YES, we will fall short some times... but the next time, In Him, we'll persevere!
Good day & God Bless,
Friday, August 23, 2013
Count to 10...
On a different note,
Can we all admit we have a LOVE & Hate relationship with ourselves?!?! Hehehe... I can remember actual instances which I perpetuated misery, anger, pity, and such... What the ?!?! Obviously this is attributed to our carnal/self evolved nature. I have spent years and continue to challenge myself on being aware of these moments... catching them as fast as possible!
I can remember getting off track emotionally, and having it last days... some times weeks! What a Waste of time, effort, emotions, frustrations and money! If you think about it, it's just plain ole giving up! Feeding into the personal defeat. Now, I try to catch it within moments... ok, ok hours at times! But sincerely not wanting it to ruin my day, evening or especially those around me. I think just being in the know of if, allowing the spirit to take over has truly made a huge difference. I can stop and ask myself "Really!".
Being we are creatures of habit as well, we must also be focused on returning to the scene of the crime. Meaning, ok we work on catching ourselves... "Don't be an idiot!"... Only to fall back into the trend as soon as the next wave comes along. People, trust me; this is human nature... I am only shedding a light on the scenario. We must start making choices of how we are to live our lives, else we live in a perpetual depressed, lonely, angry and unfulfilled life.
I am an emotional guy, so this may not be as hard for some. But we must regain control of our emotions, our pride, our expectations that we might be able to enjoy our blessings! Do we really need to Freak out over split milk, toilet seat, traffic and so on? THAT IS LIFE CHANGING!?!?!
Let's keep eyes on Us, not our friends... they got their own stuff... I'm way too busy letting God work on me, to worry about someone Else's deficiencies!!
Good day & God Bless,
Can we all admit we have a LOVE & Hate relationship with ourselves?!?! Hehehe... I can remember actual instances which I perpetuated misery, anger, pity, and such... What the ?!?! Obviously this is attributed to our carnal/self evolved nature. I have spent years and continue to challenge myself on being aware of these moments... catching them as fast as possible!
I can remember getting off track emotionally, and having it last days... some times weeks! What a Waste of time, effort, emotions, frustrations and money! If you think about it, it's just plain ole giving up! Feeding into the personal defeat. Now, I try to catch it within moments... ok, ok hours at times! But sincerely not wanting it to ruin my day, evening or especially those around me. I think just being in the know of if, allowing the spirit to take over has truly made a huge difference. I can stop and ask myself "Really!".
Being we are creatures of habit as well, we must also be focused on returning to the scene of the crime. Meaning, ok we work on catching ourselves... "Don't be an idiot!"... Only to fall back into the trend as soon as the next wave comes along. People, trust me; this is human nature... I am only shedding a light on the scenario. We must start making choices of how we are to live our lives, else we live in a perpetual depressed, lonely, angry and unfulfilled life.
I am an emotional guy, so this may not be as hard for some. But we must regain control of our emotions, our pride, our expectations that we might be able to enjoy our blessings! Do we really need to Freak out over split milk, toilet seat, traffic and so on? THAT IS LIFE CHANGING!?!?!
Let's keep eyes on Us, not our friends... they got their own stuff... I'm way too busy letting God work on me, to worry about someone Else's deficiencies!!
Good day & God Bless,
Thursday, August 22, 2013
LOVE above all...
On a different note,
As a continued message from the last posting, there is an aknowledgment of the weight, importance and nessecity of LOVE in our lives. The accepting of what life would be without it! Once we understand the severity of a being in a loveless existance, we can then begin to appreciate it!
I will share a progression within my life... hopefully it's something that can echo for many. Self doubt, a negative self image, and pessimistic view of the world... Not feeling loved, appreciated, desired or respected... Any one else ever felt this way? So, in this cloud, do we feel we can be prosperous, fruitful, sacrificial, or Loving? Allow me to continue this thought... Broken, Angry, empty, lonely... Jaded, feeling picked on, and wantig to fight the world... Anyone? Now, here is the most incredible part!!
Chosen, Loved, Pardoned and Forgiven! Weightless, Filled, humbled, Unworthy but Thankful!! What do we think this person could accomplish? What daily hurdles are going to keep this person from Loving, Persevering and moving in Contemptment?
Acknowledging the Power, Need and Influence of LOVE changes our goals, our views, and our actions!! I LOVE because I am Loved! I Sacrifice as I was sacrificed for! I am the man I am because of the Big Man upstairs is tranforming me into His image! Thats it!!
Choose LOVE, Choose to seek Him out, and Choose to be a beacon of LIGHT in this Dark world!!
Good day & God Bless!
As a continued message from the last posting, there is an aknowledgment of the weight, importance and nessecity of LOVE in our lives. The accepting of what life would be without it! Once we understand the severity of a being in a loveless existance, we can then begin to appreciate it!
I will share a progression within my life... hopefully it's something that can echo for many. Self doubt, a negative self image, and pessimistic view of the world... Not feeling loved, appreciated, desired or respected... Any one else ever felt this way? So, in this cloud, do we feel we can be prosperous, fruitful, sacrificial, or Loving? Allow me to continue this thought... Broken, Angry, empty, lonely... Jaded, feeling picked on, and wantig to fight the world... Anyone? Now, here is the most incredible part!!
Chosen, Loved, Pardoned and Forgiven! Weightless, Filled, humbled, Unworthy but Thankful!! What do we think this person could accomplish? What daily hurdles are going to keep this person from Loving, Persevering and moving in Contemptment?
Acknowledging the Power, Need and Influence of LOVE changes our goals, our views, and our actions!! I LOVE because I am Loved! I Sacrifice as I was sacrificed for! I am the man I am because of the Big Man upstairs is tranforming me into His image! Thats it!!
Choose LOVE, Choose to seek Him out, and Choose to be a beacon of LIGHT in this Dark world!!
Good day & God Bless!
On a different note,
Image if each day I was able to wake up and make a difference... to someone, anyone, but changed the course of a person's day for the better! It is something I ponder and act on as often as possible. I see this very same focus & attitude in believers and non-believers. The Cool thing is, we are ALL created in LOVE!! ALL of us! It gives me hope and puts a smile on my face!!
I have never felt happiness outside of Love, Giving, and Sacrificing... it is extremely ironic. You'd think self-serving would be more fulfilling! It's why I empathize and feel bad for those who tend to focus more on their needs than others. And I am not here to say we should live as simpletons Only giving to others... but I feel if we put our focus on others first, the rest becomes more rewarding & enriching. When I do something sweet for my wife, when I pour my heart out in a song on stage for the crowd, or when I give someone money on the side of the road... I have decided to focus on something outside my needs... that IS Love! I heard an expression... "If a prostitute gives another prostitute a gift, God is there!"... LOVE this!! Because God is Love, and He's every where!! How Amazing, How incredible, and How it fills my heart & soul!!
We are creatures of habit... Thus, we must create these habits... we must allow Gods will, Gods plan, Gods word to permeate our day to day choices! This is how we change the world, this is how we change our lives to ones of fulfillment!
I know it seems out there, opposite of what the world would have you think... But I've come to some conclusions in my spiritual walk... Nothing God does is normal, He doesn't look to keep things complacent, and the more I grow spiritually, the less I know... hehehe... He wants me to follow Him, not ask silly questions! He grows us, shows us, and fill us with Love that we might pay it forward!
I hope, pray and desire Us all to carry the desire of putting others first! WITHOUT expecting a reward, or a return, but because it's Going to have an affect in our hearts! Cause we KNOW it will be provided day after day to us too!
Good day & God Bless,
Image if each day I was able to wake up and make a difference... to someone, anyone, but changed the course of a person's day for the better! It is something I ponder and act on as often as possible. I see this very same focus & attitude in believers and non-believers. The Cool thing is, we are ALL created in LOVE!! ALL of us! It gives me hope and puts a smile on my face!!
I have never felt happiness outside of Love, Giving, and Sacrificing... it is extremely ironic. You'd think self-serving would be more fulfilling! It's why I empathize and feel bad for those who tend to focus more on their needs than others. And I am not here to say we should live as simpletons Only giving to others... but I feel if we put our focus on others first, the rest becomes more rewarding & enriching. When I do something sweet for my wife, when I pour my heart out in a song on stage for the crowd, or when I give someone money on the side of the road... I have decided to focus on something outside my needs... that IS Love! I heard an expression... "If a prostitute gives another prostitute a gift, God is there!"... LOVE this!! Because God is Love, and He's every where!! How Amazing, How incredible, and How it fills my heart & soul!!
We are creatures of habit... Thus, we must create these habits... we must allow Gods will, Gods plan, Gods word to permeate our day to day choices! This is how we change the world, this is how we change our lives to ones of fulfillment!
I know it seems out there, opposite of what the world would have you think... But I've come to some conclusions in my spiritual walk... Nothing God does is normal, He doesn't look to keep things complacent, and the more I grow spiritually, the less I know... hehehe... He wants me to follow Him, not ask silly questions! He grows us, shows us, and fill us with Love that we might pay it forward!
I hope, pray and desire Us all to carry the desire of putting others first! WITHOUT expecting a reward, or a return, but because it's Going to have an affect in our hearts! Cause we KNOW it will be provided day after day to us too!
Good day & God Bless,
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
The worlds way...
On a different note,
Society will typically tell you it's not worth it, or it's not that important... that's because misery loves company! The bully syndrome takes over for most saddened, empty, lonely & and unfulfilled people. Not wanting others to be Happy if they aren't! This becomes ever more clear once you are more spiritually mature, grounded and awake to the ways of the world. And by no means am I putting them down, or trying to be negative. It's just a known constraint... something to take into account. We must be willing to persevere, redirect and shake things loose when called to... To be freed of the bondage of this world...
We, You & Me, are movers and shakers... we have things to accomplish in life! We may have hurdles and road blocks to attend to, but in general we have goals to reach! We mustn't be tied to the ways or things of this world... Imagine if You desire to invest in your own self... your hobby's, your desires! God provides You and opportunity!! But, because You needed a new car, Xbox, Big house, Boat, motorcycle, swimming pool, etc... you now don't have the means! Oh and, You have to not only pay monthly on that stuff, but You have to maintain it if it breaks! AND... if You have to Go somewhere, it's coming with you! hehehe... that is alot to carry.. literally!
Second scenario... You decide to try some thing new.. God has planted a seed in your heart, or it's something You've always had in your heart! You go and give it a shot... scared, nervous, anxious, etc... What does the world say? Booo... Eh, that was ok... I could do better... I've seen better... and so on! We must surround ourselves with people who Love, support, lift up, are positive & motivated thinkers, and that are grounded spiritually! They will have some discernment, and will sincerely love you where ever you stand!
We must seek out the path of righteousness... not cause we're expected to be perfect, but because He laid out a path which is filled with Love, respect, honor, and encouragement! He has shown us the way to live which will provide us Godly results! Don't get tied down to this world, it's a heavy, unforgiving and an unfulfilling place!
This walk is hard enough on its own, so let's find the best path to reach our destiny!
Good day & God Bless,
Society will typically tell you it's not worth it, or it's not that important... that's because misery loves company! The bully syndrome takes over for most saddened, empty, lonely & and unfulfilled people. Not wanting others to be Happy if they aren't! This becomes ever more clear once you are more spiritually mature, grounded and awake to the ways of the world. And by no means am I putting them down, or trying to be negative. It's just a known constraint... something to take into account. We must be willing to persevere, redirect and shake things loose when called to... To be freed of the bondage of this world...
We, You & Me, are movers and shakers... we have things to accomplish in life! We may have hurdles and road blocks to attend to, but in general we have goals to reach! We mustn't be tied to the ways or things of this world... Imagine if You desire to invest in your own self... your hobby's, your desires! God provides You and opportunity!! But, because You needed a new car, Xbox, Big house, Boat, motorcycle, swimming pool, etc... you now don't have the means! Oh and, You have to not only pay monthly on that stuff, but You have to maintain it if it breaks! AND... if You have to Go somewhere, it's coming with you! hehehe... that is alot to carry.. literally!
Second scenario... You decide to try some thing new.. God has planted a seed in your heart, or it's something You've always had in your heart! You go and give it a shot... scared, nervous, anxious, etc... What does the world say? Booo... Eh, that was ok... I could do better... I've seen better... and so on! We must surround ourselves with people who Love, support, lift up, are positive & motivated thinkers, and that are grounded spiritually! They will have some discernment, and will sincerely love you where ever you stand!
We must seek out the path of righteousness... not cause we're expected to be perfect, but because He laid out a path which is filled with Love, respect, honor, and encouragement! He has shown us the way to live which will provide us Godly results! Don't get tied down to this world, it's a heavy, unforgiving and an unfulfilling place!
This walk is hard enough on its own, so let's find the best path to reach our destiny!
Good day & God Bless,
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
On a different note,
We are raised to be strong, independent and self reliant!! Too bad that isn't a realistic approach to life! Although it is very helpful to to have the skill set, the unfortunate constraint is needing so much outside of our capabilities. I fought the world for years, only to be left feeling empty, lonely, and unfulfilled!
Actually, so many people I know that have knowingly gave their heart to the Lord, have done so after losing everything. I had someone ask "Is this normal?"... and once I thought about it, it probably is! Typically, for God to get our attention, he has to remove the shiny things in our life that WE take credit for. So, as we mature, grow and endure the trials of life, we tend to appreciate things... well, let me re-phrase... We tend to feel like we're lacking, and cling to the small victories we feel we can accomplish on our own. Once I realized I could Not do it by myself, there was a weight lifted... a sense of peace... I didn't have to carry the world any more!
Now, in growing my music career, I have also realized the need for those around me to be successful. I can only do so much on my own... opening doors, opportunities, support, direction, etc... a Village was not built in a day, or by one person! I realized fulfillment in finding an incredible partner/wife... She cares/loves me like no other has! I found fulfillment in my heart, and changed my view of the world when I found the Lord. And I find fulfillment in my music by sharing it with the world I reside!!
When we try to fly solo, we not only decrease our opportunities, but we also indirectly decide to enjoy life alone... We must let others in, we must let God provide for our lives, and we must be will to put our perceived control, selfish nature, and prideful ways aside only to see if blossom into an enriched life!
Get some co-pilots... let someone else drive sometimes... and hold someones hand, enjoy the view!!
Good day & God Bless!
We are raised to be strong, independent and self reliant!! Too bad that isn't a realistic approach to life! Although it is very helpful to to have the skill set, the unfortunate constraint is needing so much outside of our capabilities. I fought the world for years, only to be left feeling empty, lonely, and unfulfilled!
Actually, so many people I know that have knowingly gave their heart to the Lord, have done so after losing everything. I had someone ask "Is this normal?"... and once I thought about it, it probably is! Typically, for God to get our attention, he has to remove the shiny things in our life that WE take credit for. So, as we mature, grow and endure the trials of life, we tend to appreciate things... well, let me re-phrase... We tend to feel like we're lacking, and cling to the small victories we feel we can accomplish on our own. Once I realized I could Not do it by myself, there was a weight lifted... a sense of peace... I didn't have to carry the world any more!
Now, in growing my music career, I have also realized the need for those around me to be successful. I can only do so much on my own... opening doors, opportunities, support, direction, etc... a Village was not built in a day, or by one person! I realized fulfillment in finding an incredible partner/wife... She cares/loves me like no other has! I found fulfillment in my heart, and changed my view of the world when I found the Lord. And I find fulfillment in my music by sharing it with the world I reside!!
When we try to fly solo, we not only decrease our opportunities, but we also indirectly decide to enjoy life alone... We must let others in, we must let God provide for our lives, and we must be will to put our perceived control, selfish nature, and prideful ways aside only to see if blossom into an enriched life!
Get some co-pilots... let someone else drive sometimes... and hold someones hand, enjoy the view!!
Good day & God Bless!
Monday, August 19, 2013
Are You available...
On a different note,
As we go through this journey called life, is there anything more valuable than time? It would seem we take it for granted mostly, or we would probably appreciate things more and probably make more significant decisions. We would, could and should be using this time wisely! We have one live to live here on this earth, come on folks let's make it a good one!!
If we were to rate the "Best Use" of a persons time, I bet we'd be all over the map. Health, Fame, Money, Family, Relationships, Children, Hobbies, and Salvation to name a few. Either way, it points to the significance of Time in itself. It points to a need, a neon sign, a warning to us... to be conscious and cautious with this most valuable resource!
Some complain of their current place, yet haven't made the choices or steps to get out of it. Some have dreams of grandeur, but haven't hones in a path or skill set to achieve greatness. Some go through life lonely, but yet keep all those around them at bay. We must take a look at our life with serious intent, focus and transparency. We had better be asking the questions about salvation, as tomorrow is not promised. We had better be working towards life goals, or we're our own worst enemies. And we damn well better be choosing to spend time with loved ones, and cherishing each moment! You have a choice right now, today, to be who, where, what you desire to be! You cannot blame any one else! Doesn't mean the road is easy... it means, the Journey was worth it!!
You get to your goals & dreams by acting upon them! You have healthy relationships, because You sacrifice & invest in them! You live a healthy life because You persevere, and allow His spirit in your heart! LIFE should Not be by accident!!
Are You available? Are You available to Yourself? Are You available for the Dream you so intently desire? Are You available for your children, spouses, and/or friends? And Are You sincerely available to the One who provides these very opportunities? Being available is a choice, one that must be made daily!
You can only put off until times runs out... Make time for the important things, and Your life will be filled!
Good day & God Bless,
As we go through this journey called life, is there anything more valuable than time? It would seem we take it for granted mostly, or we would probably appreciate things more and probably make more significant decisions. We would, could and should be using this time wisely! We have one live to live here on this earth, come on folks let's make it a good one!!
If we were to rate the "Best Use" of a persons time, I bet we'd be all over the map. Health, Fame, Money, Family, Relationships, Children, Hobbies, and Salvation to name a few. Either way, it points to the significance of Time in itself. It points to a need, a neon sign, a warning to us... to be conscious and cautious with this most valuable resource!
Some complain of their current place, yet haven't made the choices or steps to get out of it. Some have dreams of grandeur, but haven't hones in a path or skill set to achieve greatness. Some go through life lonely, but yet keep all those around them at bay. We must take a look at our life with serious intent, focus and transparency. We had better be asking the questions about salvation, as tomorrow is not promised. We had better be working towards life goals, or we're our own worst enemies. And we damn well better be choosing to spend time with loved ones, and cherishing each moment! You have a choice right now, today, to be who, where, what you desire to be! You cannot blame any one else! Doesn't mean the road is easy... it means, the Journey was worth it!!
You get to your goals & dreams by acting upon them! You have healthy relationships, because You sacrifice & invest in them! You live a healthy life because You persevere, and allow His spirit in your heart! LIFE should Not be by accident!!
Are You available? Are You available to Yourself? Are You available for the Dream you so intently desire? Are You available for your children, spouses, and/or friends? And Are You sincerely available to the One who provides these very opportunities? Being available is a choice, one that must be made daily!
You can only put off until times runs out... Make time for the important things, and Your life will be filled!
Good day & God Bless,
Friday, August 16, 2013
In the Know...
On a different note...
I would pretty much consider myself a realist. Meaning to I tend to not be a pessimist or optimist, but to focus on the reality of a situation and look to weigh the situation honestly. In that, I feel I have a certain outlook which helps me keep perspective. Example: I know this life is temporal, ergo I should live life to the best of my ability in the NOW as tomorrow is not promised. It has also helped in my spiritual growth, as I do not coast through life feeling invincible or neglecting to ask the tough spiritual questions.
If we can take on the sincere understandings that this world has to offer, it allows us the opportunity to live more intently. We can make decisions better, we can find motivation to move forward in those decisions, and even feel the Victory being that much sweeter. There are knowns, and there are unknowns. We need air to breath, this live is temporary, we All go through trials, and so on. It's a self-awareness that we must own... to be honest with ourselves, if not those around us. Just like our relationship with the Lord, we must seek out an intimate connection, communion and dialogue. This is the start... then as we create an that relationship, he begins to work in our lives, we see his hand, and we feel his spirit. Then we won't be to keep it in, and we will be that light on the Hill for those in our lives!
I challenge myself to live life in clarity, not allowing myself to be led by emotions but the knowns. For most, Faith is unknown or untouchable. It's a feeling for most. I will say this, Faith is grown and takes a lot of work, and comes from pain, Love, heartache, and Victories. My faith is not just a feeling, it is something that has been planted in my heart, proven through trials, and refined by the blessings, favor and movement of the Lord in my life!
LIVE in the Know, LIVE for today, Make decisions knowing they could be your last and it will change the way you move day to day. You will cherish You family, Your spouse, your friends, your money, your Job, Your hobby, your food, and so on. Life is hard for all of us, and people will pass every second of the day... So, if Music, Art, Teaching, Parenting, Truck Driving are calling you, then Enjoy them!! Give the one who created it, who brought it to You the Glory! Acknowledgment has the word "Know" in it... Meaning to recognize, to be enlightened by... Live your life on Purpose!! Circumstances come and go, so persevere regardless!!
Good day & God Bless,
I would pretty much consider myself a realist. Meaning to I tend to not be a pessimist or optimist, but to focus on the reality of a situation and look to weigh the situation honestly. In that, I feel I have a certain outlook which helps me keep perspective. Example: I know this life is temporal, ergo I should live life to the best of my ability in the NOW as tomorrow is not promised. It has also helped in my spiritual growth, as I do not coast through life feeling invincible or neglecting to ask the tough spiritual questions.
If we can take on the sincere understandings that this world has to offer, it allows us the opportunity to live more intently. We can make decisions better, we can find motivation to move forward in those decisions, and even feel the Victory being that much sweeter. There are knowns, and there are unknowns. We need air to breath, this live is temporary, we All go through trials, and so on. It's a self-awareness that we must own... to be honest with ourselves, if not those around us. Just like our relationship with the Lord, we must seek out an intimate connection, communion and dialogue. This is the start... then as we create an that relationship, he begins to work in our lives, we see his hand, and we feel his spirit. Then we won't be to keep it in, and we will be that light on the Hill for those in our lives!
I challenge myself to live life in clarity, not allowing myself to be led by emotions but the knowns. For most, Faith is unknown or untouchable. It's a feeling for most. I will say this, Faith is grown and takes a lot of work, and comes from pain, Love, heartache, and Victories. My faith is not just a feeling, it is something that has been planted in my heart, proven through trials, and refined by the blessings, favor and movement of the Lord in my life!
LIVE in the Know, LIVE for today, Make decisions knowing they could be your last and it will change the way you move day to day. You will cherish You family, Your spouse, your friends, your money, your Job, Your hobby, your food, and so on. Life is hard for all of us, and people will pass every second of the day... So, if Music, Art, Teaching, Parenting, Truck Driving are calling you, then Enjoy them!! Give the one who created it, who brought it to You the Glory! Acknowledgment has the word "Know" in it... Meaning to recognize, to be enlightened by... Live your life on Purpose!! Circumstances come and go, so persevere regardless!!
Good day & God Bless,
Thursday, August 15, 2013
On a different note...
Something I have to remind myself, and something that has taken years to get in the habit of... Not to be swayed too much by my Circumstances. I believe they call it wisdom...Hehehe... Life is hard at times for all of us, and even though we may endure different scenario's; we can expect Life to be challenging. Its the same reason we should not base decisions of emotions, as they fluctuate. Thus, we should be sure our life, our thoughts, and choices are founded in something even keel.
Instead of letting our circumstances dictate our moods, so called "luck", and the course of our days, we should look to recognize it for what it is... "Life"! Life happens, that doesn't mean you stop in your tracks... it also doesn't mean You blame God or think he's mad at you. Somewhere along the line in fantasy land we believed we should have this melancholy life... the Walton's, The Brady's, and the Jone's! No such thing!
Now, there is something to be said for living in a certain manner that would alleviate some of our frustrations, but that's an entirely different topic. Either way, we WILL endure trials... even the nicest people have issues to deal with!
Trials, Circumstances, Hurdles, Road bumps, etc... they are used to teach us, grow us, guide us, and increase our faith... they are reminders that we are Not in complete control... that there is a Higher power watching over us! He wants Us to look to Him for love, direction, fulfillment, and such. We were born faulty, in a faulty world, so there is no such thing as perfect... and we were never promised a rose garden!
Take the issues head on, knowing they are just that... circumstances... they are inputs into your daily life. Use them to grow, use them to refine, and use them to possibly redirect your path. If You know and expect things to sometimes be askew, then You will not be so heavily affected by them. It will happen... so, then You just have to work it through, and keep your eye on the prize!!
Cry out for help, discern your circumstances, and keep them in perspective!! Remember the Lord is there with You, so You have support! He will not bring you to a trial that You and He cannot handle together! Look at it this way...
He thinks your strong enough to endure it, and that's pretty amazing!
Good day & God Bless,
Something I have to remind myself, and something that has taken years to get in the habit of... Not to be swayed too much by my Circumstances. I believe they call it wisdom...Hehehe... Life is hard at times for all of us, and even though we may endure different scenario's; we can expect Life to be challenging. Its the same reason we should not base decisions of emotions, as they fluctuate. Thus, we should be sure our life, our thoughts, and choices are founded in something even keel.
Instead of letting our circumstances dictate our moods, so called "luck", and the course of our days, we should look to recognize it for what it is... "Life"! Life happens, that doesn't mean you stop in your tracks... it also doesn't mean You blame God or think he's mad at you. Somewhere along the line in fantasy land we believed we should have this melancholy life... the Walton's, The Brady's, and the Jone's! No such thing!
Now, there is something to be said for living in a certain manner that would alleviate some of our frustrations, but that's an entirely different topic. Either way, we WILL endure trials... even the nicest people have issues to deal with!
Trials, Circumstances, Hurdles, Road bumps, etc... they are used to teach us, grow us, guide us, and increase our faith... they are reminders that we are Not in complete control... that there is a Higher power watching over us! He wants Us to look to Him for love, direction, fulfillment, and such. We were born faulty, in a faulty world, so there is no such thing as perfect... and we were never promised a rose garden!
Take the issues head on, knowing they are just that... circumstances... they are inputs into your daily life. Use them to grow, use them to refine, and use them to possibly redirect your path. If You know and expect things to sometimes be askew, then You will not be so heavily affected by them. It will happen... so, then You just have to work it through, and keep your eye on the prize!!
Cry out for help, discern your circumstances, and keep them in perspective!! Remember the Lord is there with You, so You have support! He will not bring you to a trial that You and He cannot handle together! Look at it this way...
He thinks your strong enough to endure it, and that's pretty amazing!
Good day & God Bless,
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
You are loved...
On a different note...
I wonder how many of those in this world have a hard time Loving, because they do Not feel loved themselves!? Think about it, If You are not having a good day, it makes it much harder to express Love, Happiness, or any type of sincere gestures. If we have not taken the time to evaluate our lives, and/or to build the foundation of our lives IN Love; how can we expect to dwell in it?
Before I knew the Lord intimately, I struggled at times being overly positive in my own life. Of course the exterior was better, but my heart did not reflect it. I was angry, I was lonely, I was very sad, and that reflected in cynicism, defensiveness, and self doubt. I can't help but look back to those times, and remember the weight I carried on a daily basis. Why? Because I was not Filled with Love, and the core of my Life was built around ME, The World, or what Society deemed Important.
Now that I know the Real God, our True Father in Heaven, my life has been transformed. Faith has replaced doubt, LOVE has replaced anger, His path has replaced My path! My entire outlook on life is different! I can Love Big, as I have been loved BIGGER! I know the Lord intimately, and I have seen His working in my life! I see those around me who carry the weight and emptiness of self preservation. How ironic that when You live for Only You, you hardly find any fulfillment.
I challenge those who read this blog to analyze your life, and if there are major gaps, that You verify where Your life is founded. Do You seek fulfillment, validation, and priorities from what the world says, or are You walking around knowing how much You are loved? Do U trust the path of the one who created You... who's goal is to provide, save, help, and cherish?
We ALL must renew our focus, goals, and trust on a daily basis. Life should not be random, but a choice of who, where, what, and how we want to Live each moment!
Consider yourself loved... by Me, the One Above, and many more of those around You! Let that be the first step in healing!
Good day & God Bless,
I wonder how many of those in this world have a hard time Loving, because they do Not feel loved themselves!? Think about it, If You are not having a good day, it makes it much harder to express Love, Happiness, or any type of sincere gestures. If we have not taken the time to evaluate our lives, and/or to build the foundation of our lives IN Love; how can we expect to dwell in it?
Before I knew the Lord intimately, I struggled at times being overly positive in my own life. Of course the exterior was better, but my heart did not reflect it. I was angry, I was lonely, I was very sad, and that reflected in cynicism, defensiveness, and self doubt. I can't help but look back to those times, and remember the weight I carried on a daily basis. Why? Because I was not Filled with Love, and the core of my Life was built around ME, The World, or what Society deemed Important.
Now that I know the Real God, our True Father in Heaven, my life has been transformed. Faith has replaced doubt, LOVE has replaced anger, His path has replaced My path! My entire outlook on life is different! I can Love Big, as I have been loved BIGGER! I know the Lord intimately, and I have seen His working in my life! I see those around me who carry the weight and emptiness of self preservation. How ironic that when You live for Only You, you hardly find any fulfillment.
I challenge those who read this blog to analyze your life, and if there are major gaps, that You verify where Your life is founded. Do You seek fulfillment, validation, and priorities from what the world says, or are You walking around knowing how much You are loved? Do U trust the path of the one who created You... who's goal is to provide, save, help, and cherish?
We ALL must renew our focus, goals, and trust on a daily basis. Life should not be random, but a choice of who, where, what, and how we want to Live each moment!
Consider yourself loved... by Me, the One Above, and many more of those around You! Let that be the first step in healing!
Good day & God Bless,
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Listen to Your...
On a different note...
Conviction has such a strong sentiment based on your views, experiences, and spiritual maturity. Scripture speaks of our conscience, our spirit, and it helping us navigate this world we live. So, conviction is the working of our spirit in our lives, helping to lead us down a better path.
"The act of moving a person by argument or evidence to belief, agreement, consent, or a course of action. Firm belief"
When we are shown the err of our ways, we should be taking action. The act of sanctification is the growing, prospering, and altering of our carnal nature towards one of righteousness. Now please do not take this too much out of context, as we will never be perfect, and we should not carry the weight of being perfect. This is not the goal of our conviction. We should be seeking to grow, seeking to be better than we were before. We are selfish by nature, so it takes reminders, focus, and effort to put our eyes on the Lord and those around us. This is the goal... to take our eyes off "ME, Me, me" and put our life to use for the good of all those within our reach!!
Sorry I got so deep today, but I write what I am led to do. This message is for me, as well as the body. We are carnal and faulty by nature,. so we must recognize that and look to push through in order to be fruitful, prosperous, and to feel fulfillment!
If all you do is focus on You, Your dreams, Your wishes, Your needs, then You will never feel true love, sincere fulfillment, or the success of lifting others up to victory.
So, the next time You get a nudge from your spirit, stop and smell the roses... it will help Us grow and to truly enjoy the blessings that are happening around us all the time!!
Good day & God Bless,
Conviction has such a strong sentiment based on your views, experiences, and spiritual maturity. Scripture speaks of our conscience, our spirit, and it helping us navigate this world we live. So, conviction is the working of our spirit in our lives, helping to lead us down a better path.
"The act of moving a person by argument or evidence to belief, agreement, consent, or a course of action. Firm belief"
When we are shown the err of our ways, we should be taking action. The act of sanctification is the growing, prospering, and altering of our carnal nature towards one of righteousness. Now please do not take this too much out of context, as we will never be perfect, and we should not carry the weight of being perfect. This is not the goal of our conviction. We should be seeking to grow, seeking to be better than we were before. We are selfish by nature, so it takes reminders, focus, and effort to put our eyes on the Lord and those around us. This is the goal... to take our eyes off "ME, Me, me" and put our life to use for the good of all those within our reach!!
Sorry I got so deep today, but I write what I am led to do. This message is for me, as well as the body. We are carnal and faulty by nature,. so we must recognize that and look to push through in order to be fruitful, prosperous, and to feel fulfillment!
If all you do is focus on You, Your dreams, Your wishes, Your needs, then You will never feel true love, sincere fulfillment, or the success of lifting others up to victory.
So, the next time You get a nudge from your spirit, stop and smell the roses... it will help Us grow and to truly enjoy the blessings that are happening around us all the time!!
Good day & God Bless,
Monday, August 12, 2013
Gotta have it...
On a different note...
Doesn't it seem instead of being thankful and cherishing the things we have, we tend to seek out the negatives in our lives? We tend to compare to those around us, or to things society would claim you've "Gotta have". The impact this has on our lives if that we then never get to feel the thankfulness, fulfillment, and accomplishment from our blessings. We're always wanting more or better, instead of being happy with what we have been provided today.
We are called to be stewards of the things God provides, and to be content in our lives. I agree with this, but there are some predisesary steps that would also need to be in line. When we create a relationship with the Lord, our views change to mirror His. We tend to see the world for what it is, ergo our ideals, motives, and decisions reflect the will of the Father. Once these things begin to work in our life, and His spirit beging to lead; our view of our lives change for the better. We don't NEED certain things, even though we May still want... We don't JUDGE things so harshly, as we've now been able to see our faults... We tend to think of our blessings, favor, LOVE, mercy, and Grace, and it makes the world pale in comparison!!
So, once You truly begin to Live for God, In God, and in His way... Your view of life shall change!! The things I desired a few years ago, now seem petty. And the things I still Want, aren't all that pressing or important... more "Like to have's"... So, in this I try to have empathy and understanding of how the world view things, Life, Love and "The Jones'"... Change your filter, and live a more fulfilling life. We all have a gift, once bigger than anything we could buy... and it's free! Let that change your Life in ways no money could buy!
When we appreciate things, we take care of them... When we take care of them, there is Love associated... When we LOVE we find fulfillment, which leads to contentment & happiness! The thing we ALL strive for!!
If You your weight in the world, expect the world to manipulate, critisize, judge, and spoil your temporary high... It's inevitable! Seek out the righteous, and be Filled with Joy!
Good day & God Bless,
Doesn't it seem instead of being thankful and cherishing the things we have, we tend to seek out the negatives in our lives? We tend to compare to those around us, or to things society would claim you've "Gotta have". The impact this has on our lives if that we then never get to feel the thankfulness, fulfillment, and accomplishment from our blessings. We're always wanting more or better, instead of being happy with what we have been provided today.
We are called to be stewards of the things God provides, and to be content in our lives. I agree with this, but there are some predisesary steps that would also need to be in line. When we create a relationship with the Lord, our views change to mirror His. We tend to see the world for what it is, ergo our ideals, motives, and decisions reflect the will of the Father. Once these things begin to work in our life, and His spirit beging to lead; our view of our lives change for the better. We don't NEED certain things, even though we May still want... We don't JUDGE things so harshly, as we've now been able to see our faults... We tend to think of our blessings, favor, LOVE, mercy, and Grace, and it makes the world pale in comparison!!
So, once You truly begin to Live for God, In God, and in His way... Your view of life shall change!! The things I desired a few years ago, now seem petty. And the things I still Want, aren't all that pressing or important... more "Like to have's"... So, in this I try to have empathy and understanding of how the world view things, Life, Love and "The Jones'"... Change your filter, and live a more fulfilling life. We all have a gift, once bigger than anything we could buy... and it's free! Let that change your Life in ways no money could buy!
When we appreciate things, we take care of them... When we take care of them, there is Love associated... When we LOVE we find fulfillment, which leads to contentment & happiness! The thing we ALL strive for!!
If You your weight in the world, expect the world to manipulate, critisize, judge, and spoil your temporary high... It's inevitable! Seek out the righteous, and be Filled with Joy!
Good day & God Bless,
Friday, August 9, 2013
On a different note...
Something that has begun to resonate in my life over the last few years, something I know that has come through spiritual growth & maturity... the recognition of "Intent"... This small word carries so much weight when it comes to our navigation of this life.
If we look at the true reason behind the things that we endure, how we receive or deliver them is based on the intent projected. An example would be how a dog processes the tone in our voice. Ever noticed the words mean less than the anger or love in the sound of our voice? Well, this is the same for us. We can say "I Love You" to someone, but that doesn't mean the message has been conveyed!
This also equates to the reception of certain aspects of our life. Just because trials come about, doesn't mean God hates us or is angry with us. It means Life just happened!! Happens to ALL of us! If we seek out the Intent, most likely we can filter the occurrence much better and it becomes manageable.
We must choose to live with Intent... to do things with purpose!! And to filter out the sincereity in the world around us. This will make our life richer, more powerful, and less emotionally driven. Who cares if someone swears, unless the intent was for malice. Who cares if you go to church, unless you truly have an intimate relationship with Christ. And if You are going to do something, anything in this life... If You Love someone, they should feel it in the way you interact with them! Are we going through life coasting, or Living On Purpose!?!?!
Be sure Your Intent is honest, clear, and in Love! We have the ability to affect those in our lives... in what manner shall we choose?
Good day & God Bless,
Something that has begun to resonate in my life over the last few years, something I know that has come through spiritual growth & maturity... the recognition of "Intent"... This small word carries so much weight when it comes to our navigation of this life.
If we look at the true reason behind the things that we endure, how we receive or deliver them is based on the intent projected. An example would be how a dog processes the tone in our voice. Ever noticed the words mean less than the anger or love in the sound of our voice? Well, this is the same for us. We can say "I Love You" to someone, but that doesn't mean the message has been conveyed!
This also equates to the reception of certain aspects of our life. Just because trials come about, doesn't mean God hates us or is angry with us. It means Life just happened!! Happens to ALL of us! If we seek out the Intent, most likely we can filter the occurrence much better and it becomes manageable.
We must choose to live with Intent... to do things with purpose!! And to filter out the sincereity in the world around us. This will make our life richer, more powerful, and less emotionally driven. Who cares if someone swears, unless the intent was for malice. Who cares if you go to church, unless you truly have an intimate relationship with Christ. And if You are going to do something, anything in this life... If You Love someone, they should feel it in the way you interact with them! Are we going through life coasting, or Living On Purpose!?!?!
Be sure Your Intent is honest, clear, and in Love! We have the ability to affect those in our lives... in what manner shall we choose?
Good day & God Bless,
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Time is...
On a different note...
Today, is what You got! Tomorrow is but a thought... We all tend to put things off, thinking we'll have more time later to resolve it... We put off dreams, ideas, loved ones, etc... Only to regret it later, or periodically to have things go awry because of our procrastination. Should we not be living for today? RIGHT now!!?!?!
Time is the most valuable thing we have, yet it seems to be the hardest thing to manage! It goes by, never stops, and doesn't wait til we're ready. Instead of being upset about it, learn to leverage it... learn to use it as a known, versus an unknown!
Knowing my time is valuable, I choose to use it on things of worth... like helping or supporting/encouraging others! Not getting consumed over the small stuff that is menial. Knowing the value of time allows you to appreciate each moment! Allows You to resonate in the LOVE of a spouse, or a quiet moment with your kids, or singing your favorite song! Know time, enjoy your time, and cherish each moment... Make them count!
Set realistic goals, accounting for time in your planning. Time is valuable, so prioritize the things in your life!! You have been given a life to lead... how will you use this time? What mark shall you leave behind? Use Your time to Love, to lift up, and to inspire!! Talk about a return on your investment!!!
Good Day & God Bless!!
Today, is what You got! Tomorrow is but a thought... We all tend to put things off, thinking we'll have more time later to resolve it... We put off dreams, ideas, loved ones, etc... Only to regret it later, or periodically to have things go awry because of our procrastination. Should we not be living for today? RIGHT now!!?!?!
Time is the most valuable thing we have, yet it seems to be the hardest thing to manage! It goes by, never stops, and doesn't wait til we're ready. Instead of being upset about it, learn to leverage it... learn to use it as a known, versus an unknown!
Knowing my time is valuable, I choose to use it on things of worth... like helping or supporting/encouraging others! Not getting consumed over the small stuff that is menial. Knowing the value of time allows you to appreciate each moment! Allows You to resonate in the LOVE of a spouse, or a quiet moment with your kids, or singing your favorite song! Know time, enjoy your time, and cherish each moment... Make them count!
Set realistic goals, accounting for time in your planning. Time is valuable, so prioritize the things in your life!! You have been given a life to lead... how will you use this time? What mark shall you leave behind? Use Your time to Love, to lift up, and to inspire!! Talk about a return on your investment!!!
Good Day & God Bless!!
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Practice makes perfect...
On a different note...
Good morning, and happy hump day! I pray this letter finds You healthy, happy and seeking out the positives this day has to bring! Each day are new challenges for sure, but it's also an opportunity to grow, prosper, and to add to an already growing list of interests. This about it... If You have been focused on learning how to play guitar, the today Your fingers are less sore, Your brain should be retaining chord structures better, and You are one step closer to achieving that goal! It's the same for all areas of your life!
I remember being an early believer, the weight of it! I remember feeling His spirit, and being "On Fire" as they say!! It was, and still is electric! But I also remember the struggles of learning, growing and getting to know My Lord. I felt Shame, Ashamed, Guilty, Regret, and so on! Only after years of continued seeking Him and learning His true ways did I begin to relinquish the negative stuff in my thoughts. Each day was a new day, a new opportunity to be filled with His spirit, to read a new passage, to step closer to HIS path for my life!!
I can look back over my music career thus far and be in awe at the opportunities, growth and even the challenges I persevered through. I know without a doubt God brought me to music, and have allowed me to take the bumpy road at times, only to return to His path for my life. I have been growing this craft for many years, and still growing today! Couple years ago, I couldn't hit the high notes on purpose it seemed. I would muscle/push through them... I so wanted to be able to use my falsetto, and to reach for those notes when needed. Well, I moved towards it... One day at a times... Got some feedback, looked up some lessons, allowed people around me to provide input on technique and then the hard part! One day at a time... Not to disway anyonoe, but it took years of daily practices (still doing them today) to achieve my goal.
Invest in You, be willing to set daily & weekly goals, and know in Your heart that things don't come typically over Night! My Spiritual walk was years in the making as well!! Lots of Up & Downs... BUT this is out Life, our struggle, and our Victories if we make the choice each day to continue the Journey!
There will be hurdles, there will be days You don't want to push forward, but look for strength spiritually from the one who offers it!! He waits on Us! I cannot promise wordly success, or that all goals will be achieved... but I can say the Journey will be worth it, and I hope You take the time to enjoy it!
Good Day & God Bless!
Good morning, and happy hump day! I pray this letter finds You healthy, happy and seeking out the positives this day has to bring! Each day are new challenges for sure, but it's also an opportunity to grow, prosper, and to add to an already growing list of interests. This about it... If You have been focused on learning how to play guitar, the today Your fingers are less sore, Your brain should be retaining chord structures better, and You are one step closer to achieving that goal! It's the same for all areas of your life!
I remember being an early believer, the weight of it! I remember feeling His spirit, and being "On Fire" as they say!! It was, and still is electric! But I also remember the struggles of learning, growing and getting to know My Lord. I felt Shame, Ashamed, Guilty, Regret, and so on! Only after years of continued seeking Him and learning His true ways did I begin to relinquish the negative stuff in my thoughts. Each day was a new day, a new opportunity to be filled with His spirit, to read a new passage, to step closer to HIS path for my life!!
I can look back over my music career thus far and be in awe at the opportunities, growth and even the challenges I persevered through. I know without a doubt God brought me to music, and have allowed me to take the bumpy road at times, only to return to His path for my life. I have been growing this craft for many years, and still growing today! Couple years ago, I couldn't hit the high notes on purpose it seemed. I would muscle/push through them... I so wanted to be able to use my falsetto, and to reach for those notes when needed. Well, I moved towards it... One day at a times... Got some feedback, looked up some lessons, allowed people around me to provide input on technique and then the hard part! One day at a time... Not to disway anyonoe, but it took years of daily practices (still doing them today) to achieve my goal.
Invest in You, be willing to set daily & weekly goals, and know in Your heart that things don't come typically over Night! My Spiritual walk was years in the making as well!! Lots of Up & Downs... BUT this is out Life, our struggle, and our Victories if we make the choice each day to continue the Journey!
There will be hurdles, there will be days You don't want to push forward, but look for strength spiritually from the one who offers it!! He waits on Us! I cannot promise wordly success, or that all goals will be achieved... but I can say the Journey will be worth it, and I hope You take the time to enjoy it!
Good Day & God Bless!
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
LIVE Life...
On a different note...
Good morning, I hope this post finds you bright eyed & bushy tailed!! Hopefully we can be encouraged by another day... another day to accomplish, to create, to infuse and reflect... and to hopefully make a difference!
One of the reasons I strive to write, record & perform is to make some sort of change in this world... To actually change the course of my life and those around me. So often we can get caught up in the mediocrity that is life... blah, blah, blah... the day to day... same ole, same ole!
I can't help but ask myself... "Is this Really all that God has in store, or all he would have me do!?!?!" I mean, think about it... Are we on this earth just to go thru the motions at work, or to seek out the opportunities to spread love, evoke change for the better, and/or push this boring world outside of the box!?!
For me, that is an easy question... I know God has a plan, and I know I am a piece of that puzzle! I pray daily for the opportunity and the vision to see His path and to be used to share the LOVE! I do realize we All have a different piece in this puzzle, so all I challenge you with today is to seek it out... Don't get caught up in the mundane, but Seek to Create change in this mixed up world!
I write, record, and perform within the music genre... but that doesn't define me, it's just one of my methods of sharing a voice! Everything we do has affect on those around us... it's how we are leveraging and choosing to use it!!
Seek out His plan, seek to not get to ritualistic, and look to evoke positive change in the world You live!
Good Day & God Bless!
Good morning, I hope this post finds you bright eyed & bushy tailed!! Hopefully we can be encouraged by another day... another day to accomplish, to create, to infuse and reflect... and to hopefully make a difference!
One of the reasons I strive to write, record & perform is to make some sort of change in this world... To actually change the course of my life and those around me. So often we can get caught up in the mediocrity that is life... blah, blah, blah... the day to day... same ole, same ole!
I can't help but ask myself... "Is this Really all that God has in store, or all he would have me do!?!?!" I mean, think about it... Are we on this earth just to go thru the motions at work, or to seek out the opportunities to spread love, evoke change for the better, and/or push this boring world outside of the box!?!
For me, that is an easy question... I know God has a plan, and I know I am a piece of that puzzle! I pray daily for the opportunity and the vision to see His path and to be used to share the LOVE! I do realize we All have a different piece in this puzzle, so all I challenge you with today is to seek it out... Don't get caught up in the mundane, but Seek to Create change in this mixed up world!
I write, record, and perform within the music genre... but that doesn't define me, it's just one of my methods of sharing a voice! Everything we do has affect on those around us... it's how we are leveraging and choosing to use it!!
Seek out His plan, seek to not get to ritualistic, and look to evoke positive change in the world You live!
Good Day & God Bless!
Monday, August 5, 2013
Starting w Love...
On a different note...
Those of you who know me, and have been following me; realize this is just a new format for me to share some Love! I have been writing for many years at this point, allowing the Lord to guide, influence and direct my words, actions and opportunities! With the encouragement of +Big Paul Tu'ivai I have started this page to centralize my writings!
My first post will be short & sweet... It's an easy one to grasp! LOVE... the world is nothing without it, and was created by it... When we try to create, navigate, or operate without it in our lives, there is a lack of fulfillment. We have all experienced this... Imagine building a car but for getting the very life blood that makes it move! We are moved by LOVE... We ALL seek it, need it, flourish in it...
So, as You go through your day, let's all look to share some love with those that are brought in our midst... Imagine, if I see you and share some love, and You do the same to me, we'll both be in a much better place! Instead of viewing it as "I have to", do it cause You want to.. that sincerity will open doors You never even knew to exist!
Good Day & God Bless!!
Those of you who know me, and have been following me; realize this is just a new format for me to share some Love! I have been writing for many years at this point, allowing the Lord to guide, influence and direct my words, actions and opportunities! With the encouragement of +Big Paul Tu'ivai I have started this page to centralize my writings!
My first post will be short & sweet... It's an easy one to grasp! LOVE... the world is nothing without it, and was created by it... When we try to create, navigate, or operate without it in our lives, there is a lack of fulfillment. We have all experienced this... Imagine building a car but for getting the very life blood that makes it move! We are moved by LOVE... We ALL seek it, need it, flourish in it...
So, as You go through your day, let's all look to share some love with those that are brought in our midst... Imagine, if I see you and share some love, and You do the same to me, we'll both be in a much better place! Instead of viewing it as "I have to", do it cause You want to.. that sincerity will open doors You never even knew to exist!
Good Day & God Bless!!
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