On a different note,
Has anyone else noticed how hard it is not to compare ourselves to The Jones'?! Sadly, based on media, society, and then our upbringing we are thrust into the role of "Am I Good enough?". This becomes a deterring agent, distraction, and defeating weight that will keep us from being the Best we can be! As we walk through this life, hopefully we are seeing the path's of others, and how different they are compared to our own. Look at siblings, and how drastically different they typically are... that in itself is a perfect example of Each of us walking a road made specifically for Us!
We ALL have to account for the "ME" part of our life... meaning, we cannot blame others continually and expect to reach new heights in our life. I will never be Keith Urban, I will never be Tom Brady, so I must wake up each day and ask God for the clarity, strength, opportunity and vision to find My Path! Then I must step out in the effort of finding My worth, value, and mission!
As a singer songwriter, I must compare myself to others in my field as a baseline or benchmark for quality purposes. I can even research & analyze in hopes of learning and leveraging experiences for my journey. The extent of our comparison becomes evident when we begin to feel down, angry, frustrated, worthless, or having those feelings keep us from progressing in our walk. That's when a Light bulb should go off for us... There is Nothing healthy in that regard. For me, I pray for God's hand in my decisions, that I might be re-directed if I am heading in the wrong direction. If I dictate to God what I will do in life, chances are I will run into roadblocks... NOT HURDLES, but roadblocks... Are You willing to give it up? Are You willing to be redirected? I am... if a plan for my success lies elsewhere, why would I choose to stay living in defeat?
We must stop living in the expectations of the World, but finding completion, victory, solace, happiness, and fulfillment in the path made for us! AND... Let's Not keep God in a box either... there might be many things we find success in, as long as He is the one leading! I couldn't begin to tell you the incredible things I have been part of by letting God lead! He uses me in the context of His need & my willingness! Let me say that again... His Plan & My Willingness to follow! At that point, watch out!! We now have the Power of our Creator opening doors!
I am no longer defined by the circumstances, titles, or even worldly success I might experience... I find my worth spiritually, knowing why I am where I am! God brought me into music, He provides me opportunity, inspires me to drive hard to new heights! I still get my feelings hurt in comparing myself, but it is short lived. I AM ME! I can be No other! I am the best Me I can be right now... took me Years to get this way... Guess what, He's Not done with me! LOVE You, and make choice, changes, decisions each day to become better and to follow the plan made for YOU!
Good day & God Bless,
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