On a different note,
Ever notice the movement that happens all around us? The leaves blown, the sand disrupted, the clouds coming & going... We are in a world that is constantly changing, progressing, adapting, and flowing. I would imagine that's why we all appreciate the serenity of the Forrest or a vista view... as this world doesn't stop for very long. Every second flies by... We were made in motion!
I've heard many a quip/quote speaking to the continued learning, growing and progressing in life... stepping out in Faith. We are still learning... it doesn't end after childhood... New experiences, new paths, new objectives and so on. If our lives are constantly in motion, so instead of feeling over whelmed, instead of feeling behind, we should try and catch the wave! I look at it like a train... we can get on board or choose to miss out on life. Life is Happening whether we choose to enjoy it or not!
We have so many excuses for being scared, fearful, or intimidated by the Journey of life. Tired, broke, not smart enough, not as talented, and so on... It's a choice we ALL must make! There are children in poverty stricken countries who might eat once a day... have no money for the foreseeable future... Does that keep them from living? No, they make soccer balls out of any material they can find... running, laughing, and feeling the rewards of living this life we've been given! Maybe we're too caught up in the expectations instead of the actual experiences of life. We were put on this earth with opportunity & purpose! Why do so many choose to neglect, defer, and opt out of an opportunity to feel the joy of experiences.
You can be a painted, teacher, singer, artist, dancer, etc... Instead of thinking how long it might take, instead of being worried about what others think, instead of finding reasons Not to do it... Why not try it? Nothing ventured, nothing gained... Imagine being a fish, with no choice... You are born, you swim upstream to lay eggs and die... THAT'S IT! You have options, You have today, and You have endless opportunities. It's choosing to be in the game of life!!
I am Not perfect, I am Not the best at anything I do... yet, I find joy, happiness, fulfillment and seek out the opportunity to inspire, motivate, and affect the lives of those around me. Choosing to LIVE today... it may be my last!! God has a plan for me, and my only decision is whether I'm willing!
What have you neglected or regretted... what will you do with this time that is passing you by? READY, GO!
Good day, God Bless,
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