Monday, March 31, 2014

Who are You?

On a different note,

When someone approaches you and asks what You do for a living, that's typically a pretty easy, clear, and defined answer. At least to ourselves and probably pretty clear to those around us. It's something we should be very comfortable talking about, as it is truly takes up the majority of ours lives. And those in our life could & should probably be able to answer the question for us. But for someone who didn't know us, at first they will take it for face value... We could be an architect, musician, artist, doctor, or nurse at the initial moment. But at some point we'll have to back that up!
If someone tells you that they are a Doctor, you might ask which hospital they work at... If they say they are an Teacher, you might ask which school they work at... or if they are an artist, what type of works have them accomplished and in what style... You see anyone can say their "Do" something or "Are" something, but at some point there has got to be some supporting evidence. So, the inquiry most likely continues... they might get in to specifics on the occupation... trying to gauge some type of understanding. Let's be honest, we're all trying to break it down to a level We can understand! So, if I am talking with a astronaut I would typically associate it with someone I know... "Oh Yeah, I've seen Star Wars...Loved it!"... This is also were the rubber hits the road.... Example: If I say I am a musician, they may ask what kind? "Singer"... Oh cool, do you sing in a band? "No"... Do you have any Original pieces? "No"... Did you go to school for it? "No"... You see my trend... meaning, people at that point would be skeptical, as there is nothing to back up the previous statement... and do I claim something that I have no true knowledge or experience in?
If I do not help sick people, am I a doctor? If I do not Deliver mail, am I a mailman? You see my point here... maybe in general terms, it is our day to day life that truly defines who we are versus us claiming a title by happenstance?
This was an example of a daily occurrence that happens in various areas of our life. It is something we all see and have probably been through. I will say this came to my mind this morning when thinking of my spiritual walk. Am I claiming to be a Christian, or is my life reflecting it as such? In my younger years, I said I believed in God but didn't know anything about Him... I didn't share Him or even try and emulate Him. This is Not to judge, call out, or persecute those who claim any title from my perspective... Just a thought provoking scenario. One I have to ask myself! So, whether it's spiritual or just day to day, our actions, our habits, our attitude, our words, and our hearts reflect a much more clear picture of who we are... Are we happy with that result? What can we do to alter that perception? Food for thought!!

Good day & God Bless,

Friday, March 28, 2014


On a different note,

The power of influence is carried by all... and I know that most don't have any desire to carry that, but we All have it! Some of us just choose to ignore it, or not leverage it. No shame in that, but some times not doing anything is a statement in itself... ponder that for a second! The funny thing is, as long as we have a good foundation, know who we are & want to be, the influence should come naturally. Meaning, it has to be sincere to not have an adverse affect.
You hear me discuss living on purpose quite often... it is making a choice on Who You desire to be, what You desire to reflect, and how You want your live to flow. We do not have the over all control, but we do have free will and choices to make each day. We can choose to get caught up in the weight of circumstances, or choose to feel blessed by the life we have right now! I cannot control any one else, nor can I predict what God has around the corner... I have my choices right now! I have the ability to breath right now! And this is my life to do with as I wish! So, doesn't that stand for something? Are we supposed to fall prey to circumstances we have no control over?
You have a choice... and You do have an opportunity to change the things in your life You feel need changing! You can't look to anyone else, You cannot blame anyone else! You see, that is part of our influence... Our choices! I've meet some incredible people in my life, and they had influence without even trying! I can look back and try to see the common aspects of those moments. I will say there are a few things that stand out... They all were sincere in who they were and how they treated others... they all lived a bit care free, meaning they did not get caught up in the circumstances... they were great communicators and good at seeking the positive & options in life... and lastly, they were All of Faith! I guess the over all sentiment would be "Outlook"!
I am broken, faulty, and wrong every so often...hehehe... But I stand firm in my beliefs, stand firm in my desire to Love & Inspire others, and my understanding of Grace and giving it to others who are just as broken as me! I do not always show a happy face, but I wake up daily with the desire to be who God created me to be! And I choose to be as positive as I can, and make a difference in my family, my friends and the world I touch! YOU CAN DO THIS... My life was fulfilled spiritually, the rest is menial... I hope & pray we ALL find peace, solace, and love on a daily basis!

Good day & God Bless,

Thursday, March 27, 2014

What do You Expect?

On a different note,

Most of the time expectations leave us sitting frustrated & empty handed! And I would suggest for most of us to do our best not to put too much on the shoulders of others, as we are just human. But in regards to life in general, I think having expectations could be a driving force in our journey. Let's be honest, you don't typically hear the word in a glowing, wondrous and positive light. It's usually "I expect this of You" or "You have not met the expectations"... etc... But in life, maybe we should have some higher expectations for ourselves!
It's like taking on a new approach or view of it, but instead of seeing the negative it is seeing the power than comes behind it. We know how it feels to have our expectations not met... Well, then shouldn't that drive us to Not want to miss our own expectations? Example: I lived in a studio apartment for a few years, with not a whole lot of furniture, but that was not the way I expected to live for long! You see, so many of us either don't set clear goals or we don't set them as realistic... We either set them Way to high, or at level "Easy"!! We have gotten so used to getting things NOW or Our way, that we forget what it's like to work for something!
We should have expectations for our lives! We should expect more of ourselves and use that to encourage us to reach new levels in life. I look around and see people miserable, frustrated, angry, depressed, and such... and I know EXACTLY how that feels... been there! But I am Not ok with just Average! If we're gonna do it, we ARE GONNA do it!
We forget to stop and evaluate periodically... analyze and review where we are. We get caught up in the "Constant", "Complacent", "Comfortable", "Reactionary" and forget to refocus! Honestly, I truly believe we need to refocus daily, but probably need a self eval every few months. We must re-check our current standings, re-set our focus, and re-charge our batteries in order to reach new heights! Life is Hard for ALL... Work is Not fun for most, but it isn't going to change on it's own! Get out there and meet YOUR expectations!

Good day & God Bless,

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Extend & Apply...

On a different note,

I can remember being a young man at church... and certain things being said that struck me as odd. I guess at the time I was thinking more rationally versus spiritually. And you know how kids are, things tend to be literal. I would hear phrases or sentiments eluding to "Waiting on the Lord". And trust me when I say, we should be awaiting certain answers and seeking direction. But what I have also learned is, typically that also includes the evaluation and execution on our part. There will be quiet times of focus and replenishment, but in general life is happening whether we like it or not. And a lot of times, maybe it's just me, there are things that I probably should of been doing all along, or at least being conscious of... almost like we can just get off track. What I have learned is that the Lord is typically waiting on Us!
To get a job or promotion, we must "Apply" ourselves... To receive help we must "Extend" ourselves to others... and we also must "Step out" in Faith! Time is passing by, by the second, and we know these lives are only temporary. I believe we can still be progressing in life, refining our daily lives and seeking the Lord for clarity. Those around me have probably heard me speak of the Lord "Re-directing" us... meaning, I extend myself, I apply myself in something of worth and if He desires me else where then He will re-direct me! I must step out of the boat, making choices based on my relationship with Him, based on knowing His plan, based on knowing His goal of sharing LOVE with this world! Meaning, we align ourselves with the Lord, then we begin to emulate and see things through His eyes... previously all we saw was our personal objectives! So, if I extend myself in Love, with purpose & intent, then I am at least bringing worth, purpose, and fruit to my life.
We await His path, His leading, but like the disciples He said to "Go Out" and make fishers of Men... meaning, go out and Live a life of purpose... I will take care of You! "Pick Up Your Cross and Follow Me"... don't let circumstances keep you from a life of worth, don't let doubt and fear keep you from Your Purpose!
My goal is never to offend, or speak for the Lord, but to evoke thoughts and share some of the things the Lord puts on my heart! Life is wide open, many decisions to be made, and many we will probably screw up a little... We have already been given Grace! Get up, dust off, and move forward! The fact that we are seeking His will, His answer, and His path says we are already headed in the right direction! If needed He'll re-direct or move the mountains in front of us!! We just have to extend ourselves to accomplish our goals in this world!

Good day & God Bless,

Monday, March 24, 2014

Welcome Home...

On a different note,

Whether it's the prodigal son, whether it's vacation, or just coming back to get some rest... We All need to regroup and recoil back to our home! Our home... our place of  rest.. our place of focus.. and our place of fulfillment! This can be mentally, spiritually, physically and even figuratively! It is a place in our heart, it is a conscious choice of where we allow our walls to come down and seek an opportunity to be replenished!
For me, I have moved many times in my life, so I learned that my Home is no longer specific 4 walls... but a place I have chosen as my place of rest. I can remember living in studio apartments, but still desiring that solace when coming home from work or vacation. Couldn't wait to return to my place of comfort, constant and security. As I got older I began to realize that place had much less to do with the structure... it was a place that I held dear and kept the things important to me. That feeling was even more compounded when I began to enrich my spiritual foundation.
Once I was willing to give my life over to the One who created it, I relinquished the sense of ownership and responsibility to the physical things of this world. I realized that if my spirit, my heart and my sense of security were founded in something solid, dependable and consistent that my life would be much more stable. I am no longer tied to the things of this world, but thankful for the things I have been provided! It truly changes ones perspective... and allows us to find comfort not weight in our day to day lives!
My wife is also a gift I find solace in... and when our life gets crazy, we seek focus time to get re-grounded in our marriage. It is my home also! We are daily making decisions, we are daily having to chase life just to keep up, and a lot of times being reactive to the craziness that is Life!! We need to find rest, we need a stable foundation and we must make the choice to replenish our spiritual & physical supplies.
Doesn't it feel amazing to come home? To walk in to the arms of comfort, security, and familiarity? We need to find that place spiritually, physically & mentally/Emotionally! This will keep us grounded and focused on the things that are truly important! And if You can invest in that spiritual residency, it will allow you the freedom to find it at all times in any location!!

Good day & God Bless,

Friday, March 21, 2014

Backstage Snapshot...

On a different note,

Well friends, it's Friday!! Typically one could stop right there and have said a mouthful! It has been a week of rest & recovery for me after a very busy performance schedule last week at Bikeweek in Daytona. BIG Love to my family for being supportive & graceful in those trying times. It is a group effort no doubt, and I do not forget what they put into my music career. Couldn't do it without them... wouldn't want to!
It becomes evident at times that the world might have a perception of the music world, or at least the "Show" side of it. It's a pretty incredible thing to see what goes on before, during & after a show from a mechanical, emotional, and organizational perspective. There are so many small aspects that have such an impact on the show the world sees from the front of the stage! I can honestly laugh at myself thinking of how frustrated we can be literally moments before rocking out for a few hours! Let's be honest that it's a bunch of type A guys, so the fact there is strife at times would be par for the course!
You hear the term Chemistry when it comes to bands and music in general. I believe it refers to various areas of the union. Musically all must be lock step and on the same note... literally! But to withstand the trials that come with a Group of people, there must be a lot of grace, love, forgiveness and short term memory! Let me give You a few examples of the little things that could throw off a show... Set List: Someone has to create a list of songs, in order, and factoring in style, tempo, key and such. Batteries: Have the equipment we use is run off batteries, and must be changed each show. Ergo, if we forget batteries, we have a problem Houston!
Those were just a couple examples... minute details that go into us getting onstage and have a Great time with You! I'll say this too... Once that curtain drops, most of the frustration, issues, and whatever fade immediately! Seeing those smiling faces and getting into the music takes us to another place! The little stuff doesn't matter... and we can smile, laugh, and feel Amazing after the show... The lessons this has taught me...
Yes, small issues can have a large impact... Yes, it's Ok to get fired up and concerned about your Product and the things that have an affect on your life... Yes, we MUST give Grace in order to co-exist as we ALL have our Moments! And Yes, have short term memory as it will serve you well to Not carry the weight of this world very long!
I am beyond blessed & thankful to be performing, singing and writing music!! Not a day goes by that I don't that the Lord for this incredible gift & opportunity! Hopefully for some of You this was at least informational.. maybe even comical! Trust me, it is funny at times!! We take ourselves WAY to seriously! HEHEHE

Good day & God Bless,

Monday, March 17, 2014

St. Patrick's story...

On a different note,

The lore of St. Patrick stems from a boy kidnapped and brought to Ireland only to find the Lord during this time. As an adult, he became a priest to serve the Lord and converted many of the Irish people to Christianity. Of course we know the green came from the Shamrock, but what an interesting underlying story. That when one is Lost, they became found... that in the midst of heartache, they find fulfillment. I would venture to say, this is the story for most of us!
So, in theory... St. Patrick was at a place of desperation, loneliness, and probably feeling without options. He was in a strange land, taken by force, and realistically no clue as to how to get home. I can tell you, I felt this very same way when I found the Lord. For most of us, when we are strong, successful, or life is going well we tend to forget our blessings... we disregard the leading of the Lord cause "We got this!". Couple that with free will and you have a recipe for a disaster waiting to happen. Pride before the fall they say!
The Lord is always with us... waiting on Us... allowing us freedom to choose our own path. So, He waits.. til we fall... for some like me, over & over! Until we finally look up and seek Him, His Intercession, and His Love, Grace & Mercy! So, we are all similar to St. Patrick by way of getting to the end of our rope... realizing there is but once source, one answer and one solution! Whether someone is in jail, kidnapped, or just feeling the weight of this lonely world... the Lord is there and He provides fulfillment!
So, I applaud the celebration of this Journey... too bad most have never heard this story. As I believe it to be quite pertinent to the lot of us these days. We ALL will endure such trials, and hopefully we'll all end at the same conclusion! I was Lost, but now I am found!! I know it was my pride that kept me from finding the Lord sooner! I have Yet to look back and regret my path of Faith! I pray for those that are still lost, and enduring incredible trials... I pray they find clarity & enlightenment, and thus making a dark place bright!

Good day & God Bless... oh, and Happy St. Patty's day!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

The Midst of Crazy...

On a different note,

Well, this week has been crazy... the joy's of being a father, husband, full time employee, original song writer, and band front man... Oh yes! Now, this is something we juggle pretty good most of the time. But when things arise like Bikeweek Daytona 2014... that tends to throw a curve ball into the equation! I am so fortunate to be in an Great band, who gets to perform on the biggest stages at Bikeweek... being part of the action... being a Maestro to mayhem! (Not bad, just made that up!)!!
But these times require stability... spiritually, physically, emotionally... and relation-ally. To have the stamina to perform at a high level for 6 shows at 4 hours each takes preparation... eating right, working out, drinking water, etc... Spiritually, knowing that it's gonna be crazy, knowing it's gonna be hectic, and prepare for the busyness... And of course remembering it's a short time, that it will pass! These things allow for a more pleasant experience, versus getting caught up and realistically feeling the repercussions for long after the party stops!
For me, my marriage is such a significant aspect of who I am, that it must also be accounted for. I have an amazing, gracious, forgiving, flexible wife in Joy... but that last thing I want to do is take advantage of that! So, I am sure to communicate with her at all times, as well as allow her to be part of the festivities. I share life with her, and none of this would be anything without her! When I'm on stage singing to the masses, she still grabs my attention and I always find her in the crowd! Oh, how I love singing to her!
It's a sense of prioritization... Life should be run the same way, as best we can.  When we can acknowledge life is a journey, and there will be the valley's & mountain tops, it gives us a sense of perspective. Having the ability to focus and know where your foundation lies and what is truly important!
Wish me luck...hehehe... another wknd of shows is upon us! I am beyond thankful for these opportunities!! Lord give me strength and give me the opportunity to give You the Glory!

Good day & God Bless,

Monday, March 10, 2014

Win with Honor...

On a different note,

Just finished a 3 day wknd at Bikeweek... 3 shows on the biggest stages in Daytona, at the biggest biker event in the world! This is our 3rd year playing Main St. for all the world to see... I still get excited, giddy and humbled at the opportunity to share the stage with some Incredible musicians! I Mean AMAZING! I find myself star struck at times, in awe of those guys around me! I hope to never out grow that feeling, or to take such a gift, blessing and opportunity for granted!
There is so much value in being a person of humility. It runs much deeper than the worldly description or definition. Pride before the fall they say... the damage that is done by being led by our personal gratification is immense. Being humble in the Blessings we are provided  allows for the opportunity to give praise, credit and Glory to the one who gave you the opportunity to begin with!! As you have read my previous posts, we must come to a place of recognition that this Life is in the hands of our Creator. We have choices to make, but If we're willing to give Him the lead, watch out! Humility allows Him to lead us down a path paved with Gold!
If we look at humility from a more human perspective... We all share this great earth as one body, we are all equals in the eyes of God. If we take our victories at personal conquests we are missing the Joy, fulfillment, & true victory in accomplishment! We all want to feel the power in Success, but don't we want to share it with those around us? Do we think gloating is going to allow others to celebrate with us? Like the Lord, we must choose to let others in... let others share our joys, pains, up & downs... Pride only keeps people out! The "I Got This", or "I DID THIS" mentality only alienates. It takes a village to raise an idiots...LOL... honestly, it takes so many people to accomplish any of our goals, so, let's celebrate together!
Most arguments are rooted in the desire for someone to be heard, validated or just needing to get their personal view out there! Does anyone win in a battle over opinion? Do You think anyone ever argued the case for Christ and changed someone's heart by pushing, pressing and being prideful?
Here's a cool fact... Since None of Us are worthy, All of us are just as worthy! Dwell on that for a second! God has a plan, and He uses the weak to show the strong that is bigger than these worldly standards! Be excited for the little things, the opportunities and of course the BIG things! Do it with Love, thankfulness & honor!

Good day & God Bless,

Friday, March 7, 2014

Quiet Place...

On a different note,

I am what You might call "High Strung" at times... ya know, Type A, Go Getter, & Crazed member of this society! I have been this way as long as I can remember... I apologize to my parents yet Again! When I read the word "Peace" I honestly go immediately to "Not war"... Meaning, not in the middle of strife, confrontation, or some type pf ordeal. The idea of rest, tranquility and such is a bit foreign to me... I haven't led much of a peaceful life! But I will say, that I am learning to find those quiet times... and that I have felt Peace in my heart, mind & body, I crave it!
As I grew spiritually, I began living by Faith... Trust... and you relinquish certain levels of control to the Lord versus carrying the weight of the word. So, the weight being lifted from my heart & mind truly made me feel a breath of fresh air... I found some peace!! It was very unorthodox for sure, and I think because of my Go Go life style, it was a welcome change. I'm sure that why it was much easier for to relinquish control of my life and "Let go and Let God"... Cause to be brutally honest, I was tired of carrying it!!
I think one of the hardest things for people to do is give up control or to let go... We gotta keep our stuff!! Yet, that is the very Stuff that is weighing us down! Letting go of the attachment to things of this world truly free's up valuable energy, focus and emotions (Worrying, Anxiety, Frustration). Then we might actually have the opportunity to find rest in our heart & minds!
For a few years now, the Lord has provided me a safe haven... a place where I can go, and find complete rest, comfort, and literally a place that I immediately let go. My wife Joy is a gift from God... a gift I cherish so very much! Am I deserved of such a gift, NO way! I am far from worthy, but It will keep me at a place of protecting it! Now, if I had not allowed the Lord to change my heart, If I had not relinquished certain things in my life, there is No way I would be able to appreciate my place of rest, never mind actually rest at all!
We all need rest... this world keeps us on the go, busy, mentally challenged... thus we have to find a place of solitude, a place to turn off and replenish our souls! It may seem foreign to some, like it did for me... but I promise you it will change your perspective, outlook and day to day living! The only way we can find peace is to let go and have faith! Doesn't mean you stop living, doesn't mean You stop making decisions... it means You are letting go of the weight of it! I seek the Lord daily, I ask for His guidance, I follow His lead... My decisions have Now become less weighted!! I have peace that He will lead me down the path He made just for me!

Good day & God Bless,

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Status Quo...

On a different note,

We all know the social pressures we all face... shoot, it starts back in grade school... all of us feeling the weight of fitting in, saying the right stuff, wearing the right clothes, etc... the list is honestly endless. Even in music, it becomes so easy to be average... meaning, people fall into a very comfortable, easy, duplicated, similar styles, instead of pushing through to new heights. As an individual, an artist, a father, a wife, and so on... We All must determine the path we follow. Are we going to follow the masses, or truly stop and make conscious choices on who we desire to be?
It's so easy to fit in... to play the game... to be "Status Quo"... The funny thing is, we grow, stretch, & challenge ourselves when we step outside this box. Conformity has it's place in society, but have you noticed it's those who cut new paths that are exceeding. As an example, Inventors... they are willing to try new things, to not totally rely on previous actions... Scientists, seeking answers, refining answers, and proving them in... We have to continually challenge ourselves Not to get too complacent... Not to be sheep or cattle following the herd. Even as a believer, my walk is different than those around me. I must take accountability for ME, my challenges, my issues, my choices, and seek out the ways to be decisive in my daily life!
For me, it's almost like I was God's test lab... I've been to many places, many situations, incredible heights, dark lows, etc... I have seen all walks, and I have failed at many things, enough to now have His words resonate in my heart & head. I was allowed to search this world for fulfillment... I was allowed to live for ME, and like the prodigal son I came back. It taught me to stop, slow down and listen to the spirit inside of us. To stop and make conscious choices, decisions and truly decide the path we are willing to take. As WE have to endure which ever route we choose to venture down. To look around this world, seeing the pain, suffering, loneliness, emptiness, fruitlessness, etc... it was an eye opener! I was Not happy living by the worlds standards! Not even remotely! Ergo, my choices began to change when my eyes were opened!
As a believer, I began to notice the contradiction in society versus what I knew in my heart. My desires changed, my choices changed, and ready... My Life Changed! I often challenge you to be aware, conscious, with intent, because we ALL get comfortable... But we cannot stay in this place for long! We lose purpose if we do... WE must take a stand, make a choice and live this life with intent.. as it was intended to be! God has a plan & a path... We must seek it out, so that means searching outside the 'Know" we already have! Not putting our life or God in a box!! Limiting the power of our success! You ready

Good day & God Bless,

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

On Bended Knee...

On a different note,

It's hard for most of us to be willing to show weakness or vulnerability as it goes against our nature to be overly submissive... at least in the public eye. The thought of relinquishing power or control makes most of us uncomfortable and some down right angry! Through out the Bible the analogy of being on our knees is prevalent... rightly so! Figuratively & Physically it is a sentiment we should all learn to be "Ok" with...
If you think about some examples by which we are "Ok" with being on our knees... One might get on one knee to propose, thus a symbol of submitting Our heart to the one we Love & Cherish. One might kneel down to be knighted, again a sign of Honor & Respect. And when we have hit rock bottom, we typically physically or emotionally fall to our knees. This of course is out of desperation, a place of brokenness and a desire to receive assistance. All these aspects are the same reason we should be comfortable in seeking the same things in our life!
I am willing to get on my knee's physically as a reflection and representation of my respect & adoration of the One who truly holds the key to my fulfillment and sustenance. I am also constantly getting on my knee's emotionally, internally being conscious of my Provider and that I must be the one to submit and seek out His intercession.
If I am not willing to submit to my Wife, how do I expect to love her, cherish her and lift her up above all the other women in my life? Being willing to submit means there is a level of trust, faith & belief in knowing you will be taken care of... an acknowledgement & representation of our willingness to put trust and hope in the hands of those who Love us!
The reality of the situation is that we are human and we have all been burned. So, to be willing to get on our knee's takes focus, effort and a conscious decision... Not an easy one! This is one of the most difficult hurdles for most in their spiritual walk and relationships. Submitting to a path of righteousness, submitting to the idea that life isn't "All about Me", and the submitting to our relationships thus creating a bond of Biblical proportions.
I've often told people that You don't need to get on your knee's in front of me, or a church, or anyone unless that is for you. But in our hearts, in our relationships, and inside of US I hope we can be willing to submit daily to the core aspects of our walk! Love, Grace, Faith, Intercession, Mercy, Forgiveness, and so on...

Good day & God Bless,

Monday, March 3, 2014

Express Yourself...

On a different note,

I love going to places, cities, events with the opportunities to see different types, walks, styles of people... Seeing individual persona's and the way they carry themselves... for some reason, my artistic side finds comfort in non-conformity! I've been setting trends for many years, not sure where it came from... I guess the Lord wanted to have some fun & let loose a bit with me! Either way, I relish the thought, representation & expression that each of us has the opportunity to do!
Most of the time we look around the world we live, and it's pretty normal... people tend to emulate what is around them.... We are creatures of survival, adaptation and self preservation. Just like animals in the wild, they have to blend at times as a form of protection. Sometimes it just becomes the Norm, or easiest path as well. Any & all of us fall into this at least some of the time. But there should be times we decide to break through the NORM and maybe try and find & reflect the Real us that lurks inside! There is a confidence that comes from being what & who you were created to be! The person You see in the mirror, versus who they think they see in the world!
Confidence comes from security... so for us, we must find that place of being secure in who we are. Following that spirit inside of us... leading us... inspiring us... and redirecting us. I like to think if we live life on purpose, we shouldn't have to regret very often. Taking the time to choose our path, and listen to the Spirit and live a life of intent! That's the security we need to be confident! "Who am I?" is the question we all should be asking!
In music there is a chord structure by which all songs have been created. Chances are, most songs utilize the same 4 or 5 chords, thus it's not creating a brand new system, but putting a spin, style, & unique interpretation of the underlying structure. It's the same for our style or individualism! For some of us, it might just be a splash of something, or a personal expression of a common theme. This doesn't mean you have to change your wardrobe... but it doesn't mean You can't start either! I'm speaking to YOU, the real You, and for you to find yourself, express yourself, and live a life of Intent!

Good day & God Bless,