On a different note,
When someone approaches you and asks what You do for a living, that's typically a pretty easy, clear, and defined answer. At least to ourselves and probably pretty clear to those around us. It's something we should be very comfortable talking about, as it is truly takes up the majority of ours lives. And those in our life could & should probably be able to answer the question for us. But for someone who didn't know us, at first they will take it for face value... We could be an architect, musician, artist, doctor, or nurse at the initial moment. But at some point we'll have to back that up!
If someone tells you that they are a Doctor, you might ask which hospital they work at... If they say they are an Teacher, you might ask which school they work at... or if they are an artist, what type of works have them accomplished and in what style... You see anyone can say their "Do" something or "Are" something, but at some point there has got to be some supporting evidence. So, the inquiry most likely continues... they might get in to specifics on the occupation... trying to gauge some type of understanding. Let's be honest, we're all trying to break it down to a level We can understand! So, if I am talking with a astronaut I would typically associate it with someone I know... "Oh Yeah, I've seen Star Wars...Loved it!"... This is also were the rubber hits the road.... Example: If I say I am a musician, they may ask what kind? "Singer"... Oh cool, do you sing in a band? "No"... Do you have any Original pieces? "No"... Did you go to school for it? "No"... You see my trend... meaning, people at that point would be skeptical, as there is nothing to back up the previous statement... and do I claim something that I have no true knowledge or experience in?
If I do not help sick people, am I a doctor? If I do not Deliver mail, am I a mailman? You see my point here... maybe in general terms, it is our day to day life that truly defines who we are versus us claiming a title by happenstance?
This was an example of a daily occurrence that happens in various areas of our life. It is something we all see and have probably been through. I will say this came to my mind this morning when thinking of my spiritual walk. Am I claiming to be a Christian, or is my life reflecting it as such? In my younger years, I said I believed in God but didn't know anything about Him... I didn't share Him or even try and emulate Him. This is Not to judge, call out, or persecute those who claim any title from my perspective... Just a thought provoking scenario. One I have to ask myself! So, whether it's spiritual or just day to day, our actions, our habits, our attitude, our words, and our hearts reflect a much more clear picture of who we are... Are we happy with that result? What can we do to alter that perception? Food for thought!!
Good day & God Bless,
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