Monday, July 14, 2014

Confidently Believing...

On a different note,

I often catch certain words & phrases which either get taken out of context or used in the wrong manner in which to capture the true intent. Or certain things get associated with certain topics, and it elevates or decreases the value of the sentiment. The word "Believe" these days seems to primarily be associated with Faith... i.e. Religion. This is absolutely understandable... as it is used more often these days in that field... but why aren't we believing in each other these days? Have we become so cynical that we have lost any bit of trust in ourselves & others around us?
As a Believer, I can grasp the concept of believing. Having trust, faith, & hope in something. As we venture through this life, we choose path's and are then reflected in these choices. You so often hear me speak of "Living on Purpose", which partly speaks to living with belief. We should be committing to our choices & decisions, not just getting caught up in the world or being reactionary. This would in turn give us a sense of confidence. Whether anyone agree's or not, if You have made a thoughtful decision; You should stand by it. Let's take it a step further...
If I choose to invest time as a singer songwriter. I have chosen a path. I should then be confident in that choice, and believe in myself to accomplish or at least put effort, focus, time, and energy into it. Not being reliant on, but aiming towards an expected outcome... even if just the pure enjoyment. have You set your goals? Have you pondered quality? Have you researched or evaluated your plan against previously successful ventures? Are you working on growing that area of your life? If not, why did you choose this path? Are You confident you are willing to put in a sincere effort? Do You believe in this decision?
Example: When You choose a career, You are then expected to perform at a certain level. The job comes with requirements, objectives, compensation, etc... What would happen if you did half the effort? What would happen if you just gave up? What would be the outcome if You didn't believe in that position?
Now... use this in the loves you have in your life... Artists, musician, parent, husband or wife, and so on... You must believe in YOU! And then, by choosing to be That Person on Purpose, you must commit to that decision which brings confidence. Life is waiting on YOU! You can be someone of Belief... who changes the world they live in! Have Faith in the path made for YOU, Believe You can accomplish goals through effort, focus, sacrifice, and perseverance. Once you've take on this role & perspective, take action on your objectives! Let's not waste time on things we do not believe in... I believe in You! I am a man of Faith & Belief in the one Who carries the weight for me! In that I find confidence in His leading!
Let's go Live Life on Purpose!

Good day & God Bless,


  1. " Artists, musician, parent, husband or wife, and so on... You must believe in YOU!"

  2. Amen!! Starts with us believing in ourselves, and putting our trust in the one who creates our path!
