On a different note,
The weekend is here, and outside of any shows it's time to determine how to spend our time. Something I remember not doing a very good job at in my younger years, was choosing who to invest my time in. As we've talked about before, time is the most valuable commodity we have. It fades quickly, and we cannot get it back! Thus, we better make sure we're using it wisely!!
I can look back and see people in my life that seemed to of drained more energy, than provided. This of course doesn't mean they were bad people, or not worthy, it more reflect the sentiment of reciprocation. No relationship can survive without "Reciprocation"... Two sides investing in the bond. So, with time being of the essence, we should be wise in who... and how we navigate our relationships.
When I surround myself with sacrificial friends, ones who sincerely care about my well being... it is invigorating!! Never mind me getting around people who actually understand LOVE and the Lord's desires for our lives. It lifts me up emotionally & spiritually! Positive reciprocation!! WOO HOO!! LOVE IT, Need it, Want it!!
But there is the other side, and this post is a call to awakening for all of us! We must make the choice as well to be a good spouse, friend, family member in order to expect our relationship to be fruitful! We are all planting seeds, and people around us are planting seeds... by which the Lord, and His love can grow in to the communities we reside. Choose to lift others up, and surround yourself with people who truly care and are willing & able to invest in You! If not, you will feel depleted, drained, empty, lonely, and so on... this in turn will affect your physical being, mental state, and spiritual journey!
We must arise each day with a new focus, new plan of action, and with Love in our hearts! It is absolutely infectious, and it should be important! Time is NOW... Live life, and enjoy it!!
Good day & God Bless,
So true my brother….thanks for sharing!