Monday, June 30, 2014

Ready for the World?

On a different note,

This week I am writing on perseverance, hard work, focus and the feeling of Victory! A feeling we all should experience and all have the opportunity to experience. Our lives are but a passing breathe, moments ticking by and we must choose how to use this time in any given moment. So, I ask, If we do not extend or push ourselves to new limits, how will we ever feel a true sense of success?
As a child, we are able to experience new things, new situations, and to learn & grow from these... and we are applauded as such! Small victories are plentiful! As we grow up, the opportunity for "Something New" becomes less prevalent. We are then challenged to come up with goals, objectives, dreams to spur ourselves to Achieve! We must find new paths in life to venture down in search of new horizons. The unfortunate side of this, is not everyone chooses to look or step outside the box. Thus, equating so a safe, mundane, simple, and typically easier life. Not a whole lot of Victory or feelings of success in this regard.
My father grew up with foster families, and was fortunate to seemingly always be around horses. They became his life and allowed him the opportunity to step outside the lonely and abusive world he lived. As he grew it became his career goal, temporarily derailed by Vietnam. Following 3 Purple hearts and time served, He started a 2nd career in Law Enforcement... but horses were never that far away. I remember he worked nights as a police officer, and then worked days on the farm. He took naps when he could, slept on off nights, but never sacrificing that time on His dream. I also remember Him saying to my brother and I, that he was gonna be the best in the World! And we believed Him! He had a fire, drive, and focus I've hardly seen in anyone else I've met. His love for horses never waned, it never faded... why? Cause He constantly invested & sacrificed for it!
Horses did become His primary career and he built a nationwide reputation in the horse world. Training, driving, judging, mentoring, and always giving himself to others... but giving Himself in the area closest to his heart! This weekend he competed in the FEI World Para Equestrian Driving Championship... World Cup of Horse Driving... Invitation Only! Representing the USA, a country He proudly served years prior, again but in the area he so cherish and strives for! Team USA took the Bronze, but my Dad Bob Giles took the overall Silver!! At 67 years old... a dream probably 50 years in the making had become reality! There are Not many words to describe my adoration, pride, excitement, and I can only imagine how He feels! AMAZING!
I share this story, as we ALL have dreams, goals, and the opportunity to feel the sweet taste of Victory! How many of us are willing or able to hold on for 50 years? How about 10? 5? Anything of worth takes time, sacrifice, loss, commitment, focus, drive, perseverance, faith, and LOVE & SUPPORT from All those around You!
I personally already thought he was one of the best in the world... Now everyone else does too!

Good day and God Bless,

Monday, June 23, 2014


On a different note,

Has anyone else noticed how hard it is not to compare ourselves to The Jones'?! Sadly, based on media, society, and then our upbringing we are thrust into the role of "Am I Good enough?". This becomes a deterring agent, distraction, and defeating weight that will keep us from being the Best we can be! As we walk through this life, hopefully we are seeing the path's of others, and how different they are compared to our own. Look at siblings, and how drastically different they typically are... that in itself is a perfect example of Each of us walking a road made specifically for Us!
We ALL have to account for the "ME" part of our life... meaning, we cannot blame others continually and expect to reach new heights in our life. I will never be Keith Urban, I will never be Tom Brady, so I must wake up each day and ask God for the clarity, strength, opportunity and vision to find My Path! Then I must step out in the effort of finding My worth, value, and mission!
As a singer songwriter, I must compare myself to others in my field as a baseline or benchmark for quality purposes. I can even research & analyze in hopes of learning and leveraging experiences for my journey. The extent of our comparison becomes evident when we begin to feel down, angry, frustrated, worthless, or having those feelings keep us from progressing in our walk. That's when a Light bulb should go off for us... There is Nothing healthy in that regard. For me, I pray for God's hand in my decisions, that I might be re-directed if I am heading in the wrong direction. If I dictate to God what I will do in life, chances are I will run into roadblocks... NOT HURDLES, but roadblocks... Are You willing to give it up? Are You willing to be redirected? I am... if a plan for my success lies elsewhere, why would I choose to stay living in defeat?
We must stop living in the expectations of the World, but finding completion, victory, solace, happiness, and fulfillment in the path made for us! AND... Let's Not keep God in a box either... there might be many things we find success in, as long as He is the one leading! I couldn't begin to tell you the incredible things I have been part of by letting God lead! He uses me in the context of His need & my willingness! Let me say that again... His Plan & My Willingness to follow! At that point, watch out!! We now have the Power of our Creator opening doors!
I am no longer defined by the circumstances, titles, or even worldly success I might experience... I find my worth spiritually, knowing why I am where I am! God brought me into music, He provides me opportunity, inspires me to drive hard to new heights! I still get my feelings hurt in comparing myself, but it is short lived. I AM ME! I can be No other! I am the best Me I can be right now... took me Years to get this way... Guess what, He's Not done with me! LOVE You, and make choice, changes, decisions each day to become better and to follow the plan made for YOU!

Good day & God Bless,

Monday, June 16, 2014

One of a Kind...

On a different note,

As a singer/songwriter, I leverage my life experiences  to create stories, songs, hooks, etc... If You are an artist, songwriter, pastor, parent, etc. you should also be looking to leverage your life experiences in your day to day lives. It is the individual journey that makes us who we are, also those experiences that allow us the opportunity to bring a different perspective and find our role in the world. We are put on this earth with worth, for a reason, and with a voice & responsibility... How many brush this off or never feel the fulfillment in using our influence?
So often we rush through life, wanting to suppress our past instead of learning, growing, and using those experiences to bring wisdom, truth, hope, insight and perspective to the world around us. My life experiences are on of a kind, never to be compared or repeated, thus I can bring a combination of life lessons that no one else can... As can You! Think about that... we might share 30% of similar experiences, but never will a combination be duplicated. Starting from our childhood, growing into our personal struggles, victories, successes & failures... we are One of a Kind!!
What influence can I bring? What wisdom can I impart? What voice do I choose to use? As we know, we can Lift others up or Tear others down... But doesn't it go even deeper? We are put on this earth for a reason... are we seeking that out? If we just coast through life, how can we expect to feel fulfillment or worth? As an example... we have teachers, who spend as much time with our children as we do... Imagine the indirect, direct, or unknowing influence they will have? How many songs have been written that express hate? Do we not think that will have an affect? We speak words that can create change in the world we live... how will you influence the people in your life?
As you know, I tend to ask rhetorical questions... and in reality, we all must ask ourselves these very questions... one that takes time, reflection, spiritual contemplation, and then action... I bring you this as a positive opportunity for us all to make a choice! Choose Love, and watch it flourish around you! You are One of a Kind!

Good day & God Bless,

Monday, June 9, 2014

Create Your Dream Team...

On a different note,

As we grow up we tend to become a bit self reliant... We determine a singular path to reach our goals on our own personal Journey. Sometimes we even detach ourselves as we become more focused in the progression of these dreams, or possibly view the rest as competition. Either way, it can become a lonely road and could even be closing off doors to new heights or paths for our specific development!
Spiritually we realize it is our carnal nature that could lead us to a place of separation... Meaning we can stay in a place of self serving, thus focused on our personal objectives or what we'll need to do versus a reliance on others around us. But do we really believe we can go through life on our own? Can we achieve our dreams without support, encouragement, investment, love, grace, opportunity or growth?
Scripture speaks of Iron sharpening Iron, thus people finding support, accountability, shared insight & learning's for the better good of the body. Meaning, we lean on each other to create a stronger opportunity for success. This spiritual concept speaks to people helping people, it speaks to roles & responsibility, it also speaks to a level of honesty, transparency & vulnerability. All of which we will need in order to develop and prosper on our journey!
Look at it as collaboration, the creation of relationships which could be paramount for the accomplishing of our goals. We All have gifts... We are All different... So why wouldn't we leverage the experts in areas outside of ours? Or, wouldn't it be prudent to rely on the wisdom of others who have traveled the same road before us? Pride can be a very lonely road...
Surround yourself with solid, loving, encouraging, experienced and strong people... creating a dream team that are of like mind!! Or leverage persons in your midst that can mentor you... providing feedback & input that could elevate your game and/or progress your goals!
I think we can all empathize with protecting our dreams... but we must also be willing to put aside our defensive natures in order to let others lift up, invest and be included in our leaps of Faith! We cannot do it ALL, we cannot do it alone, and we must make the effort in order to receive intercession. Isn't that journey going to be much more enjoyable with others standing by your side?

Good day & God Bless,

Monday, June 2, 2014

The Voice Audition...

On a different note,

Well, I decided to audition for the Voice this year, and in all honesty I went in trying to put aside any expectations... but also truly believing I had something to bring to the table. I mean, it is a singing show... But it's bigger than that... It's a TV show... thus lead by money & ratings!! But for those of you who have seen my live show, I definitely could liven up a LIVE broadcast!
My wife was such an Amazing supporter & encourager... She did not want me to regret Not trying... LOVE HER!! So we started planning... determined our best course of travel based on audition locations. We chose New Orleans as we could drive there for half the cost of flying. We then booked a car rental, then a hotel accounting for where the actual location of the audition would be... Seriously factored in walking if needed!! I've learned from previous adventures to account for as many possible obstacles as possible. Don't let some crazy, odd, random act get in the way of a dream Your planing on shooting for!
We left the day prior from Florida, and we were so looking forward to having hours together on the road... quiet, alone, special, & private time... We realize this is the foundation of our marriage... Focus! SO, even though there was a BIG audition sprinkled in this venture, we looked at it as an opportunity to have a wknd away in a cool city to celebrate our love! This comes down to keep things in perspective... the Voice... 1 in a Million chance... My marriage is here, Now, a gift from God... So, You better believe it takes precedence and is a priority!
So, we enjoyed our ride up... was fun, we took pictures, laughed, cried, and cherished each second! And the next morning we woke up with a focus of stepping out in Faith and giving this audition a shot! I have to acknowledge the INCREDIBLE support I received from my friends & family... Honestly, there are no words! My social media sites were Blowing up with LOVE from my peeps!! HOLLA!!
Ok, the audition... it was raining, someone stole our cab, we forgot some of the clothes I was gonna wear, so it was a frustrating morning... BUT, we got there... the line looked half a mile long... Wished we would of went 30 or 45 mins earlier... the day was pretty much being moved from one waiting station to another... the entire process took about 5 hours. The final stage was being broken into groups of 10 contestants. then You are brought into a room with a producer and each one given approximately 30 secs to sing. It was comfortable in a group that size for some new singers, and was encouraging as we clapped before & after each song. Of the 10 in my group at least 6 of us had obvious singing ability. Very cool styles, levels, songs etc... Was a nice experience! The producer was positive, and cut to the chase. "The bar is set high, we have a lot of singers to listen to, so here we go"... He kept 1 of the 10, not me unfortunately. But the one he chose was very talented and actually had experience in these auditions... was not his first time. He also did a great job of arranging His song and making it His own... Bravo! For me, I went in with a thought of choosing a style and owning it... I went the Rocker route, and it seems that was not what they were looking for... sigh!
Needless to say I was disappointed, frustrated and defensive at first... but I also wasn't overly surprised... I realize this is a business, there are Organizations that have a lot of money & vested interest. BUT I did it... I stepped out to allow God to move or not... We cannot expect results unless we make an effort!
My wife and I made the best of our weekend, and went out that day and enjoyed the incredible city that is Nawlins!! hehehe!! So, all in all, this will be an experience I relive forever.. it will change me as an artist, as we all need to realize it is a business when You decide to making singing/music your career. We will not win them all, it's not for everyone... think about it... of the ten of thousands who audition... only 1 winner... Like winning the lottery! You CAN make it, You can make it without being on a reality show! Put everything you got in it, or put that energy somewhere else! And surround yourselves with incredible, loving, encouraging, supportive & positive people... then You always win!

Good day & God Bless,